Why did God created Adam with a penis before he decided to create Eve? What were the testicles used for without any women in existence? Did God still consider masturbation a sin at that point?
Why did God created Adam with a penis before he decided to create Eve...
More to the point, why did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
god created us in his image
Or nipples on Adam.
Why would god have balls?
Why does God have a penis?
Adam was supposed to date goats.
god is man and women
and has ego and selfish motivations
What's the need to have a gender if he is immortal and all powerful
>Not realizing it suggests we're basically God's ejaculate.
>Not realizing it means he was the OG fapmaster.
Why did OP make such shitty bait? Why did he post it on Sup Forums when it is not Sup Forums related?
i dont know, its almost like theres a master image somewhere of the ideal man. you could almost say that thought is spirit and god the father is the source of all personality
but that would be totally insane right guys
Why didnt God circumcise Adam?
for jerking off ya dingus
>not Sup Forums-related
I thought masturbation was a sin.
how the fuck is he supposed to pee? pee dribbling down your leg sounds like paradise to you numbnuts?
Well it's simple the bible is full of shit
what is the point of
yin and yang
yes and no
up and down
positive and negative
electron and proton
light and dark
Questions only Mormons can answer. They say God is a literal Heavenly Father, who created us first in the spirit with a Heavenly Mother. So God was using his divine penis to create spirits. Duh.
forgiveness is divine
says the jews
That's what the Egyptians believed, I think. One of their gods wanked into his own mouth then spat out the spunk and that was the universe.
Does urine get stored in your testicles?
>What were the testicles used for without any women in existence?
To store pee.
The way you word it may put people off, but if you look at it from a dynamic (theatric) position, it does look kind of cool. Interesting concept anyway, I didn't know Egyptians followed that idea.
Really important questions.
He had to pee out of something and your nut's primary role is as counterweight to your old fella.
Pee isn't stored in testicles dude
He created them at the same time, the later story about taking tbe rib from Adam etc is not the true story.
to produce testosterone obviously
If God told you everything, in a book, would you still deny it when he says read it and you can be saved?
Consider that he didn't.
The penis was added when God split Eve from Adam.
Why are you overanalyzing this mythos created from paintings and poems, too oft mistranslated and misinterpreted.
That verse about spilling seed on the ground is taken out of context.
God struck Onan down not for jacking off, but for refusing to impregnate with his brothers' widow.
>Be onan
>Your bro dies
>God commands you to fuck your brother's wife
>You know that bitch is crazy so you nut on ground
>God was watching, expecting cream pie
>"Fuck you I was about to nut!"
>God strikes you down
It's pretty much a mythic relation of the big bang. With jism. quite elegant really.
DESU that's more plausible than mainstream christianity. Based.
>taking the Old Testament literally
>not as a faith story that tells the origin of the depraved nature of humanity and why we need God in our lives to bring us to a higher state of being.
Everyone in this thread is retarded.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil gave Adam and Eve genitals. That's why they were suddenly ashamed to be naked and covered themselves before God. They didn't have genitals when they were made.
Most people who believe in any of the jewish religion denominations haven't read it themselves and only parrot the things that were cherry picked to them by their preachers.
why did god send bears to kill 42 kids because they made fun of a bald guy?
How do I curse someone in the name of the Lord?
....I guess you just say it and god sends bears?
Eternal struggle to overcome. Maybe one day one will actually overcome the other permanently and change reality forever.
What is funniest is that in Genesis 2, God creates Eve in response to the animals apparently not being up to Adam's standard. Did God not know beforehand that Adam wouldn't enjoy fucking animals?
when i first read that verse i didn't know what to think.
If god is man and woman and understands both as an "omniscient" deity surely should, why did he not create eve until adam bitched about it? how could he not foresee that?
Christianity is nonsense anyways. Try Roman religion -- all these niggers would be slaves and raping a women who chooses to be disreputable is a-OK. Things got this bad from following the kike on a stick.
>Christianity is False and Immoral. (Christopher Hitchens)
And now?
yeah, it's pretty bad...
I’m going to try that next time jackoff some takes my scooter at Walmart
yeah, if I knew you could just ask god to send bears to fuck somebody up I would have gotten into this whole religion thing much sooner
If Adam & eve were the only people, how did their children manage to go to the land of nod to find wives?
Genesis is full of contradictions.
>Why did God created Adam with a penis before he decided to create Eve? What were the testicles used for without any women in existence?
There were other "men" and "women" on the earth at the time of Adam's creation. Adam was then created in the image of Yahweh/God, to bring order and civilization to the world -- Adam was the first white man; the Garden of Eden itself represents the White Man's peculiar talent for agriculture, and for creating beautiful places to live. Adam had a penis because there were other "women" in the world. BUT, God soon declares that there is no suitable mate in the world for Adam -- a clear reference to the MANY instances in the Genesis account (and others) that LIKE should go with LIKE, and produce offspring which is like unto the parents. Thus, God created Chawwa (The name "Eve" appears nowhere in the original ancient texts.), the world's first white woman. Yahweh commands them both not to "eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," which in the ideology of Christian Identity is understood to be a proscription against race-mixing.
Why did he create them with hair? Why did they even have limbs, if it is supposed to be the paradise, they shouldn't have to move, right?
Christcucks BTFO
OP asked about the penis, not about the balls.
And fact is, that a penis is the superior and best way to pee.
Also sage
Maybe it actually happened and it got recorded? Idk, but if they got killed it would say so. Also the Syrian brown bear did exist.
The demiurge was expecting Adam to yiff
Because it isn't true, Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions are just bullshit.
Also the christian god and Muslim god are both the god of Abraham and both religions grew out of Judaism.
So if you are a christian or a Muslim, you're technically just a re branded jew. nothing wrong with that unless if triggers you.
Simply looking at God can kill you instantly. I think we’re asking the wrong questions.
if it happened or not is not the problem, the problem is that GOD SENT BEARS TO KILL CHILDREN BECAUSE THEY MADE FUN OF A BALD GUY and christians are ok with that
I'm sure you know everything there is about defecating and urinating
another troll thread hehehe
What if I worship myself?
Adam and Eve are the figurative and not literal embodiment of humanity. You need to get your head out of your ass.
Pray to yourself about the rent, m8
umm, no exactly alan watts said it best
2 Also, being in eternity which is neither linear nor sequential, where all is nowever, God said, YOU MUST DRAW THE LINE SOMEWHERE.
To make this more educational here:
The ability to recreate, to love and to have sex is a gift of god and a sign of his love towards his children.
He wants us to be able to feel the same kind of love that he feels towards us, so he gives us the ability to create life ourselves and be more connected to him. It's the biggest gift god gave us.
Why shouldn't Adam and Eve be blessed with this gift too, just because they were supposed to live in Paradise?
Nipples dude, created in her image.
you know why God made retards like you? so we had people to laugh at.
>painting done by an atheist is Bible
Anyway, it's an allegory of creating human. I the same way that Universe was made in 7 days when there were no days yet.
So Eve was the original coal burner?
So there's a female God? I thought there was only one God?
Their sisters were their wives.
if god is man and women then is god gender fluid?
In that case which bathroom does god use?
The old man cursed the children, not God. He was a prophet so maybe the arrival of the bears was a very strange coincidence.
We don't believe that God himself wrote the bible, but inspired men to do so. Men who have free will.
God is male
Transgender obviously, you maniac.
What sisters? I see no reference to sisters.
i think, and i may be wrong, but it goes like
'man is the lamb, and woman is the land'
in this way god can still be egoistic and yes be the duality incarnate
There were humanoids here before Adam. It's quite clear from the text that they were destroyed in the flood, which happened much later.
Talk shit, get hit. Kids aren’t exempt. ALL OF THEM
>In that case which bathroom does god use?
Of course! Adam followed soon after.
If Adam and Eve were the only people on earth reproducing it means this was the only way they could find wives. By having sex with their sisters.
We only received these bodies of flesh after the fall in the garden, read your bible first before asking stupid questions.
>Why did God created Adam with a penis before he decided to create Eve?
Well if I remember my Genesis right he would have made all the beasts of the earth and shit first so they all had the proper junk already. Why wouldn't he add that junk to the freshly minted human?
In fact "There is an opinion in the Talmud that states that God originally created Adam as a hermaphrodite and then split that one being into two separate bodies. "
But the wives were in another country, not in the garden. Why did these sisters get kicked out?
The stories in the bible are not a literal truth but a metaphorical one. People that take these stories literally are doing them a dis-service. I met jesus btw.
Wrong this is in the sixth day
>in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth
The sisters probably decided to move to the other country.
If these women weren't their sisters then where did they come from?
it is called. planning ahead. something a nigger like you wont understand
yes a prophet speaks for god insulting a prophet is insulting god and is punishable by death in the old testament
>Why did God created Adam with a penis before he decided to create Eve? What were the testicles used for without any women in existence? Did God still consider masturbation a sin at that point?
The whole thing was rigged. All of it, Eve, the serpent, the fruit...it was only ever going to end one way
The question being put to the test was "free will" and Earth, mankind is a monument to the answer
Genesis 1:27
They were created long before adam and eve, who were created in Genesis 2:7 and 2:22.
It is something called "planning ahead." Something really basic, even for humans.
according to most christian theology, god is a spirit, and spirits dont have biological sex, neither male nor female. but jesus was a man during his time as a human.
that would be my supposition.
What a brainlet.