So whats with Japanese people having caucasian features? I thought they were a northern chinese colony. I thought maybe they were GI babies and their parents just lied to them, but theres way too many for that to be the case.
So whats with Japanese people having caucasian features? I thought they were a northern chinese colony...
Who gives a shit?
Japs are like Tang Chinese culturally, but genetically they are related to the ancestors of native north americans, east siberians and the ainu/emishi
Japan has a lot of medival history with europe, primarily the dutch.
Japanese and Tibetan have old Asian's DNA. It's green color in this map.
Chinese and Korean don't have the DNA.
it's some of those indigenous red-haired neanderthal's genes coming through
Not really
Yeah I guess
The mainland Japanese are mixed of Jomon and Yayoi
That's clearly a hapa you dumb faggot
No, she is Akari Hayami, pure Japanese.
You can see the type of Japanese anywhere in Japan.
>butifel Jomon genes are trapped in a nation of 56%er mongrels
oh nice this is what was confusing me, i thought the jomon came after the ainu. Where did the jomon come from?
You ALTRIGHT fucks willl never get it i think you will get it when its to late most of the shit you idiots have been fighting for are already in place but you idiots are to stupid to look outside your own little bubble take a trip outside of you bubble and you will be treated like a king atleaste for 15 more years then the way it feels like to be a white male currently in america will be global
That is not a japanese, that is a elf!
you're a retard and you should die
>with the Dutch
I'm Dutch and I never heard that one before.
Are the "old Asians" whiter then the "new Asians"...?
There are some routes. Each one came in a different era.
Still it's under researching.
Why do some Japanese have brown nipples but some have pink?
She is a pure Japanese. It's true.
And this guy is also pure Japanese.
What kind of physical features does the old Asian DNA give Japanese people? I think Japanese tend to be better looking than most Koreans, and especially Chinese. I wonder how it affects their cognition, too.
>Jomon DNA
Isn't there somewhere in southwest Japan where there is a lot of that DNA? I remember seeing pictures of some Japanese that were more tan and masculine. I think they speak a strange dialect there too, but I don't remember where it is. I didn't know about Yayoi, though. Interesting.
japs are great
Look at the north Japan in this map
I forgot to post this map
They don't have really have "caucasian" features, they just lack the Mongoloid ones.
The Ainu who are Native to the Northern Islands of Hokkaido and Honshu look less Asiatic than their southern brethren. Like this guy for example, he looks like a fucking burger tourist playing dressup when in fact he is a pure-blooded Ainu
I forgot to post a map
Japs are some dirty Siberian and Chinese mutts. The Chinese DNA is much more recent and predominant however, so theyll look fairly similar.
Whiter than you, Ahmed
Caucasoidal Ainu DNA is in the Japanese gene pool. I thought everyone knew this already.
>looks at models and western looking jap women
>hurr why do they look white
Look up pictures of your average fucking japs. They're not white.
>t. was stationed in okinawa
you sure he hasnt got a portuguese sailor for an ancestor somewhere in there?
Many Northern Chinese have these features.
Theyre not exclusive to caucasians, such features (such as high, narrow nasal bridges) tend to evolve as adaptations to cold and arid conditions, which describes the climate of the Northern Chinese plain. You can see this in Tibetans, who share a common ancestral root with modern day Northern Chinese. In fact, Chinese in the Northwest (the originating point of Chinese civilization) look strikingly similar to Tibetans. Northern Chinese genetics have been somewhat diluted, however, by Mongol, Tungusic, and Turkic peoples, as well as various indigenous peoples as they expanded eastward.
Japanese possess some sort of australoid intermixture, like Southern Chinese. In general, Japanese tend to be physically more similar to Southern Chinese than Northern Chinese (short stature, low nose bridge, recessive and weak jaws).
Okinawans arent real japs you stupid fuck. Theyre aboriginals.
They're a different race entirely, in addition to experiencing the lasting effects of white admixture.
The idea of an "asian" race is as ridiculous as swedes, basques, and bulgarians all being one "white" race where everyone has the same culture, values, and abilities.
Sadly, chinks will wipe out asian genetic diversity sooner or later, like euro-muttery is slowing wiping out the unique peoples of europe.
You've never heard of Dejima? The Dutch were the only non-Chinese allowed into Japan during the Sakoku (total isolationism) policy. And technically they weren't even allowed in Japan itself, they had to build an artficial island in the harbor to live on.
that's not medieval
for fucks sake mutt education every thread
Okinawans (like most of Southeast Asia) have not insignificant amounts of admixture with Fujianese/Minnan people. It's well recorded that Ryukyu was a Chinese tributary into the 19th century, and waves of immigrants from Fujian settled there, bringing along Chinese culture, governance techniques and technology.
>he looks like a fucking burger tourist playing dressup
The glasses don't help
If the theory of human evolution and migration from Africa is true, then most likely the Tibet people are more closely related to Mediterranean sapiens and by extension so are the japs. This might be due to the fact that both of those peoples were isolated whereas China and Korea had plenty of interbreeding with nearby populations. Idk tho
kek water btfo once again
t. Varg
>australoid intermixture
jomon were not abbos
stop this meme
100% Japanese
look it up when the aussie prisoners were first sent onto the island they fucked tons of abbo women
Yamato nation is mix race of natives and people came from China and Korea. Ryukyu and Ainu is almost same as Japanese natives before BC 10.
Artifical island are relatively easy to build. Remember that the Aztec capital city was built on top of a lake, and they never invented the wheel (would've done them no good anyway, no beasts of burden)
Also 100% japanese. Don't forget that chink and gook DNA exists in Japan too.
It's kind of like America in having a multiracial composition, but most natives and observers say they're all the same race, no matter who has more german, more irish, more anglo, or more indian in them.
I think trying to fit these people into some current “racial type” in the modern world is a mistake. At the time the Jomon first came to Japan, the current range of European phenotypes was completely different, for example, there were no blond or blue eyed population in Europe…or at least not many.
The current phenotype we often call “mongoloid” also does not appear to have existed according to fossil records, meaning it's a relatively new phenotype.
Most of Africa, south of Cameroon, had no Bantu people, so it was full of people more related to Khoisan and Pygmies. So what we consider a “black african” did not exist in almost half the continent.
Don’t automatically take what you see today and extrapolate that back into the past, that is usually a mistake.
That's why you shouldn't compare Japanese from Hokkaido to Japanese from the Southern islands.
More North = More Ainu.
Not true.
White American DNA is pure and no at all multiracial.
Both jomon and yayoi types can be pretty.
Many mainland Chinese, who are the closest relatives of the yayoi people, are ugly not because of their race, but only because of their shitty diets, unhealthy environment and almost complete lack of hygiene. But then, if you go to somewhere like Shangai, you can see lots of good looking people too. And it's even more obvious if you compare Guangzhou, which is populated mostly by ugly goblins, to Hong Kong, which is less than a hundred miles away and yet has much better looking people.
because asians and caucasians are the same race
Forgot pic
i never knew about the dutch, but i swear i heard something about mutts selling cannons and horses to nips
Sorry, I meant Austronesian, not Australoid. Genetic tests have confirmed that the Jomon are related to Southeast Asian peoples.
That was the Portuguese. Then Japan refined the arquebus and made an even better one called the Tanegashima. They kinda threw them all away after the wars ended though.
japanese are mixed with proto-asian jomon people who are more closely related to south east asians and tend to have some almost caucasian features (hairy face and body, rounder eyes etc).
ainu have the same teeth as south east asians:
Due to mixing with caucasoid (not white) ainu people.
So is it racemixing if one was to have kids with one of these fairskinned western-feature looking japanese girls? Asking for a friend.
Pure European, rarely purely from a single European country. Also, if you mix a bunch of different european ethnicities, the end result is usually kind of potato faced and has frizzy chestnut brown hair.
I thought there were three very distinc types of nip varying from north to south with the southern or Okinawan ones looking less Chinese than the others.
Yes but they have higher IQ than whites so you're creating objectively superior children from the white perspective.
>I want to absorb Japanese and Asian superiority but not seem to obvious,,,,,,I KNOW!!!
>these asians are like technically whites.....
It would be more accurate to say that both split apart from an archaic Eurasian steppe race where they took on increasingly pronounced Europid and Asiatic characteristics. Ironically, the closest to whites are native americans/Siberians.
I highly prefer yayoi
Who is she
Haplogroup D and E are closely related
Works just like mood rings
t. half nip
>I thought they were a northern chinese colony
>American education
Lol no.
Why do japs have lighter skin than whites? Jap womens skin is nice as hell
>japs have caucasian features
uh no
japs are kinda degenerate, aren't they?
You are the degenerate for having impure thoughts.
she's got some tiny hands, would make me feel like my dick was real big heh
i feel you trying to say something here, but all i hear is Ooga Booga
>wearing a bikini is degenerate
What the fuck is wrong with that donut?
wtf are those garbage noodles
East Asian gets tan easily
>hurr durr ur degenerate if you think something is degenerate
She isn't in a beach or anywhere where the appropriate clothing would be a bikini.
I guess you have no problem if your girlfriend likes to wear shorts that show off her ass cheeks.
Dude you gotta be joshin me no way that's a fuckin jap it's a fucking fat weeaboo larper