What's he up to?
What's he up to?
who is that
enjoying retirement?
Being a nigger
sucking his wife's cock
Obama is the greatest president in the history of the United Stated of America. It wasn't until his election that I was actually proud to be an American.
who cares
shitposting on Sup Forums
Still living in Trumpcucks' heads RENT FREE as he relaxes all day and realizes the backlash against Trump is going to be a Blue Tsunami.
Being an idiot cuck.
Working on a show idea with Michelle for Netflix. I'm an ardent conservative but will probably watch it, he was a decent leader compared to the Trump/Trudeau caliber we have now.
Apart from that, back at the CIA working on the next gig I would guess?
Obama was a fantastic president in all truth.
Whatever the strings tell him.
Son of a goat herder becomes potus
Regretting backing Hillary. Hillary cost Obama his legacy.
honestly apart from obama spying on people like he's big brother, him defending criminals like mike brown and trayvon martin, not doing anything to stabilize the ME after the arab spring, him being a muslim apologist, him not talking about anything to do with what the people wanted to talk about (like where he was born), basically creating isis, and letting hillary almost win the election he was a great president right???
Obama was a good president. So many soyboys are too cucked to admit it.
Being king of the jungle
the left can't meme but they sure know how to set us up to meme against them.
Up to no good. He's starting making trouble in the neighborhood!
his native american name is sitting duck
fuck off Michelle
Spent his entire last year in office obsessing over how trannies use the bathroom. America’s Trudeau.
Nothing. He isn't the president now
Hopefully drinking poison
Drinking and crying, after hearing today's announcement that Trump will meet Kim. He's realized that all of his "accomplishments" will mean NOTHING when Trump wins the Nobel peace prize for negotiating a truce between North and South Korea. His presidency will become a mere footnote in the history books, completely overshadowed by Trump's legacy of achieving world peace.
preparing his anus for prison as he realizes one card after another in his house of crime is crashing down.
Sucking his wife’s dick
He was the best black President America has ever had.