So now that the dust has settled, what is the final say on this man; is he our guy or just another attention-seeking e-thot?
So now that the dust has settled...
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He has some good videos. Mostly a D&C fag with crazy ideas like Neanderthals were pure nords
can't flarg the varg
He seems like the kooky older brother of Sup Forums that you visit sometimes but don't keep in constant contact with.
snownigger LARPagan
proxy shitposter on Sup Forums
Varg is autistic, and I suspect he has severe mental problems. This is especially highlighted by the fact that he literally killed someone. Varg is an actually murderer. He also believes in Paganism which is retarded. Apparently he believes that Zeus is on top of a mountain somewhere and he’s the one causing lightening. Varg is a snow nigger. He is probably inbred as well.
based muslim turks
he is not a nice man
Varg always will be a great guy
He's great. I loved his music when I was a teenager (still like it quite a bit), and he's one of the most redpilled people out there, even if I don't agree with him on a number of things. Cool guy; A+ imo.
He’s an e celeb and should be treated as such
Varg literally did nothing wrong.
He's genuinely trying to help.
Whereas you believe in a talking snake.
He is a talking snek
Attention-seeking Heidinigger terrified of irrelevance in the modern world. Last decent record was in the 90's. Broke his own rule and made shit records using a "nigger instrument". Embarassment.
He speaks only the truth. Like a true Druid/Shaman would.
Euronymous really had it coming. Guy is living the dream now
More than an e-celeb as he doesn't accept money for his videos, instead he sells real products like his board game.
the judeochristian mutt is offended of course
The most important thing about varg is that he lives what he preaches. Therefore he is different to other attention seeking e-celebs
>Last decent record was in the 90's
if you don't enjoy black metal then yeah i guess you'd think that
Literal KANG with less melanin
Height of that scope, what a mess
Agreed on everything except the album. Belus and Fallen were bangers.
he's actually one of the few eceleb who actually live according to what he preaches and for that he get props
>Literal liar
They get btfo when they atttack his ideas. They get btfo when they attack his family.
So they resort to lying. Kek.
Filthy (((globalists)))
>Apparently he believes that Zeus is on top of a mountain somewhere and he’s the one causing lightening.
He has stated multiple times that he doesn't literally believe in the gods as physical beings that exist. Try watching his videos intead of judging him by biased secondhand information.
>be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band
>Kill a guy because of your paranoid schizophrenia
>spend years hard time in jail like a nigger
>released from jail
>marry young stupid autistic girl who for some reason likes you
>have 5 kids you cant adequately support like a literal nigger
>support using welfare
>live in a shit shack in france with no bathroom and running water like a literal nigger
>excuse for this is you want to live more "simple off the grid life" despite still using internet
>claim to be a farmer but cant farm for shit (like a nigger)
>make excuses talking out your ass about how fruit trees cant handle the sunlight of france (there are literal flourishing fruit groves in flordia)
>make more excuses about snails and vermin eating your plants and saying "oh this is nature, we wont do anything about it"
>larp as a viking in the woods (like a literal autist)
>make failing dungeons and dragons copy
>become one of the most historically illiterate youtube personalities to ever exist
>make retarded claims such as that autistic people are more empathetic, that europeans are 100% neanderthal, and were all blonde
>ban people on youtube when they call you out on your retarded theories
why the fuck does anyone take varg seriously. He is by far one of the most retarded people I ever listened to. yet some people on here seem to worship him and buy into his absolutely retarded ideas.
also let me know if I forgot anything in the greentext there is just too much
The fuck?
tactical sportco see through rings
>plays stupid
Boy do I HATE jews
He BTFO magic sandnigger in space-lovers on the daily. He has my axe.
>aussie flag
go away
Loved everything up until the keyboard pish. "Lords of Chaos" didn't help, really ramped up his cognitive dissonance.
I found them to be weak rehashes of former glories. Remembering them glorious "Aske" days...
You still have yt to formulate an argument. Just give up.
>the power of jewish IQ
Filosofem and the song Det Som Engang Var are his only good stuff pre-prison
/our/ guy
I like Varg, I’ve been watching his videos for years
He has some weird beliefs though and I’d probably wouldn’t want to meet him in person
Link original video now.
Total fag.
Will shit on Christians, never mentions Mudslimes
A typical edgy leftist of today
daily reminder that either you choose to hate (((them))) or keep supporting (((capitalism)))
Basically liked all the pre-prison stuff, then he got a bit confused...recently sold his keyboard records. Feel better now.
Chrstians are the ones who burned little white kids and women for being "witches"
They also took white kids (exclusively) to the monestaries. (They raped them)
He speaks what he knows to be the truth, like a true Druid or Shaman would.
Aside from the fact he murdered someone his whole schtick is "we wuz pagans and shiet", hardly worth listening to. I just feel sorry for his kids, they're going to grow up to be either awful people are emotionally fucked in the head.
Link original video kike
>it was self defense and his kids seem better than public schooled brainwashed kids desu
Homeschool your kids
I see the Varg fan boys shills are out in full force tonight
I see the hook nosed tay sachs niggers are out in force tonight
welcome to Sup Forums
trump is /ourguy/
The two first are basically confirmed.
is the original video you brainlet mutt
Nope It was self defense and no one has ever proven he set anything on fire
Heathens fucked AND sacrificed kids. To make the sun come up and shit. Way to build a lasting civilization...
kek post more memes faggot
Varg is king of Sup Forums and he did nothing wrong.
I love Christ and I love the old Gods. I can't choose.
A-are you defending people who kill and rape kids?
Really makes me think desu
I really don't think I did.
90% of homeschooled kids I’ve met have been literal autists.
Isn't circumcision now a christian thing?
>Lets chop of the head of this little goys dick
You did retard
It's a kike and Muslim thing
I used to like the old Gods, but they had an awful tendency to demand human sacrifice. Plus, Christ underpinned the best bits of The British Empire.
Implying they dont
I can do this all night
Be like Tolkien.
Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire, Hail odin sire,
Christianity is the third branch of that religion. All of it is semetic btw.
I really didn't you know. Simply not that into human sacrifice as a social norm, kinda goes without saying that pedophilia should be punishable by death, at least where I come from.
Christ is the Way, the Light, and the Truth.
Varg is fake and gay
I named my cat Varg. Vargs a cool cat.
Spot on.
I have a lot of pictures. Reply to me again kike.
i think hes probs a bit autistic
(((The British Empire))) was a Jew ran operation. 99% of those back in the homeland didn't see a dime of the plunder coming in from overseas because it went in the coffers of Jews, as was always intended. Anglos and Britons were used like slaves and they get all of the blame pinned on them.
Redpill me on Tolkien.
And who you are to judge? Some pope or sumthing?
New Testament is written mostly by Greek influence, therefore not semetic faggot
not mutually exclusive
also, no bump
whatever helps you sleep kike worshiper
What is that even supposed to be?
Varg is ok, but I detest his straightedgeness.
To be fair, I said "the best bits".
Varg the strong viking pagan, goes to the welfare line for his gib me dats. Hes a white welfare nigger.
You know
>Rainbow flag
Enjoy hell Sodomite
He has autism spectrum disorder
Lower empathy
Higher intelligence
Inability to go with the "zeitgeist" due to a lack of social awareness
Tends to express emotions through violence
Prone to obsession, usually related to acts of violence
Difficulty with following rules
Difficulty with dominance hierarchies and authority
Avoids social situations and society alltogether
Look at his face. The wide eyes and thick lips in a neutral "alert" expression are an autist-in-youth giveaway. As autists age, they develop a perpetual emotionless frown like he has now, and tend to disregard their appearance and look like bums. Like he's done now.
He has an autistic wife because that's all an autist can get
Kinda off topic, but it bothers me when peggins use the term "kike" to describe Christ. Look up the history of the word, it makes zero sense using it in that context.
NOT OUR GUY. Talks a load of nonsense a few good points emerge amongst the shit he talks but over all fuck him.
He is a murderer.
You know.
If it's regarding (((ss))), I surely fucken' do...he's the head of the pedo snake...
Gas yourself jew lover
Not much red-pilling, I just meant that Tolkien was inspired by Norse mythology for a lot of his writing, but he was a devout Christian. It's ok to enjoy the pagan stories, but just understand that they're fake.
>Being anti-Christ just like the modern kikes