Make one with a baby crucified on a rabbi.
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I'm not sure I get the bottom left one. Is that Latin American organ harvesting? I thought that was principally practiced on adults.
Abortion doctor
Rabbis can marry, and aren't known for child molesting unlike cathocucked priests.
Flag checks out.
Yes, it means I have some kind of education unlike the average American.
Israeli doctor, Palestinian child?
Aborted children aren't put in cooling boxes.
As a culture, we would sooner study the evolution of obscure south american opiliones than give one shit about the culture of a race of monsters. All we need to know about them is known:
They destroy civilizations.
>Rabbis can marry, and aren't known for child molesting
>rabbis can't marry or have children
Be careful of your 'jokes' because Karma is a bitch.
children have healthier organs, not ruined by drugs, alcohol and STDs yet
It's organ harvesting from kids
Prob southeast Asian
One of the cringiest things I've seen for a while
They're not, cherrypicking cases and putting an unrelated picture of a random 3year old don't make a trend.
Catholics on the other hand have a long tradition
I wasn't talking about molesting, you idiot.
>Catholics on the other hand have a long tradition.
Speaking of long traditions, this one pic related is at least 3k years old.
Posting more.
>dad's taking their daughters to disney land
I dont get it
Part of my penis is missing
How is the tourist in the center top killing anyone? Did his daughter get skin cancer from playing in tropical locales?
Technically A Wyatt drew that in the 20th century.
The Jews stole my foreskin and sold it to old ladies as wrinkle cream so spare me the technicalities nerd.
He is your typical pedo from the west.
LOL Ronald McDonald?
That's anti-globalist, user.
Ikr ? That shit spread like wildfire on normiebook a while ago, especially after the last schoolshooting.
>Catholics on the other hand have a long tradition
of being infiltrated by baby raping crypto-kikes.
Those mouse costumes are scary?
>aborted children aren't put in cooling boxes
Tell that to the dead fetus I bring to work everyday in my lunchbox.
Hi Res picture plox?