Stop undermining minority achievements

On here, people always claim minorities are stupid and haven't invented anything or contributed to society. This can't be further from the truth. A lot of it actually has to do with the fact that they have been oppressed for thousands of years by white people so it wasn't possible for them to do anything. Studies show historically oppressed peoples continue to suffer long after the oppression ends. This is why you don't see many achievements from that past. Today, the overhellmimg majority of entrepreneurs are black. Also, look at programming. Look at who develops for google and the Linux kernel. Incredibly diverse, thousands of blacks and other minorities. But keep pretending they're all dumb. It's really sad how you have to belittle people and take pride in the achievements of people you don't even know who are the same color as you to make yourself feel good about yourself. You guys just like ignoring all the advancements and achievements of minorities because you're racist and don't want to admit they're just as capable as you.

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the top of that mans head is very tiny

>Look at who develops for google and the Linux kernel
quit pretending that everybody in the world is exceptional in their own way. that's wrong.

the yid is in the matriz

We wuz Kangz n shiet.

anyone interested in what actual malaysian job applications look like, please check out that thread

>Today, the overhellmimg majority of entrepreneurs are black. Also, look at programming. Look at who develops for google and the Linux kernel. Incredibly diverse, thousands of blacks and other minorities

citation needed

No, I'm just saying that you guys pretend all black people and minorities are all brainless gangsters when they're clearly capable of doing everything white people can do and contribute greatly to society

>Hurrrrrrrrrr waipipo
>hurrrrrrrrrrrr muh opression
>durrrrrrrrr raycis
>rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we wuz

I used to develop linux kernel modules as well as parts of a tcp congestion algorithm. and there are no blacks developing anything for the linux kernel. Fucking shill youre lying to push your leftist cuckould agenda fuck off

Imagine if Sup Forums could respond with actual counter arguments and not this crap

>oppressed for thousands of years by white people
I stopped right there.

he probably just skimmed the names of the commits, but didn't look at the content of the commits.

the core group of linux contributors are Nordic, Central European, German, French, like one Spaniard, and American. Basically the core linux devs are an extremely tight knight group, and nobody, not even a str*ight wh*te m*le can just waltz in and fit in with them because there's so much autism and esoteric knowledge required to even converse about the incredibly dense subject matter you need to be on top of to discuss kernel development.

Minorities have been succeeding because the white man has been footing the bill.

Any right that you may have, do not forget who bestowed it upon you and your ancestors.

And now, after men and women, and people of color were equal in the eyes of the law, MINORITIES couldn't be any more dissatisfied.

As if we haven't been blowing doors down in the past century and a half? NO, that isn't enough. Even though there are biological differences, minorities have FORCED their way into unqualified positions through AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.

You wanna blame someone for racism? Blame yourselves. BETTER YET: blame the white apologists who gave you your rights. Keep playing the victim card. And finally, when the whites are gone, you can eat each other and destroy the world like Soddam.

>Minorities have been succeeding because the white man has been footing the bill.

cashing a welfare check is not success

here's some copypasta

racism has never been the biggest problem blacks have faced. it's not even top 10. the biggest problem for the masses of blacks who were good at manual labor, but didn't have the time to take up some scholarship that isn't gonna really help them was getting work after the minimum wage law passed.

there was an entire generation of sons of free'd slaves who were working for their children so their children could go to a college. they didn't want to go to college themselves, it wasn't their dream, or their path. they wanted their kids to go. but then the government came in right as we were on the cusp of parity and pulled the chair right out from underneath us. everything we had worked for for the preceding EIGHTY. YEARS.

my grandfather worked for a construction company that was 95% black, some mexicans. it was black owned. that company had the most business in the atlanta area, because they underbid everybody and did good work. they built a reputation.

then, in 1961 the government made it illegal for the company to accept the payment rates they had been asking for. a new law which made it so the company couldn't take a job unless they asked for at least x amount of dollars per job. customers couldn't afford that, and had to decline the companie's offers.

what happened is all of the work eventually went to companies from up north who would come in and take up these smaller contracts as part of bigger contracts. my grandfather's company went bankrupt and he had to move to detroit to work in an auto manufacturing plant for less money.

that's the effect the minimum wage law had on my grandfather, my family.

stop trying to "help".

Do not reply to troll threads.
Report them.



What's wrong? Can't handle someone with a dissenting opinion on the Nazi circle jerk board?

We're literally the only people who recognize disproportionate globalist contribution to media, academia, banking, feminism, communism, and aggressive city renovation.

Globalist erasure is a serious issue. The white washing must end.

These are nice and all but you completely missed my point. Minorities didn't contribute as much as whites due to them being oppressed. Today, they contribute a lot but Sup Forums ignores it and pretends they're all useless

>due to them being oppressed
but that's wrong you freshman

Minorities living in white societies benefiting from white academic centers using research made by white people were able to invent something.

"Fierce religious resistance" had to be overcome to permit such innovations as paper money (in 1951), female education (1964), and television (1965) and the abolition of slavery (1962).

>all african across the entire continent spanning almost a hundred cultures, ethnic groups, and languages act teh same regardless of location

How so?

Sup Forums loves generalizing and lumping everyone into groups, refusing to judge by the individual. But when it comes to things like guns, they suddenly realize you can't judge everyone based on a small bad minority.

you'll see.

Jews were more opressed than any other minority through history but are still on top. Any explanations? Could it be that these minorities are fucking retarded? Sage

>minority achievements

Google "black achievements" or something similar, do some reading, and get back to me and apologize

The thing that undermines the recognition of minority achievements is affirmative action. Thanks to affirmative action even those minorities who legitimately achieve something get dismissed as undeserving people who just filled a quota.

why do you always ignore it when blacks tell you what their problems are? why do you think you understand their problems better than they do? why do you know what is best for them?

this, and don't take it from me, take it from them

>get kicked out of nation
>get accepted into new nation as refugees
>try to destroy new nation
>get kicked out again
>claim it's everyone else's fault and you are just oppressed

>look me put on de judges wig, me smart now, me is contributing to de world

The real extent of "minority achievements"

is this real?
Those who avoid and evade the reason for the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution would surely admit that if Lithuania had a Second Amendment, Mikhail Gorbachev violated it on March 22,1990 — Russian troops seized arms from the Lithuanian militia. Or was "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" actually violated two days earlier, when Premier Gorbachev ordered private citizens to turn in their hunting and competition guns to the Russian army within one week "for temporary safekeeping" or have them confiscated and their owners imprisoned? Or was "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" initially violated many years before, when the people were first prohibited from possessing guns without permission of government and laws were passed requiring every gun to be registered? In fact, the Soviet Constitution guarantees the people the right to keep and bear arms, and Lithuania is part of the Soviet Union — or so Gorbachev contends. But obviously the Soviet government pays no more attention to that constitutional freedom guarantee than do the majority of the U.S. Government, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, or CBS and the Washington Post. What is the difference, precisely, between the confiscation of private firearms in Lithuania and the confiscation ordered by S. 166, the Graves bill? What is the difference, precisely, between the registration law in Lithuania — which makes confiscation possible — and the registration of military-style firearms required by California's Roberti-Roos bill, which went into effect January 1,1990. What is the difference, precisely, between Lithuania's law prohibiting the people from owning military-style firearms and the so-called "assault rifle" bans?

>is this real?

Wtf are you on about cangoroo man... Try again after you take some sedatives.

itt a lithuanian talks politics

Believe it or not, most of us on Sup Forums lived most of our formative years as non-racists, choosing to judge individuals rather than groups. But the existence of a few healthy trees does not negate the fact that the rest of the forest is on fire.

Black people aren't all murderers and rapists and drug dealers, but they're far more likely to be. They're not all leeches on society who take more than they contribute, but as an aggregate they are. They're not all lazy, disgusting, obnoxious loudmouths and compulsive liars who ruin everything they touch and make life generally unpleasant for everyone involved, but there are enough of them that cities like Chicago and Detroit have essentially burned to the ground.

These brilliant-yet-oppressed black men that you're so fond of can feel free to move to Liberia and innovate over there. In twenty years, New Wakanda will emerge from the savannah, serving as a monument to black ingenuity unfettered by the backwards, oppressive white man. Sounds like a win/win for everybody involved, but I'm sure you'll find some excuse to keep them here so they can perpetually leech off the achievements of Western civilization.