What is wrong with him?
What is wrong with him?
Does he know what I high five is
That was so weird. Was there ever an official penis explanation?
He's a tall kid in the midst of a growth spurt. his joints hurt and his dad's the fukken president. cut him some slack my dude
He just thinks his mom is annoying, like every other kid his age
His room smells like Malia
He's completely uninterested and wants to go home
Too much time travel joggeled up his brain.
But really he's a prepubescent kid at the edge of a spotlight. I want to lock him in a room with Reviewbrah, some KFC, and a gamecube to see what happens.
He had to move into a crappy old house. Poor kid. :(
possibly autism
possibly hormonal presidential son boyism
possibly nothing
possibly deep state underground indoctrination
probably autism
>have the 'tism
>have to stand around in the middle of political bullshit and in front of cameras all the time
Fuck you faggot he's one of us.
he's 11, 11 year olds do weird shit, it's the fact that he's like 6'0" and looks like hes 15 which makes it look really weird.
still love barron
When I was his age, both of me parents were presidents and I still got a 3.8 GPA. Cry me a river.
Classic Oedipus Complex. But who could blame him?
>11 yo
is he some genetic experiment?
>thinking you're funny for posting this
What is he thinking?
The best nutrition money can buy, and Trump's pretty tall. I dunno how tall Melania is but supermodels are usually tall too.
He's the expert.
At least he tries to be a soccer player
>What is wrong with him?
he's seen everything, he knows all the facts
and he's bored
He was thinking this and then he drew it (yes, Barron drew this). He's a kid guys, leave him alone.
leave Baron alone you bully. He is cute. 10/10 would father anytime
Nothing. He was just instructed to act autistic so as to appeal to Internet weebs.
He's just bored and wants to go home and watch tv/play vidya, like every other kid in the world would be
What's wrong with Jews force meming bad optics on anyone they don't like, even kids
That boy is gonna become a rapist, you can see it in face. He has that "unapologetic rape face" look about him.
Nothing, you communist pedophile. He's a full foot taller than you and is still a kid. Fuck off faggot!
The ole' MK Ultra
He's 11.
How do you think you'd handle your father being not only the most powerful man in the world but one of the most decisive.
at 11.
Haven't seen him in awhile. Did he finally make diplomacy with those under the earth niggers?
he looks super tired and bored, as a 10 year old would be at 3am during a fucking political event
He has everything anyone could ever want.
What’s the point of doing anything anymore? Like game over, you won.
He was so cute, barely able to stay awake and kept swaying and nodding out. but wanted to be there for dads big moment.
Poor guy had probably been up since 7am too.
she's like 5'11. that's why he's so tall, his parents are both very tall.
this is great!
His dad is sexually assaulting wannabe fascist.
His mom is a whore from some former commieblock shithole.
The kid will be a psychopath.
I think it's interesting how even though it's rarely noted, basically everyone is instinctively aware that we're watching young Augustus whenever he's around.
This confirms it. Barron is the true power behind the presidency.
>gigantic tits v. t-rex
I really want to believe.
Mm, i'm very interested to see where he goes in life.
nice, attack kids now you degenerate faggots
He mastered Ultra Autism
hopefully his mentors aren't shitbirds.
The kid is not what he seems.
Him on that stage with his father and Pence meant something. Everything at events like that is choreographed. A good director doesn't let one detail out of place.
He is equal to them in some unusual way. That kid is not what he seems.
seems like a more suitable place for you cuckboi
Melania is clearly on top of that. Raising him to be fluent in Slovenian will help enormously, giving him a window on another point of view, an escape from the Anglo-speaking world, and easier access to the rest of the slavic pantheon (eg Russian) which offers an enormous amount of value for understanding life and western culture. This kid is being properly educated and will turn out well as a result. He's got a better mom than the other kids and they all seem ok.
He just wants to be shitposting on Sup Forums.
The kid just wants to play Mindcraft and not get dragged out to some horseshit events.
His downfall will be when he finds out about cutey goth girls.
he's standing still for hours
even I do that shit in funerals, fuck you
Sociopath in training. What do you expect coming from a trump
I know what was up with him. He didn't know what to do with himself up there on stage, so he decided to act like he was falling asleep or about to faint or something. He thought that this would look normal or better in comparison to how he would otherwise be up there and he was probably right. He had stage fright basically.
There is a cute older goth lady at my office. She is nearly six feet tall. Dark red almost purple lipstick. Goddamn dark Amazon of Legs. Love her.
Barron wouldn't stand a chance.
He will never know a normal life. I love Trump but I pitty Barron. Think of all the little things that are nice in your life that he will never get to know.
>Never able to walk down the street alone.
>Never able to sneak out of the house at night to do dumb shit with friends
>Never be able to get into a fight
>Never know the satisfaction of impressing a girl by changing a tire
>Never able to sit around a campfire at a semi covert party spot
>Never able to remain anonymous anywhere.
The kid is a prisoner of his fathers fame and fourtune. He will be surrounded by body guards the rest of his life. Secret Service will probably even cock block him from getting some teenage pussy in a few years.
>Hi dad....
>Your grounded
>Agent Smith tells me you tried order beer from the white house kitchen last night. Do you realize what outrage that would cause? Blah blah blah
I'm hoping he's an autistic genius of some kind, just observing and learning to mimic humans for now
Go to sleep, Rosie.
Is he autistic?
"shit, i forgot to save my Minecraft game"
He's rich as fuck so I wouldn't cry too hard for the poor lil guy user
His Dad is Donald Trump that has to count for something
he has a dad so that already puts him ahead of about 60% of the USA right there already
Just look at his mom.
dude. rekt,
He wants to know why his dad never investigated PizzaGate
This and sage.
>Not being able to lounge by the river with a 6-pack.
Oh fuck this poor bastard.
>18000 indictments
>hundreds of pedos already busted
Yeah but none of the ones at the top.
Paparazzi will follow him around for YEARS after his dad leaves office. He will be forever hounded by tabloid stories.
Yeah being stinking rich woukd be fucking awesome...but being free to do normal shit is pretty based too.
We could make an entire thread on what he will never be able to do
where he got this idea from? did he watched 1 million year b.c.
America loves Barron-kun
He was probably trying to hold in his boner from his super model mom and couldn't move his wait without her seeing it....
but probably autism
Do you think Barron posts here?
Soul sick.
A life of opulence can do that to you, how can the ups be distinguishable from the status quo when "up" IS the status quo? Life needs challenge, hardship to flavor the good times.
You would probably see the same look on a lot of the users on this board but of course for different reasons.
He’s a bored 11 year old. Bratty snooty just would rather be off fucking around doing anything but wearing a suit and being at boring political events all the time
That’s pretty fucking awesome
His Dad's a lying Cuckhole.
No wonder he'S disillusioned. Having a steamtalking Bullshitter as President would be bad enough, but being his offspring. buahahaha!
Exactamundo. Plus he has to ride his mom. Is it even his mom? Is she even a woman? And what’s on the polaroids in pic related?
fatherless child being raised by a whore mum..
future professional school shooter in the making
Nah mate he's playing with 300 PING
Slovenian internet connection yo
You would fuck your mother too if she looked like that.
Maybe you burgers fuck that surgery shit, but not the real world.
what the ...
Are those tits in one of those pictures? Wtf?
Gaping ass from dads dick
I would give anything for an unwashed pair of his undies. I want to inhale pure Barron.
otherworldly autism
why wouldnt trump want a successor?
It was like 3am when he walked out. Probably was sleeping and was woken up so he could be with his dad on stage.
He’s probably pretty based and plays call of duty. Trump was mentioning something about his kid playing violent video games or some shit the other day.
When i was 12 all i wanted to do was play video games
Found him