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Hitler died in the Argentinian mountains. He did lots of things wrong :P

Sounds good to me. bump








where are you going to die, you fucking faggot?



I coloured a better higher res version of this




Does anyone have a photo of Hitler in a black uniform? I read somewhere that he wore black for a while, inspired by Mussolini, but I require proofs.

Never seen a picture of him in black. I'm sure it would look aesthetic af



Sup Forums is cancer

Such a loser Stalin cucked him, Communism still exists, he poisoned his wife, children and dogs and killed himself...and his guards burned his corpse.

Literally bottom-of-the-barrel or TOP LEVER if you're talking failure.

Shut the fuck up mutt.




back to r/the_donald nigger

>a mutt calling another mutt mutt

at least Germans saw our worth when wanting to slave us the slavs, you are just delusional and too mixed


>when wanting to slave us the slavs



I remember when these threads scared the bejesus out of me. There mere thought that anyone could look upon Magical Mustache Man and not be overwhelmed by bile instinctively repulsed me.

Now I feel nostalgia for a time I never knew, longing for a future that was never obtained.

The revulsion felt forced - like the reflex of a beaten dog. What I feel now feels natural - the recognition of a shared struggle, real empathy and admiration that spans across the gulf.

Mother nature gave this man a chance to save the world

Been there; he was truly a great man, and Mein Kampf is an excellent book that more people should read.

That cunt killed herself. she wrote in her diary that hitler kept asking her to take a dump on him.

Hitler wanted to brap.

He failed and now Jews rule the world.

No respect.

And Trump likes to get pissed on

>TFW you see your spirit kept alive, and there is still hope for saving The West

same here. i used to fear the idea of Nazis taking power again. Now i'm wishing they never lost power in the first place. The HitlerPill is a hard one to swallow, but it's a necessary one before you travel further down the rabbit hole.



Jenn Johnson - A Little Longer

Rivers & Robots - Shepherd Of My Soul

Isla Vista Worship - Dancing On The Moon

Josh Garrels - Farther Along

Kalley Heiligenthal - Spirit Move


wrong one

I do too, that why I'll vote Trump 2020. Boy I hope he loves getting squirted on.



i bet my balls its the Russian Liberation Army

I wonder, can any of you give even 1 reason why Hitler shouldnt be the jewish national hero?

And did you know he was a vegetarian drug addict and had Alzheimer and also he had only one nut, lol Hitler, more like shitler am i right.

Nazis and Soviets, who were allies and friends for 2 years, shake hands after they carved up Poland.


>more like shitler am i right

jews love hitler, so if he's shitting on shitler, he aint a jew.

every jew i know gevalts over a simple image of hitler, let alone anyone who actually likes hitler. i smell some kikery coming from you

Hitler was a jewish puppet and soyboy

I shouldn't really explain this, but my post was a mockery of the west desperate attempt to make this man so evil that the destruction of half the world could be swept under the rug, and perhaps the germans will even accept the blame for all of the bombs the allies dropped on them.

The ammount of damage the allies directly caused on european cities cannot be understated.

lmao no shit sherlock, wtf did you expect, your jew friend to tell you he loves hitler?
you dont go around yelling "I HATE NIGGERS", but you do.
jews dont go around yelling "I LOVE HITLER", but they do.
Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to the jews, rockefellers and rothchilds made a good pick hiring him.

ah my bad, autism levels have been abnormally high past few days. disregard my previous post.
here's a hitler for your troubles

they may love hitler in the way that it's allowed them to fuck over the entire world because of Muh Ebul Nazis. But they don't love him like any Gentile would love him. Their love is hate to us, and vice versa

they love hitler just like you love your founding fathers, if not even more.
the founding fathers gave you a country and a constitution.
hitler gave the jews literally the entire world on a platter, with an immunity to everything as a bonus.


i love the Founding Fathers because they attempted to make a state for ME and MY people. kikes love hitler only because he was fucked over and all the ideologies attached to him and his movement were shunned heavily by the victors.there is a difference.


>kikes love hitler only because he was fucked over

kikes love hitler because he did everything he was told by them to do, to the letter.


[citation needed]




Thanks toothpaste, I've been looking for this pic to show my girl.


>nazis free austrian Rothchild
>confiscates his wealth in Austria
>American rothchilds:
>thanks for releasing him, Adolf! here, have some free billions of dollars to fuel your war machine
>thanks, mr rothchild!!
>Adolf, also dont forget to ask the Rockeffelers for another loan, the war wont be cheap, you know!
>yes, sir!!


>Hitler seized Kike bank
>Kike pleads to be release
>Hitler is gracious enough to let the kike live
>Hitler won't give back bank
>Hitler seized all jewish assets once kikes were BTFO'd of his country
>kikes no longer allowed to portray themselves as Germans in T.V, movies, radio, paintings, etc
please tell me how hitler was a friend to these kikes. he BTFO them at nearly every instance.
>i can hear the sheckels in your pockets

>go, young Hans! go, and kill every non-german you see, especially the whites!!
>and try not shooting the jews! because as everybody on /pol knows we dont actually holocaust, its an Allied lie, we just want to give the poor jews a free country, Israel
>but these fucking Allied whites wont let us help the jews transfer them to Israel, so kill em all, young Hans!!



deflecting with fake news again kike?

but of course hitler had to make an impression he disliked the jews, how else do you think the holohoax would be made?
were you born yesterday, and cannot connect two dots?

>release the jews
>the jews give you even bigger loans, sometimes even charity, in the billions of dollars

you dont give billions to someone you dont support.


nice try kikel ;) ain't falling for your tricks anymore

you already did, the jew trick was to make idiots think hitler wasnt their puppet.
you swallowed the trick whole, and asked for seconds.


If you don't like Anthony Cumia your a cuck


you juden like to perpetuate the idea that your grips over the world is supernatural or that nobody other than your own are capable of seeing your plans in full detail. YOU ARE NOT GOD

Wer die Amerikaner zum Freund hat, braucht keine Feinde mehr.


[citation needed]


its not supernatural, we're just way smarter than everybody else and use retarded nations as tools.
just like the germans and americans, for example.
germans are historically the most gullible nation on planet earth, thats why every single jewish trick comes from germany, marxism, communism, nazism.
and you, americans, are just like the germans.
half of your country looks like an african ghetto, drowning in filth and poverty, and yet, for the last 80 years you keep giving us free trillions of dollars, just like that, for free.
Nobody even ask why, or whats the reason. Nobody even thinks about that, for americans its the natural order of things, keeping israel alive on your hard earned money.
And you come here, all proud and smug, that you wont fall for any of our tricks.

Its fucking hysterical.

>that pose
>missing a button on his suit
Has he just been in a fist fight or something?

>way smarter

>we're just way smarter than everybody else
then how come your ancestors were fucking their own siblings for hundreds of years until the noticed the abnormally high rates of retards being born? you kikes are defective in every sense of the word. The only difference between you and the nigger is that the nigger has a harder time concealing themselves. You kikes use your camouflage to subvert the people your infiltrating. Without that inbred camo, you'd be no more manipulative than the average nigger

What have we every done to you?

i wonder how many trillions of your hard earned tax payer money we got this year, while nobody in your country even dares question it.

>hhurr durrr jews r dumb

and yet somehow you dumbasses fall of every single trick and ask for more.
we literally created hitler, and some anti-jews on the internet think he's their hero.
look how fucking cucked you retards are.
you dont have patriots or badasses in your own countries, you need to worship an austrian jew that effectively got rid of 50+ million whites in 5 years.

