>the term "globalist" is widely known to be anti-Semitic
Well, the word is out. What are we going to call them next?
The term "globalist" is widely known to be anti-Semitic
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Kike takes fewer keystrokes.
>Pol spends all this time relating Globalist with ((them))
>Is shocked when Mainstream media picks up on this.
the mainstream
Call them Zionists.
Then you're attacking their cherish political aims and it has nothing to do with being Jewish, as anyone can be a Zionist. Video related.
the same word? lol why do you put yourself under their word censorship crap that is what they hope and want lol
that clip is so awesome
that dude is like the most massive faggot i can conceive of. didn't even read your stupid post or the title. was just overcome by the contempt that photo evokes.
Is "globalization" still ok?
Cenk knows about the (((nose)))
The new weapon (((they))) are using is to redefine words.
Theyre going to go after every single word in the English language that is used by the Right to make any kind of argumentation against them impossible.
Globalist is now anti-semetism.
You'll see. itll happen again
>Be Muslim
>Stop being Muslim
>Become a kike love instead
wtf i love islam now?
>pol is one person meme
>im retarded
Make them own (((globalist))).
In the same way it's a "pride of lions" or a "murder of crows," the official term should be a "nuisance of Jews."
Again, wherever they are gathered three or more: a nuisance of Jews.
>stop calling them globalists
>proceed to try globalism
really made me think
Does chunk ever get anything in proper context? Everytime i see this guy hes a fucking catastrophe.
Just say it's anti-semitic to insinuate that all jews are globalists.
Anyone who criticizes the term globalist is an anti-semite.
>What are we going to call them next?
It isn't new at all.
>racism is power + prejudice
is a good example.
They redefine racism, then invent a new term out of thin air that they define as "racism towards whites".
Then they say this new term that they themselves just invented doesn't exist, therefore they concept they attached to it doesn't exist.
They're right, reverse racism doesn't exist because they just pulled it out of their asses. There is only racism, and anyone can be racist.
Don't let them redefine words Sup Forums.
Of course! This why they want to redefine racism, while pretending that their new way is the way that has always been. Racism is in the law but not defined properly in the law. If they can change the popular definition then they can arrest anyone they like!
That seems to be the case user but think of how absurd this looks from a normie POV: globalization is a widely recognized modern phenomenon, regardless of how positively or negatively one perceives it. "Globalists", the wealthy and powerful who benefit from it, might be seen as a pejorative term but it's undeniable that they also exist. Then, suddenly and with no justification, the media declares "globalist" a code word for Jews, who normies perceive as being a people like any other white group only a bit more successful and with a tragic past.
Are those normies who might be suspicious of globalists going to stop feeling like this just because it's been declared "anti-semitism"? If anything they will be puzzled by that connection. Some of them might even be open to suggestions that the Jews are indeed a big part of the whole process since the idea (recently thought as absurd) has already been disseminated by the very Establishment who seek to suppress it.
I predict they will drop this one but I might be overestimating their intelligence.
DESU, I keep seeing people try this to no effect. Anti-racism is a bad meme because it's a hypocritical standard from the start.
foreign agent has a nice ring to it
Goblin. Shekeler. Nike. Rike. Taysachs. Juke. Joob joob. Jeweler. July. Julian.
I like this one desu. it's progressive and authoritarian (Brave New World) at the same time
shit like this is just going to draw more attention to the fact that there are a lot of serious (((cohencidences))) surrounding the jews, like the fact that they're globalists if not religious fundamentalists who think they're the master race
or both
i used the term globalist fucking YEARS before i could ever really accept that jews were really genetically inclined to subvert non jews because it was just so against all my brainwashing
European style Socialists
Why should I take the word of a rapist?
The left already does this and they've been attacked for it