Polish Appreciation Thread

I see a lot of Slav hate on here but Poles are awesome. They are sturdy, hard working people.
They built Castles, have beautiful culture, beautiful women, they have survived and rebuilt their country from literal ruins. They are based. And apparently they rape Russia a lot in memes. Thank you for all you do Polish bros.

Poland painted a feature film and it looks good:

Other urls found in this thread:


I would respect your post much more if you didn't hide behind a loathsome meme flag. OP is a fearful faggot and even though I like and admire the Polish people, sage.

And don't forget kielbasa.

Surprise, friend.

Never tried it desu, I only met a couple Polish at work before this vacation but the young Polish aren't lefty retards they are great modern examples of the white race.


I love Poland




>And apparently they rape Russia a lot in memes.
That meme is nor appreciated

don't ever buy cheap kielbasa. The more expensive ones are glorious tho

wracaj na kara z tym gównem, baranie

this is german Danzig

How about this one?
Its a photo from a polish death camp (colorized)

Love Poland, hope to visit again soon :D

Poland is a shithole, aside from beeing ''white''' they have literaly nothing, huge amiunt of poles are criminals in western Europe, also they are violand and we wuz all the time, fuck em.


Polish men are the niggers of Europe
Polish women are the worst, but most common source of whores in Europe.

I agree, Poland is a pisshole and Poles are short sighted, undisciplined rubes

I just came here to tell you to watch Loving Vincent, it's a beautiful movie with a great soundtrack by Clint Mansell who's also responsible for the music in Pi, another great movie that Sup Forums would absolutely fucking love as it deals with conspiracies, the code of kabbalah and the nature of existence, plus it has a bit of a cyberpunk vibe to it:

Why is it always the proudest countries in europe are the ones that have no achievements to be proud of?

so how are we different from Latvia?

I like Poland very much but they need to get rid of their RETARDED anti-Russian daddy issues and they also need to get rid of the RETARDS of PiS party. Then they do alliance with Russia and save themselves and cause a great defeat for the Jews therefore helping other Whites in other nations.

Make friends with Russia and STOP BEING RETARDS!

>they rape Russia a lot in memes
Is that a special achievement here? Do you hate Russia so much?

They are Le based slaves I suggest you watch your tongue before it gets cut

What's the purpose of this meme? Are you in some kind of confrontation with Russia/Russians?

I have no idea. We arecalso supposedly raping tigers. Does anyone know how the rapey polandball is called? I can't find it.

Polaks are submissive drunk monkeys. Suck my Aryan cock

Holy shit Portugal, you're still alive? How are things? Havent heard about you since Salazar. Still into sailing?

No, I like Russia, the point of adding that was I don't know as much as I would like about Poland.
I will admit I don't feel like I am among whites when around Russians, you guys drink like fucking fish and act crazy as shit.
I made this thread in the hopes people would introduce other polish things to me.
Russians are alright but I think I liked the Polish I met more.
What the deal with your countryball memes?
Like why tigers?

I have met 5 Poles.
1 was a junkie, the other 4 were amazing.
Hussars, Sexy women, culture.

I like Russians dood

>you guys drink like fucking fish
>What the deal with your countryball memes?
I don't understand this shit at all.
>why tigers?
I can only assume it has something to do with the St. George ribbon.

Fucking Jews did a "color revolution" in 1974 and it's been a rough seas ever since.

>What the deal with your countryball memes?
>Like why tigers?

Raping tigers and leopards was a national sport in Poland in times of our greatness. After the rape you wore the cat's skin as a display of masculinity. Pic related, a XVIIcent Polish gentelman.

its making fun of horrendous pro russian comics. look at the unedited versions they are simply awful and deserve to be mocked, no matter your political stance. pic related.


mhhhhhhh, they better learn to keep there world or they get fuckt.

>we have tigers

do they unironically have tigers just roaming around like the bears?

how you Sorbian studies, pedale?

so the polish chicken did cross the street to get crushed by german tank?

Daily reminder that any and all (((anons))) who will hate on pooland are kikes or mudslimes who got pissed off their EU domination plan was stalled for a few centuries.

and now in human.

I thought that, but idk.
I HAVE NOT been to Russia but I have spent a couple months in Mui Ne and Nha Trang Vietnam where half the signs are in Russian and the local learn Russian.
I got drunk with Russians plenty.
The Russian I met were wild AF. Fun but unpredictable. One time, in Mui Ne, a Russian guy entered a restaurant I was in already wasted with another liter of Vodka and proceeded to loudly facetime with friends and finished the liter. The whole time he kept ignoring the staff asking him to leave. I have had several interesting experiences with your people.

Is this real life?
I don't know If I am impressed or disgusted...

>be Poland
>save Vienna and western Europe from Turks
>get conquered by the same countries you saved + Russia
>in this struggle, accept Europe's first constitution
>fight under Napoleon to get independence back
>lose independence for another 100 years
>still develop a strong sense of national identity
>gain independence
>save Germany and western Europe from communism in the meantime
>Germany unites against you with the same communist country you saved it from
>lose independence again
>develop strong resistance
>still fall under communism
>be the first one to become free again
>after all this struggle still a proud white christian nation
Respect from your neigbour, stay strong Poles!

All european countries have done alot though

nice butthurt

you play only with russian protection and later stated a war against Russia

also you stole the name of a different nation, Prussians were a baltic people and there are still songs in their language

Holy shit I didn't even know some Polish artists painted a whole movie. Thanks for telling me bro

Is the Finnish hate the same?
I feel bad for roasting a Finn now, he called me a mutt and my genes are uberman, I called him a Snow Chink but now I feel like a dick...

day lie reminder that pooland is Saudi cock sucker and they re pissed that they cant get all that sweet oil money and get raped by Russia and EU while they cant do shit and screen autistic only.

Iraq war crimes are and will be never forgotten, not by a nation that is still housing the most polish death camps in existence.

Crimes against mankind that where committed in pooland. in 2000´s.

Holly fuck you children are so retard if you think all that shit event started with there refugee crisis.

Some Poles at my hostel told me about it, it looks good. The also told me about some short films called Legendy Polski. Also Read the Witcher if you haven't.

I still don't understand why countries such as Latvia exist. You either belonged to Poland or Russia. Your nation is small, full of retards. You're meaningless and your education sucks. Fucking artificial country, you're even less real than Cuckraine. Latvians come to Poland to work for half the price.

metaphores aside, you really shouldn't touch the subject of being raped

Give me tigers ivan

I respect the Pols as long as they keep standing up to Israel and the US. If they cuck they mean nothing.

>Why is it always the proudest countries in europe are the ones that have no achievements to be proud of?
Because people naturally gravitate towards what is popular, respectable, prestigious and countries that don't have those traits have a sense of inferiority and they're trying to fill it with excessive pride and recalling history

Confidence is silent while excessive boasting suggests sense of insecurity. Notice how Polacks boast about battles that happened 500 years ago while others don't because they have a wide variety of things they can refer to

calm user, its allright
i miss her to
our little sister will come back home sooner or later.. we just need to give her some more time to Rumspringa'ed herself

>Be a britfag
>No one likes you
>Be the worst tourist ever, piss on the streets when you get drunk (which makes you close to being Indian)
>Insult other nations while yours is garbage
>still no one likes you
>be proud of your cuisine while you know everything you eat is artificial
>eat potatoes from a plastic bag (wtf who does that?)
>your bread looks and tastes like a sponge
>most of the immigrants in the UK are muslims who get gibs for nothing and rape your women
>but for some reason you believe that hardworking Poles are the problem
>the most popular name for newborns in your country is Muhammad
>Call other countries "the niggers of Europe"

Protecting Europe from Ottomans? Protecting Europe from commie?

Lived for a year in Poland. I realy envy their national pride. Also envy that aren´t cucks like in Spain giving money, free healthcare and citizenship to niggers. Polish are cool people.

You are that sad britfag that shits on slavs whenever he can arent you?
Go shit on poles in kikeblog.fuck you

Yar har!



>poleboo from laos
what is this meme

Why are you, a literally -tier country even talking?

Dolan I tought youre in Bruksel

>Meme flag

Stop bating you edgy cunt

>Texan on Vacation
I have just met young(20-25) poles for the first time.
I guess I am a Poleboo, I love the Witcher books.
I love Poles though.

>with your people
I have no respect for people who travel to Turkey, Egypt, Southeast Asia and other countries... They are wasting their lives and money.
Actually, it's quit dangerous to be drunk in public places in Russia.

I like that the Poles are such stubborn people.

They have made a lot of dumb decisions in the past, but just kept on going, and now they are actually an example for the rest.

It's difficult, because of muh Smolensk plane and decades of negative history, initiative should come from Russia and it should be something on the level we gib part of Kaliningrad oblast for poles etc. , which is never going to happen. Basically russians would have to do something unimaginably nice to Poland, but in world of realpolitik it's not going to happen. Also if it would happen, lot's of poles would be suspicious about motives of Russia to do such thing. PiS is not going to give up plane investigation because Kaczynski lost his brother in crash etc.

sounds familiar.

Pro-tip, I don't care what you respect Ivan.
Your opinion won't affect me.
I am neither wasting my life nor money, I am enjoying a nice vacation and working on some certifications in my career path, I came out here to teach English, I just wanted a nice vacation first.

Why dangerous? Like is it illegal to be drunk? or will people fuck with you?

Baiting? Those structures were built by Germans

Poland is great. The only based country in european emirates

We are giving citizenship to niggers but those are like individual cases

That "hussar" like armour imitation is just terrible, Jesus Christ...

What about Hungary? Is Based Hungary just a meme?

Danzig was developed by german townspeople. When it was in slavic hands it was some kind of fort or medium town

>I don't care what you respect
>Your opinion won't affect me
>showing middle finger
triggered? or just drunk?

>When it was in slavic hands
When it was in Slavic hands it had its Golden Age.

Yeah, but the women look great in it, lol.

I may have had some sauce.
To be clear, the middle finger is not pure hate, it can be a response to what you said.
I was saying fcuk what you think of my choice of travel destination.

Also you didn't tell me why being shit-faced in Russia is dangerous.

You know what faggots? I miss the times when we were called slav-niggers, people were questioning are we even white (most of my nation isn't - mentally). If I will ever fucking hear "le based Polan" one more time, I will fucking Sam Hyde a school. There is NOTHING based about this shit of a country. And you know why? Because my retarded countrymen will never learn from their past mistakes. Because we fucking hate. Everyone and everything. Hate is the feeling that allows most of the people to even get up. Hate of the family, other people, job, rulling class -which of course is on kike's leash, but ok, keep thinking what you want. Poland fucking died within the 1st minutes of September the 1st, 1939. What's left of this failed 45+ years of socialism experiment should be fucking glassed into oblivion.

But it was developed by Germans. Are this fucking retarded not to get what I mean? Are you an autist?

>being shit-faced in Russia is dangerous
someone can beat or even kill you and then everyone will blame you because you were drunk and shiiit...
>of my choice of travel
I thought that you are a Laotian.

i don't hate nobody
you seem to hate whole country
just leave user wtf

>Burger Makes Poland Love Thread
>Pole makes Poland Hate Post in Poland Love Thread

That is fucked.

No I am Texan, I would be Surprised if a Laotian made it onto Sup Forums

Hard times ahead my brother.
Your country will rise again

I wouldnt be surprised if all Poland hate threads were made by Poles behind maymayflags

chill little burgerbro

forgive the user for bruising your thread
youth has its laws, we all go through it
here, have some bigos

>Made by Poles
>At best when in Polish hands
user, you are the autistic one.

>Are this fucking retarded not to get what I mean?
Oh my, the grammar is weak in this one.

We haven't been sovereign once since Poniatowski started his reign back in 1764. Our country was taken from us and our nation will soon be eradicated as well. The two most popular parties that always get elected are pro-EU Marxist cocksuckers with over 50% Jewish membership (Platforma Obywatelska) and anti-Russian pro-US-Israel Zionist traitors with over 50% Jewish membership (Prawo i Sprawiedliwosć). The patriotic and nationalistic children are being trained in a new educational system to become cannon fodder against an upcoming war with Ukraine so that nobody sane will be left to defend us from the claws of Israel. Their filthy shriveled Jewish hands are already trying to gouge out our guts by spreading Polish Death Camps propaganda and demanding $65bil dollars, which if we agreed to pay would cause us to sell out the country completely and become toilet cleaners on our own land. There is no Poland and there will be no Poles soon.

>I am Texan
well hello there, friendo

Hi Friend. I hope all is well,warm and comfy.