Why should these turbanators be respected
Redpill me on sikhs
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They are our brothers. We have bigger concerns, let us join blades
Sikh fuhk.
They see halal food as unclean.
I agree.
That's a Muslim. KYS faggot
You're a muslim, KYS yourself Homohummad
that's a muzzie
They're the only people that fought with us on both sides of the great brother wars. They get honorary status.
How do you know? Honest question
They hate muzzies. Nuff said
Majority voted for Brexit
The Sikhs used to be peaceful Hindus until repeated Muslim invasions caused them to take up arms and fight the Muslim horde forever.
We have a common enemy.
I can tell you three things about them, just by their name.
1. They're sikh
1. They're siiiiick.
4. They can sometimes get sick.
Sword bros are fiercely loyal. Theirs is an ethno religion based on the idea of one god. They don't take shit and hold tradition sacred. They were some of the best soldiers in the British Empire.
Ever heard of a sikh causing trouble in white society? Or are you really one of those text-book bigots who sees a turban and immediately presumes the worst?
Sikhs are one of the rare examples of functional multiculturalism: They dress weird, they come from somewhere else, believe in some obscure god(s?)...and get along fine. What's to hate?
Also, they hate muslims and the men are religiously obligated to carry ceremonial weapons for the sake of protecting themselves, especially from muslims historically speaking, which is always a bonus.
The only way you can hate sikhs is you are either a muslim or one of those knuckle-dragging rednecks who presume that turban=muslim and makes it into the papers for vandalising a sikh temple thinking it was a mosque.
I worked with some in Wolverhampton they were nice polite people and openly racist, there was a Nigger on the building site who could not keep up with us. The Sikh's used to say jokingly "Blacks can't work" kek.
Too many of them.
Some of the young lads can be trouble, but only in the "usual" ways. They tend to make a fair effort to integrate and assimilate, so having a few around doesn't really get on anyone's tits like it does with muzzies.
Their religion was founded on killing muslims
Because Sikhs don't want to kill the khuffar or convert everyone. They just want to worship their God and not get persecuted for it.
They sold glue and cigarettes to 10 year old kids when I was a lad.
Mussies in bandages m8
I used to go and buy tabs when I was a kid. The shopkeeper knew full well they were for my grandad.
This one knew exactly who was using them.
Young kids.
Not to worry, years later I shamed him, and his family, out of my suburb
They're ok dudes, but the whole sikh's are bros meme is probably what's garnished them so much hate. Sikh's are good at behaving and assimiliating into their respective societies to an extent, yet the also maintain the distinct sikh properties. They are good immigrants, but they don't need memes to bolster this status. Quite contrary, I feel as if positive memes about sikhs hurt them. To me it has something to do with appearance and simialarity with other cultures we have appropriately deemed hostile towards western civilization. As a whitey I feel like sikhs earn their "bro-tier" status by putting up with the shit they get for looking like muslims to the common folk. Overall I think sikhs are cool in that they are model immigrants, but any hate they get is also deserved when they are first generation immigrants. Thanks for reading!
Because they're allowed to carry weapons everywhere and aren't afraid to use them, but are only allowed to use them to defend themselves or others. On top of that, they hold the belief that most of the religions are at their roots peaceful and believe in the same God, but their followers simply misunderstand each other. Other than Muslims that is, who they view as barbaric savages and murderers bringing shame to Abraham. Overall they're pretty cool, somewhat weird and definitely quirky, but cool nonetheless.
They aight
Stop lying.
The style of the turban and the fact that he has a beard AND a stache. Muslims typically wear a different style of turban and most keep beards without mustaches because of the description of the prophet Muhammad (who had a beard without a mustache).
See these
Basically, they removed kebab before it was cool.
Sikh here ama
>Inb4 reddit.
Modern western sikhs are cancer who are no better than self hating cucked whites. From what ive observed, the all the major sikhs in western politics seem to be degenerate virtue signalling western sjw cucks since they "integrate" so well.
Linking western degenerate "sikhs" literal kufar.
They do not represent real sikhi. Westernized ones are cancer since the what they are born into is cancer being the west. The current state of it well, it was better 50 years ago.
Sikhs also want a sikh ethnostate, the hinjews dont let this happen because they dont want sikh independance. Hindus are jewy parasites.
Pic related: The last great Sikh leader who turned sikhs away from degeneracy but the hinjews were afraid of him and had him killed.
Bhindrawale was a terrorist, plain and simple. He thought that it would have been a great idea to be in cahoots with fucking Pakistan. Yeah, nice friendship there bud. And Khalistan would be a theocracy. Look at any theocracies worth living in and you'll get a ghost of an answer.
Fuck off you kekistani proxy hinjew.
theocracy is dead because of the jew. It will work if there are no jews or hinjews corrupting them.
Take off the meme flag, patel
They literally never cause problems for us. They also kebab scum with a passion and will not tolerate them in the slightest.
Sikhs = bro tier
Fuck off with the forced meme.
Sikhs in Hungry?? What?
Because Sikhism came from within them as opposed to the middle-east like Islam or Christianity, and they tend to be conservative, traditional, and disciplined. I respect them on those grounds. I wouldn't let my daughter date one, but I respect them and I wish them all the best.
They are generally nice people. Their places of worship (Gurudwara) serves free food to people of all religions and creeds and many also provide lodging to the needy. They also have a strong martial culture and have over-representation in the Indian army.
Never heard a bad thing about the Sikhs. It's a shame they get tarred with the dame brush as Muslims and Hindus.
Also they sometimes give free taxi rides to people.
They're not racists, only race realists
Dedicated followers of fashion
The Gurkas are death incarnate on the battlefield and they are our allies.
This is all irrelevant to the all white ethno state
Oh fuck you, Hindus respect Sikhs for removing kebab.
I have them in my uni. They act like any other indian, they smell real bad and there also lazy when it comes to studying, they usally copy other peoples work. They can also be quite creepy when it comes to women. There not that bad, they are just wired. They do have a cool culture, faith and history.
What exactly is the difference between Punjabis and Hindus ?
What uni?
La trobe melbourne
Never forgetti.
What exactly is the difference between Punjabis and Hindus ?
FUCK ME CUNT, BUNDOORA CAMPUS? I GO THERE ASWELL MARXIST HELLHOLE. Ive been going there for 2 weeks, havent met a decent person. Studying law.
Punjabis know where to poo
Same ive been here for 2 weeks and i have seen marxist posters everywhere. The labour students roam the agora like police.
Punjabi here, I have never seen anyone taking a shit on the streets in Punjab
Last week there were abo posters, stating "this is abo land". There are also ads everywhere looking for people to study anti semtism on the Internet
Literal faggots aye. And sluts everywhere aswell. I saw a tranny aswell (a man with facial hair dressed in a slutty one piece dress. Idk what its called. I moved here from shepp, i thought these people only existed in the US. Its surreal
What do you study?
I fuking live in pointcook i travel 2 hours and all i end up seeing is gooks indians and fags. We should meetup it would be nice to talk to an actual australian for once.
My law lecturer thanks the coons for their "contribution" to la trobe at the start of every fucking lecturer. You complete that abo guilt huwytey module on LMS? fucking aids.
I study IT.
>Actual australian
Im actually an autistic currynig sikh that was born in nz and moved to Aus in 2014 with parents because they get paid more here. If your still keen, im keen tho
Wtf i havent done that yet. I have to do some integrity module but i havent even started it yet.
Got kik? Add me
Weird. So they are like an offshoot Abrahamic warrior cult.
Cunt add me on kik
Or skype or discdord before this thread gets taken down
>Why should these turbanators be respected
When's the last time you heard of them doing anything worth hating?
Lol im not even australian myself. I was born in australian but i come from a serbian background. When do you have class on monday we could meet up during break or in the morning before class.
Skype: Boonzdahacker
(I made it when i was 12)
Skype: Boonzdahacker
(I made it when i was 12)
Ill install kik now. My names Sava by the way.
Skype? Discord? Snapchat? Anything?
Talk on there
Snapchat is hitlerdindushit
Added you
Wear a condom.
Good post user
People who think sikhs are based are blue pilled. They're just as bad as any poo, they bring their shitty problems wherever they go. Just look at Canada.
What problems? If I may ask.
Sikhs are shitty people, are indians, and are insecure faggots.
The only good poo is a dead poo.
I don't think people who go against societal norms by wearing turbans are considered to be insecure.
Separatist bullshit that just doesn't belong in Canada, particularly Khalistanis. They infest our government and have caused the largest mass murder in Canada's history.