I've been a part of Sup Forums since 2009 and have always frequented Sup Forums and Sup Forums (years ago before it just sucked) - and I still don't get the Jew hate.. I know the edgy Nazis want to hate Jews... I'm not even Jewish but it seems like the hate is the control they exert on financial systems. Anyone with a solid explanation?
What's with Jewish hate here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Here you go faggot, don't say we didn't warn you
Why do Jews hate and want to enslave us is the better question.
easy target
Why the homophobia?
>In before "You're crazy", "this is all fake", "they earned it" or "dangerous thoughts like this lead to the Holocaust"
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.
"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter. Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.
"With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi.
With the Jews, you lose.
even if you don't agree with the hate, i'm sure you understand it. why are you pretending not to understand it? must be a slide thread.
Ant picture too hard to read learn resolution day
Literally none of those people have any impact on me... But that's more a red pill/blue pill dichotomy than an anti Jewish one. I'm not a communist my picture was just a silly one. I'm closer to ancap than anything.
I don't understand that.
There is nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Yeah it seems obvious that progressives need the support of other races to even have a chance. That's an IQ problem with other races, not with Jewish people.
So is Judaism a race or a religion?
Zoom in with your browser faggot. Also, media does impact you, becaus what affects society at large affects the individual, stupid fucking lolbert
Last redpill, sage this gay thread
They're sneaky as fuck. It's like they want chaos and destruction. That's what irks me about them in general.
But, I don't hate them. I just think their survival strategy is short-sighted and self-destructive. They seem to have inflated ego which drives them to be irrational. They're like the antithesis of Buddhist monks.
I don't mind people trying to ensure their prosperity and survival, but what the jews tend to do is like the long-term "biting of the hand that feeds" that niggers in Africa do.
Their increased intelligence without self control leads to trouble.
Doesn't matter, it's a collecive identity that Jews use to push their agenda
No the resolution sucks you dumb nigger.
Do you actually believe every Jew shares an agenda or is it just the ones in power?
I really don't... It's ethnic warfare in a world where actual warfare is never committed against Jews except by Muslims which Sup Forums also hates, and for good reason in that case.
Degenerate phoneposter detected. I'm not wearing my glasses and I can read it fine on my 20 in. laptop monitor.
Nepotism. Jews help other jews and never fight or undercut each other. Even the supposed """based""" jews are merely playing our side against themselves to subvert our ideology
Use a PC with a proper monitor u fag.
Subterfuge and actual power and control over economics shows that they have already beaten the "superior race" so you're fighting back against something that currently exists by posting on an imageboard. That's sad.
And I'm on a laptop and still can't read shit but my eyes are shit so we can let that go. Post a higher resolution picture if you want me to get it.
I'm white and want to remain white and even though society as a whole may have opinions that are controlled by Jews I don't really give a fuck day to day... Why does Sup Forums
I can read that fine.
Read culture of critique.
I should also point out, I've never seen anyone in Israeli military forces that I did not like.
50% controlled opposition, 50% enlightened researchers
Jesus. Fox news might not be so bad after all.
If the truth makes someone money, it'll never be good.
We care because unlike you, we're racially aware. Sure, niggers and spics fight amongst themselves, but come election day, they all vote Democrat. Why? Because it's in their best intetest to keep the gibs flowing. By infiltrating and subverting the public school system, jews have managed to indoctrinate racial awareness out of whites. But thanks to the internet, whites are allowed to speak freely among each other about topics such as race, religion, the JQ, etc
That's what Sup Forums is doing. Were fighting a war of ideology against the people who've kept us silent for so long. And slowly but surely, we're winning. Look at Trump, AfD, we've shifted the Overton Window so far to the right that it's no longer unacceptable to discuss ethno-nationalism in the public sphere (atleast, in free countrys that don't have (((hate speech laws))) )
Look at the comments on any social media. The message is getting out ther. People are waking up.
So long pal, and don't forget, you're here forever.
basically, it is foolish to assume that political Judaism does not exist. Judaism, much like Islam, implies a sort of political agency, if the person is indeed executing their faith properly.
Hating on working class jews I think is idiotic but thinking some Jews in power do not have political agency is equally foolish, I believe.
>Look at Trump
>Due process later
>Anti free trade
You guys are as fucking dumb as the niggers you hate for being dumb.
>I've been a part of Sup Forums since 2009
And this too.
If a people feel threatened by something, they're well within their right to mount a defense and and offense against the attacker.
This too goes with the overall jewish egotism. They think they're above criticism and being attacked. OH NO MOTHERFUCKERS. You push and people will push back. Fight, but don't expect quarter when you have to pay. If I only had about 30-50 million out of 7 billion members, I wouldn't be an antagonist. That ain't logical at all.
Fuckers need to learn some humility. Likely, mother nature will be the one to dish it out like it always does.
>Free trade
(((Globalist))) NWO scam to outsource more jobs to China
>Dure process later
Trump backed off after having a conversation with some NRA guys
Trump is a zionist however, all politicians are. That being said, 2015 was just a small part of the bigger picture.
>If a people
Aw look you think you have friends.
Oh right we should only trade with our own country which would be totally free to business owners.
Its this attitude which is letting us win. You think we are isolated even now as we surround you guns drawn.
>Surround you guns drawn
Yeah ok I'm in the open smoking a cigarette as white dude who is not Jewish and no guns are around me except the one I own. It's super obvious you're having an impact you dumb larper
>Strawman Arguement
Gas yourself. China has 1.3 billion people who are willing to work for next to nothing in horrible conditions. You would have to be pants-on-head fucking retarded to let goods come and go with no strings attached.
>he hasnt seen the massive cultural shift
Willing blindness user-kun.
been on the site for 9 years and not been redpilled
fuck off newfag
I don't, really.
The desire to live is strong though, and people will do what it takes to survive, unless hopelessness or laziness take hold.
When the desire to survive becomes entwined with ego without self control, the result is destruction 100% of the time. It might take decades or centuries, or even millennia to come to fruition but the end result is the same.
Thousand of years are a blink in time. In the long term, jews are self-destructive. They have the intelligence(as a people) without the tempering required to wield that intelligence.
You can't just have smarts without proper controls. It's like doing speed without self control. Your ego and hedonistic side take over and you self destruct.
Discipline and vigilance are God.
Dont do it. Dont summon the preg ann frank poster!
Jews don't control the world as Sup Forums thinks. They do however play a dominant role in degeneration of our society and are definitely a cancer that should be wiped out. All civilizations throughout history hated Jews, this is no coincidence
>before it just sucked
Fucking newfag
See, even people who dont agree fully with us still like the idea of dead jews.
Every group of people hates kikes.
So yeah, we just have to tap into that hate and no more kikes.
Its a totally achievable goal.
What the actual fuck am I looking at here.
Only the stormfags blow the Jew hate way out of proportion. As a white nationalist I don't like the Jews either and recognize them for the lying manipulative scum that they are, but at the same time I ultimately just want to be left alone to pursue my own goals. If the Jews all want to live in Israel and stay out of Western affairs I'd have no problems letting them do their own thing. It's only when they meddle that things become difficult. Regardless, ultimately our goal should be centered around cultivating a white identity and a white racial consciousness. We need to step up and fix ourselves before we worry about the Jews or anybody else.
>No the resolution sucks you dumb nigger.
/new/ in its prime
because most of them are normies waking up not nazis
They will never stop.
Even if we isolate them they wont stop.