14 is prime.
14 is prime
Its divisible by 2 and 7.
14 is prime
Saying it again doesn't make it right.
14. Is prime.
Megu was 13 for the entirety of the anime and half the LN. Can't we just be accurate and say 13 is prime?
>half the LN
Less than one third, actually. And 14 is a much more attractive number anyway.
But 13 IS prime user. Or can we just just have Megumin jump to 17?
A JK is fine too
Too old. JCs only.
So you'd keep Megumin as your girltoy until she turned 16, and then throw her away like used trash? That's pretty awful, user.
I don't think I could squeeze into that condom and I have a baby penis. Has the author never seen a condom or is this a gigantess fetish thing? Or smurf porn?
Why is she wearing nothing under that cloak?
She's a thirsty little girl
Yes. There's nothing attractive about old hags.
Megumin is already 14, isn't she an old hag already?
>13 and 11 are prime.
>11-13 is the best age for women.
For you.
I don't consider JC age old.
>would likely die if giving birth
To be fair, in a Medieval setting, you have a good chance of dying from childbirth at any age. That is if magic can't lower that mortality rate.
>wanting to ruin your waifu with children
>not wanting to pass on your waifu's genes for future generations
>wanting to ruin your waifu's genes with your shit genes
>I don't care about passing my legacy and genes on
>hating yourself this much
Nah, I just hate babies.
Sorry mate, the math says no.
Muh nigga.
Couldn't you just use Steal to take out the baby before she splits in half?
I guess that could work...but you would still have a baby. Does the baby grow up to look like the mother? Or the father?
Megumin luckily has friends who are experts on that front.
I have already impregnated all waifus with my chocolate sperm
If I had my way with her limp body, would "she was leading me on" hold up in court?
Joke's on you, my waifu hasn't had her period yet.