Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
It had a Great Story, Great cast with badass Male MC, Awesome Action, Very good art (also mangaka does hentai), Romance, and descent character development.
Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
It had a Great Story, Great cast with badass Male MC, Awesome Action, Very good art (also mangaka does hentai), Romance, and descent character development.
The anime? Certainly not.
Romance never went anything, the story never went anything, and we know the guy will only ever do that vampire when she will be in her old hag true form (on the other hand, that vampire onee-san fucked that shota brother hard).
Worthless series, really.
>Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
>Romance never went anything, the story never went anything
>Starts off with a cute loli vampire
>Goes off the deepend with a long ass arc about gay werewolves fucking each other's asses. MC included.
It's a piece of shit. The sequel was even worse.
The anime was terrible.
This is one of the worst vampire anime/manga I can think of, actually.
It's shit. But the vamp loli is hot.
the anime was hot
dat church gang rape
>Romance never went anything, the story never went anything
Fuck off, ESL-kun.
Remember that time a girl in her late teens fell in love with a kid, and when it came down to turning him into a vampire. instead of waiting for him to physically age to an older body turned him while he was no more than eight years old physicslly? The fuck was up with that girl?
It was brainfart, but you got what I meant anyways, idiot.
The art work is terrible. His characters all look like stiff plastic mannequins.
>Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
No, that's probably Shiki.
So will the subplot of the Mina clone be concluded as she's still out there and what of the girl in the burial chamber who I believe is the ancestor of Mina.
They both had shitty families that didn't give much about them so they fucked off together to be immortal children of the night together.
I'd dance in her vampire bund. If you know what I mean.
Good thing she's of legal age but is stuck in the body of a 10 year old girl. But she can take on her adult form so all is good with Mina as you can chose to indulge in your taboo desires.
>be immortal children of the night together.
This reminded me of one of the original Immortals from Baccano. She chose to wait until she was physically more mature before taking the whole immortality plunge. Now the boy is going to be physically eight years old for the rest of his life .
>Good thing she's of legal age but is stuck in the body of a 10 year old girl.
That's why vampires make the best lolis. All of the sexy, none of the moral problems.
Still waiting for Mina to finish her battle in amazon ruin
Aoi Yuki's voice is phenomenal for loli vampires
>no hips
>small butt
no thanks
no, it's actually a shitty yaoifest for fujoshi
she still have a perpetually tight cunny it would not tire you even if you carry her while banging.
i only watched it for the art if you know what i mean
i'm a fairly tall and well built man with a dick that would logically be the same size as that vampire nymphs forearm
I can carry a full grown and slightly chubby woman and bang her raw while walking.
I actually have done that.
If she's a pretty petite funsized thing and her pussy is tight enough to be called a cunny, then getting tired wouldn't be the problem.
Being overwhelmed by how good she felt and how hot the size difference is and her reactions...
That would absolutely floor me.
I watched for Mina, absolutely perfect vampire loli. but unfortunately the anime leaves a lot to be desired, even the manga was disappointing in several ways.
>good vampire anime
>anything but Trinity Blood
Did they even finish that? I remember reading a long time ago that they got dumped by the publisher.
>All of the sexy, none of the moral problems.
Well, outside of necrophilia of course. But that never stopped anyone.
Never watched the anime, just read the manga. Fake Mina ended up being my favorite.
So is the Crimson manga still on hiatus or what?
I know that female vampires don't get pregnant or at least that is what is implied in monogatari. Now that she is partly human, can she get pregnant?
You cant turn this tightness down.
Hey, if they can consent, it's all good.
Thank you.
I'm not sure if she can get pregnant or not but, it they really want to, they could have one through matter creation. They already had one, unknowingly. Oshino Ougi was the product of it. Gaen said so, here.
>“With how hard Shinobu-san has exploited her matter creation skill up ’till now, it would be totally feasible for her to create an oddity, a high school girl, or whatever else.
The one with constant panchira was better
Rosario something
Mina's only the third-best Shaft vampire loli.
Episode 27: OP's Opinion is Embarrassing
Mina can get pregnant.
This is literally the worst anime I have ever seen, and I was a huge Shaft fan at the time.
Read the manga.
You got shafted.
That shit got weird fast...
>pic related are both guys.
Don't deny it you wanted to fuck Angie too.
>Trinity Blood
That was also complete shit, though. What are you people going to bring up next, Vampire Knight? Blood-C? Vampire Holmes? Diabolik Lovers?
Vampire loli are a miracle.
I haven't read this in a long time. Did Akira also get buttfucked?
It was a fun manga to read at first.
Then I went back to it and read some in my spare time recently. The cringe was rough.
The anime was an abysmal failure with oversexualized horse manure. The anime had potential, and it dropped the ball in just a few episodes.
The adaptations of this and Rosario+Vampire are really what disillusioned me from enjoying anime like I used to. Things aren't the same anymore.
I really liked the manga and even bought the main story and the side manga. Even the doujinshi. But damn, scarlet was bad and I don't even know if it will finish.
who is yours exactly? what is her name?
>loli vampire romance turns into gay werewolf buttfucking
you can't be this cute user
opinion discarded
>Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
Not really the greatest but one of the best in terms of plot. It has a world changing goal of bringing the existence of vampire out in the open. It would be a amazing if something like that happens in IRL. I just wish the body of Mina had more curves. I bet true lolis would disagree but that is just me who prefers teen lolis.
What the fuck?
How's this?
That is a nice art. While looking for the source of that, I only found this picture of her. Does she have to be yellow and why can't she remain in this form. I forgot details about it but there probably is a reason why she remains in loli form.
Mina is miracle of the universe. She deserves better series. And better manga. Holy hell, they didn't even fuck in the manga. She was riding his raging boner dick and somehow they didn't fuck.
They can. How do you think Episode exists?
Never watched the anime but the manga got insane by the end.
IIRC all vampires have a gargoyle super form that they can assume temporarily to be extra powerful. Her gargoyle form is just an older sexier version of herself with wings and the wierd arm stuff. Her loli form is her true, natural form, and she'll eventually grow up to look like her gargoyle form.
It's yellow because you can't show full frontal nudity on a tv show aimed at kids.
Now, in all honesty: I really, really liked the anime. It's bizarre, because I have absolutely no interest in the manga. I didn't even like the female lead.
But I did like the protagonist, that fucking hot Chinese girl, and the moody atmosphere to the whole thing. The part where he runs the gauntlet was great.
The promotion of pedophilia is fucking weird as a theme, but the rest was good. I really feel bad for the kid who almost got raped by his crazy neighbor who lusted after his shota cock. I know it was supposed to be hot, but it came across as incredibly disturbing.
second favorite scene of someone forcing themselves on another in DItVB before Mina getting her tits grabbed by what's his amazonian face
Wasted potential of a loli vampire.
>Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
No, it's fucking shit.
Also character designs are dogshit as well.
>(on the other hand, that vampire onee-san fucked that shota brother hard).
Picked the fuck up.
Eh, only happens briefly. The church scene is like one long vampire gangbang orgy.
Speaking of that, didn't the manga end up fucking over the /ss/ couple hard? I could have sworn that one or both of them end up dying in the end.
im at the point where that's what i like
what went wrong?
we need more anime about ss
You made me remember. Because she did not wait for him to grow up into a full man, she will have to settle for a toothpick for the rest of her life. Still, it is hot that they did not hide that vampires are sex maniacs who just could not get enough sex.
She wanted the shota cock.
I second this notion. Last I remember of the /ss/ couple they escaped that fortress together through a tunnel only for said tunnel to collapse 1-2 chapters later.
They lived through to the end.
Read the manga. The whole vampire true blood nobles wanted to use Mina to preserve the pure blooded vampires.
Mina can't age as she will be a loli for all eternity because dhe took on her true form when she was 10 when her moter was assassinated.
>Is this the greatest vampire anime & manga series?
that's where ur wrong kiddo
I liked it, but as it went on, as another user has pointed out, a lot of things never went anywhere, and some story arcs stretched out too long AND were ultimately left unresolved. Dissatisfying.
I just wanted Mina to get raped in her big titty/giant ass form
I'm kind of mad that the author didn't make doujins out of this series like he did with the mother and daughter super hero series. That one where the mom gets gangbanged by a bunch of shotas was amazing. What a fucking madman the author is.
Well there is a Neko Mina clone in one of his other hentais.
are the manga finished?
Dropped by the publisher and then he moved on to the Suoerhero manga with the hot milf and daughter.
>>you will never accidentally create a monster baby with your vampire waifu
why even live
it makes no sense for something immortal to be able to give birth
story was so shit it made rosario look like a masterpiece
it is a materpiece tho
Pretty sure the author just dropped the series entirely. My main complaint honestly about it all. It "ended" on the third scarlet volume I think?
It did not end. It just stopped. Nothing was resolved. And who the fuck WAS that last guy they fought? The progenitor? Her father? WHO?! Fuck the mangaka and fuck me for getting invested in this story.
Did you miss the quotation marks
Nah, I just responded to the wrong post.
It ended with the MC throwing his younger brother, who was also a werewolf (hence why his mother's pelvis was rekt after he was concieved) at his enemy's throat, the shotawerewolf then transformed for the first time while tearing out the throat of the former ally who was now brain fucked into being an enemy, killing him.
Then we had more nanomachines, the false mina arc, the rescue arc (with the exploding vampiric amazonian suicide dolphins), the ann frank arc followed by the "first series" ending and a new series beginning after the false mina was defeated in her GIANT CRYSTAL CRAB FORM in the secret vampire chamber beneath mount fuji.
I stopped reading at the start of the new series because the only translator who picked it up was the guy who seemed to have the Duwang's guys grasp of grammar and made it basically unreadable.
No, but he did dress up in drag as a maid to sneak into a gothic european castle built in the middle of the amazon rainforest.
If she stayed like that then she could be impregnated by one of the true blood vampire lords, only her loli-dom is preventing brutal tentacle rape by rasputin, vampire lord of russia.
vampire is a qt, but anime itself is bad