Why is he playing as a girl and flirting with a male character? Is he gay?
Why is he playing as a girl and flirting with a male character? Is he gay?
>the dude playing as a healslut is not a 150 kg neckbeard
Its called playing the role, user. Its fun.
Because we have more drama if a gay man and a lesbian fall for each other.
He said that he likes to roleplay or something like that
>not wanting to be the little girl
what happen to this place
He's me.
More importantly, how does he roleplay in virtual sex? It got to be so awkward.
>You're reaching inside of my virtual body!
You never done so when playing an mmo? Are you gay?
Free swag. Lots of people do it.
>He never played Runescape
>flirt with a guy and he runs difficult raids just to get you gifts
He knows what's up
in any game where you can customize your character by gender I always make mine a cute girl
why would you want to spend thousands of hours looking at some buff guy, that's gay
There are many gay people in the world. That's why you see so many males in MMOs.
Japs are physically incapable of being fat.
This probably was a joke, but I seriously never seen a fat japanese person. I seen chubby ones, but never outright fat likes in burgerland.
Probably bisexual and wants to be the little girl. Just like many anons.
He's a homosexual/transexual and is using the net as an outlet for his homosexuality
He's a trolling creep.
Neither are good.
Reminds me of that story of the married woman who fell for "the perfect man" online. And when she found out that guy was a 55 year old butch lesbian from the asscrack of nowhere she committed suicide.
I chuckled a bit.
But I then felt bad about it.
And this is why I always play as someone that looks like myself in real life.
I can only be myself and seriously being anything or one else is just being a bastard.
Why pretend to be someone else so completely that you slowly destroy who you are piece by piece.
Blogshit like this is what ruins these threads.
If you want short curt answers go to a chatroom or text randoms.
I agree, but there's a big difference between playing girl avatars and actively pretending to be one and flirting with dudes. At that point you've gone far beyond hmte amount of gayness it takes to want to play as a male.
>being this insecure
Some guys just want to roleplay as whores because they want to be a whore.
I don't see why you assume pretending to be someone else "destroys you piece by piece". Playing RPGs as someone completely different to you is the whole point of Role Playing Games (in the name, see?).
Honestly you sound like a self-insert fag. Not everyone self inserts all the time. There's a happy middle ground between self-insert and trolling.
>not designing the ultimate waifu character
>not being comfortable enough with your sexuality to unironically pick female characters
I bet you guys think traps are gay too.
>And this is why I always play as someone that looks like myself in real life.
>I can only be myself and seriously being anything or one else is just being a bastard.
Wow user, you have no fun. Just don't flirt with people under false pretenses, that doesn't mean you have to make sure everybody knows exactly who you actually are at all times.
>there's a big difference between playing girl avatars and actively pretending to be one and flirting with dudes.
>>not being comfortable enough with your sexuality to unironically pick female characters
Pretty much both of these.
>not being bi and perfectly able to play both roles anytime
I pity the fool.
>not creating an amalgamation of genders to be everything all at once
maximum catfish level
>Wow user, you have no fun. Just don't flirt with people under false pretenses, that doesn't mean you have to make sure everybody knows exactly who you actually are at all times.
If you act differently in different situations you must clearly be insane, there's no possible way that every normal human does this!
Even when playing escapist games I make sure to lecture people on how they're having badwrongfun because games are the same as real life!
he just wants to support people
Healslut is the most satisfying class to play in an MMO
Are you defending flirting with people who think you're a woman, or misunderstanding my position? Because everything else I said was play whatever character you want.
Read the thing I responded to and have a guess. Also the "pretending to be a woman and flirting" thing is just a meme. Plenty of people have done it to troll or get free shit but it's super rare that anyone (straight) does it full time.
I was attacking the idea that self-insertion is necessary. There's nothing wrong with role playing especially in games designed for it.
>not a LN advertisement
>is mostly an anime original project based on a 5 chapter series
>looks like it might be super comfy
>main characters are adults
Am I right in being somewhat optimistic about this series?
Then you misunderstood my post, because that's exactly what I said, except I yielded to pretending to be a woman and flirting is still weird. The person I originally responded to is the one who thinks self-insertion is necessary.
Yeah I know bro. Not every response is an attack. I just used your post because it was useful.
Best girl(male)
is just me or it looks like astolfo
>he doesn't want to be the cumdumpster of some random user
be my cumpdumpster
>You don't want to pretend to be a girl and get fucked in the fantasy vagina by a man!
That's called being gay or more accurately trans user.
People who role play 99.9% of the time roleplay as someone they wish to be or wish they could get. Their interactions with others defines which is which.
Anything else is just escapism of the worst kind.
>People who role play 99.9% of the time roleplay as someone they wish to be or wish they could get
I would also include that some people don't even have that sort of thing on their mind. An example would be characters that people would make in a tabletop game. Sometimes its just fun to make a character.
Back when I played WoW I had a healslut alt but that was more because NE males are fugly, didn't do anything to suggest my gender but they assumed I was a real girl and that was from other girls.
>People who role play 99.9% of the time roleplay as someone they wish to be
>Anything else is just escapism of the worst kind.
Fucking what? It's horrible escapism to roleplay as something you don't wish you were, but it's not escapism to roleplay as what you do wish you were? Isn't it more healthy to roleplay something while still being happy with who you really are?
Go ask /xivg/
That whole community is guys ERPing as catgirls.
You haven't been to Japan then. There are plenty of fat Japs. Or maybe your concept of fat is skewed because you're American.
I'm pretty optimistic based on the first episode.
If I wasn't completely socially retarded I'd be doing that in every game for lulz and gibs.
If it's not a harem and is just a love story between a cake and an office man it will be great.
Nips do that a lot. They also make rooms for ERP sessions
t. granblue fantasy player
How do I get a healslut?
I agree with this 100%. It's nice that there are people on Sup Forums who share common sense.
>common sense
>waaah why are people roleplaying in a role playing game?
Hey user, I got the PERFECT place for you. It's called and you can blog there to your hearts content. You won't even get banned for it.
Obviously you have never played an mmo. The way people treat perceived females compared to males is worth any degrading acts you have to do in game.
>Started playing wow many years ago, first toon was a male Tauren warrior.
>Still learning the ropes to tanking so mistakes were common. One simple mistake that didn't kill anyone leads to all kinds of rage directed at me and people leaving the group.
>After about a month I was about to quit the game but decide to try healing.
>Re-roll as a female blood elf priest
>suddenly realize female toons get a lot more leeway from other players
>all through leveling when I was healing I made sure to wear the slutiest gear possible, because it helped more in group play than straight stats.
>paid for my mount at level 40 by /dancing for people in org and posing for them.
>keep riding this easy mode train to max level
>join a raiding guild right away and get a prime raiding spot by flirting with the gm
>even on vent they still think I'm a girl because I have a fairly high voice and it doesn't take much to make it sound completely girly.
>after about a year with the guild they finally figure out I'm a dude because one of my irl friends joins and let's it slip.
>by this point in time I'm an officer in the guild and the original gm that I flirted with to get in had left, so all I got was "gee I thought you were a real girl" and I just played it off as simple role-playing.
Fucking this. I remember I made a female character many years ago "for lulz" and guys would give me random shit just to hang out with them.
He answered his own question.
Quit being a bitch because you're too scared to be a faggot offline.
faggots gonna do what faggots do. Nothing much to say.
>muh samefagging
Fuck off prudes. Online games don't need any more cancer.
Someone post the VR webm with all the headpats.
where is the fun in making a female character and not act like one? it's just a game after all
From what I recall, the source is a reverse harem unfortunately. Seems like it could be a reverse harem with a clear winner though.
Go play FFXIV with /xivg/.
>game with high levels of character visual customization
>make cute girl
>spend most of time in game focusing on fashion
Pretty much one of the only reasons I play MMOs. Community? I end up hating most people I run into online. Raids? See previous. The game itself? Just a climb to reach my goal.
>reverse harem
Picked up.
I looked for the source and all I found was a 5 chapter manga. It didn't have any of that. What did you find?
Disregard that. I clearly didn't look hard enough. There's a webtoon it seems?
>characters that people would make in a tabletop game. Sometimes its just fun to make a character.
Yeah no. That want to play as a different character has to come from somewhere and it speaks to who that person is.
>Isn't it more healthy to roleplay something while still being happy with who you really are?
Do people who are happy with who they are actually do that user?
People like you are why MMOs are almost completely dead.
>Do people who are happy with who they are actually do that user?
Pretty sure some actors are happy with who they are and that's what they do for a living.
Wow, you're fucking retarded.
>Do people who are happy with who they are actually do that user?
Roleplay? How autistic are you? The answer is yes.
its not gay as long as is cute
>That want to play as a different character has to come from somewhere and it speaks to who that person is.
Yeah, it says they found that type of character interesting to play. Are you the type of person that can't see anything beyond self-inserting?
>Do people who are happy with who they are actually do that user?
Yes. Why do people dress up on Halloween? Its fun. You can love the way you are and still want to try out playing as something else. Being autistic and over-analyzing things like that isn't good for you.
user, roleplaying is by definition self inserting you insane moron.
No you can't. Wanting to be someone and thing else for any reason beyond wanting to understand how someone else works is escapism and oft times is a symptom of deep self hatred.
Pure and simple.
do you breath with your mouth?
holy shit
>user, roleplaying is by definition self inserting you insane moron.
I'm talking about self-inserting in the sense of wanting to be that person instead of yourself. Perhaps I should have specified that a little better.
>No you can't. Wanting to be someone and thing else for any reason beyond wanting to understand how someone else works is escapism and oft times is a symptom of deep self hatred. Pure and simple.
Nope. You sound very insecure to actually think that. Do you think people are actively/subconsciously wishing they could be someone else when they roleplay? So, if I pick up the role as an ogre with a diaper fetish, its because I wish that's what I was rather than just wanting to fuck around? Grow up.
You're pretty fucking stupid, huh? That, or a troll. Fuck off, retard. Jesus.
Mouth breathers aside, is it a decent watch?
Cry me a river.
Nice armchair psychology. Now you only need that Final Fantasy Tactics picture.
Good episode 1. We'll see. I'm giving it the 3 episode rule, but I have a good feeling.
Why does that board still exist?
>all these ERPing faggots
You guys know you're really gay, right?
Because it's comfy and mods won't make a 2D random board
>reverse harem unfortunately
Nah, there's like one other guy that might have something for her, and it's just a source of drama for a few characters at some point.
I always play as the cute girl but I never flirt with guys. Thats gay af
Yes he is gay. Just like every other faggot who does this in real life too.
I don't see the problem here. If I ended up with a healer waifu in an MMO but she turned out to be a cute blonde cakeboi that enjoys healing, I would be delighted.
Wouldn't you be?
Can you please kill yourself?
Fucking no, false spoiler faggot. One dude is married and another dude is interested in another girl.
Literally what happened to me, would recommend
1. Cute and nice healer waifu in game.
2. A nice blonde (most likely docile) man to be buddies with.
Obaa-sans shouldn't be playing MMOS. They should be making cookies. For me.
just you faggot
Im with the other guy. Looks like Astolfo just without the streak.
You just think so because both of them have pink hair.
>pink fluffy hair
>pink eyes
>two big ribbons
Add a fleshfang and it'd be way too similar.