Leftists and nigger iq

Do white leftists actually think that niggers are genetically equal to whites when it comes to brain power? The leftist politicians, activists, professors especially. I mean clearly many of these people are intelligent, however misguided they may be. There is just no fucking way that they think spear chuckers are as capable as whites. They just can't be that oblivious can they?!

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Yes, and that should tell you the power of (((communist brainwashing))).

The arguments are
>But whites are why
>But africa didn't progress as fast because Europeans fought a lot.
>It's due to nurture, not nature!
I've argued with so many people who literally think the ONLY difference they inherit is their skin tone. There are other things on the surface, like their skull shapes, but the people continue to deny it. It's very frustrating, if you say anything they say "you're a racist! how dare you say blacks are better physically suited for basketball! That's just because basketball is their culture you bigot!

I have thought this too. I can't believe that people see so many obvious physical differences that are very consistent but they don't ever consider mental / psychological differences.

this mexican leftist thinks that there are 5-7 different types of intelligence, and that there are statistical distributions for conventional IQ in all populations. yes, they may have a tendency to fall a little lower compared to other races for conventional IQ but IMO they tend to be socially smarter. i'll step further and say that if black families improve, in a couple of generations the IQ disparity would drop significantly.

It's easy to rationalize away anything that undermines one's political agenda. Hope and fantasy is powerful. Evolution suddenly doesn't apply to the biggest thing it actually applies to: the human brain. "We're all the same" = communist religion.

>do white leftists actually think that niggers are genetically equal to whites when it comes to brain power?
yes. let me document a conversation i had with my leftist cuck of a neighbor
>hanging out with said cuck because his girl wants to suck my cock
>topic of gun-control comes up
>cuck says "idk anymore. more guns won't work and less guns won't work"
>so i say back "well if you look at who's commiting most of the murders in this country, it's young blacks"
>cuck says "how so?"
>i say "black men, ranging from ages 8 - 30 commit 65%+ of all murders, says the FBI and various crime reports"
>look on the cuck's face is typical cuckish look
>i continue by saying "if you look at the history of blacks in this country, they have consistently commited more violent crimes than any other race that has lived here"
>cuck tries to refute this statement
>i bring up the rodney king incident, and how big portions of nogs chimped out at the mere image of one of their own getting his ass beat
>he goes "well yeah, how would you feel seeing a white guy getting his ass beaten by the cops?"
>i answer "first i'd ask what law he broke, then if he was violent towards the police officer, then if he had any weapon."
>anger starts to set in the cuck's deer-like eyes
>i go onto saying "it seems like blacks are genetically inclined to tribal violence because they lack either the intelligence or long-term thinking to plan out anything on their own"
>cuck immediately refutes by saying "well that's because they don't have the education needed for long-term thinking to be fostered."
>so i then say "well who would provide said education? other blacks?"
>cuck immediately becomes timid
>i go onto saying "WHO would provide education to blacks to become more civilized if there were only black people on this planet?"
>cuck changes the convo by saying "well if there were only blacks on this planet, they wouldn't be violent because they don't get constantly told that they are violent"
part 1

i'm sorry just so i understand - why did nigs nog after rodney king? after witnessing the incident? how old are you>

Chainlink is life, chainlink is love.

>i rebutte by saying "well africa was ONLY black for a couple thousand years atleast, but all skeletal remains show some form of extreme violence before death, such as deep cuts, 4th degree burns, cannibalism and infanticide"
>can see his cuck mind slowly burning from rage
>i go onto saying "for thousands of years, not 1 two-story building was built by native africans that has lasted more than 100 years. Meanwhile, nearly every great building built by Europeans and Asians still stands today, even with all of the national/international/civil wars that has occurred"
>cuck's brain is beginning to fry itself
>i go onto saying "The reason why they, the blacks, can't assimilate into European society and its rules is because they are not Europeans. simple as that"
part 2

i was barely born when it happened. but basically they didn't like seeing one of their own get justice handed to them in the form of billy clubs.

>cuck tries to back up his assertion by saying "well that's just YOUR perception. Blacks, like all people back then, were violent. YES. But they wouldn't be as violent today if they were not constantly reminded of their violence"
>i notice he has started running in loop-mode
>so i say "that makes no sense, dude. Saying 'you're violent' and you become violent isn't a justification to be violent. That's like calling a random person a rapist and they're like 'well you know what, since everybody calls me a rapist, guess i'll go rape'
>cuck tries to use example of this H.S girl he knew that was called a slut so much that she started slutting it up
>i point out that she was just looking for an excuse to live out her slut fantasy by using the slutshaming as a cover.
>cuck has a blank look in his eyes
part 3

i thought they rioted after the cop's not guilty verdict. silly me.. no - stupid you. watch how badly you get hacked by anonymous hacker - i probed ur ports and already know ur name. Mr Dunning Kruger

LEL not even close. idgaf if you actually DID know my real name btw

Am I on the right board?

>why did nigs nog after rodney king? after witnessing the incident?
Yes. Same reason all chimpouts happen. Excuse to loot and go wild. Pay no attention to the fact blacks were perpetually victimizing whites at higher rates back then as they are today. Facts don't matter. (((Progressive))) brainwashing on the black community.

wow nice internet form
much shitposting
little reading
great success - ESL fags always get caught by idioms or i suppose in this case sarcastic forum replies

>i go onto saying "Look dude. If you actually took some time to look at all the stats regarding race and crimes or race and STD rates or race and I.Q rates, you'll see that the vast majority of blacks are almost always a drag on the nation they reside in. Very few of them can overcome their genetics to become civilized people. Sure, there are some blacks who have done this, some that i know and am good friends with, but even THEY know that the average black is a nigger"
>can see his beaty eyes glowing with silent rage
part 4

no the left dont thats why they give them affirmative action cause they know they cannot compete

the left are white supremacists also,the difference is they feel guilt for it we dont

they also like to pretend they dont feel superior where as we embrace and acknowlege it,this is why we are hated

the left are just as bad as us,they just have better PR

Why don't you ask a leftist instead of this circlejerk of know-nothing retards?

Triggered leftist fagit detected.

don't wrap yourself in MY flag

>I'm too scared to leave Sup Forums because somebody might disagree with me!
>oh no, here comes someone who doesn't need a safe space, better call him triggered

tl;dr soy fuck fag


>i'm a kike who came to Sup Forums to shitpost
>shitposting isn't having desired result
>pretend i'm not a faggot kike looking to get blacked

at least he's not shitposting some chat with a neighbor where one (or more tl;dr) of your points to the soycuck was 100% completely fucking wrong. Hello Mr Kruger what's planned for the weekend?

Okay, you got me. I'm a jew. And assuming you're 56% huwhite (if that) I'm actively genociding what's left of your shitty pathetic race of weakling rats. So take this jewish dick, sweetie, and smile when you swallow that load, baby.
















which point was wrong?
i'm 100% white bucko! oh i'll be smiling! when i drop the last of your kind in the ocean :)


nice chart - got any links for more? fascinating how the 120+ raw numbers seem to be the most important thing for societal success. It's actually super obvious in retrospect.

>i'm 100% white
HAHAH, sure thing, Britney.

It's John to you, nigger. brb, gotta cum on your mother's face real quick.

Time to take the "smart person" pill. They're literally too stupid to understand the depth of distinction that is routine for you. You're speaking Greek and they only understand Spanish.

You can say that, but you'll be wrong. 100% certain.

>Do white leftists actually think that niggers are genetically equal to whites when it comes to brain power?
No. I think most of them think that they aren't currently equal, but they believe that cultural differences and social and economic factors can almost entirely or entirely account for the current disparity.

Sup Forums and the right wing believes there is a bigger genetic component. It's honestly probably somewhere in between with both sides underestimating the other factors. Yeah yeah, I know, middle of the road fence sitter meme, but I think it's probably right in this case. A big part of the reason niggers are dumb lawbreakers is they're raised as dumb lawbreakers. Looking at adopted black children raised in correct circumstances shows that.

and which parts are wrong, by what measure? some of the opinion in that post is founded on anecdotal evidence sure, but let's hear this.

I have a large collection of IQ redpills but not on me at the moment. Sorry, m8. What most people don't realize, because they're usually low IQ, is that the average is one of several important IQ metrics. That's not touching upon hundreds of other genetic traits that shape things like creativity, impulse control, risk taking, and pioneering.

Leftist here. I unironically believe the average Sup Forumstard is dumber and less functional than the average black. Maybe on iq alone they are similar but in terms of being able to function in reality I think blacks win by far.


Yes, they do.

This is one of their most emphatic beliefs and it is the root of their insane social policies.

If you tell a liberal that blacks have genetically lower IQs than whites it's like saying you are a child rapist or something. It's one of their most sacred beliefs.


The LA riots in happened after the two officers who were administering the beat-down were let off by a suburban jury of white and asian people. The cops beat on this motherfucker way longer than was necessary and basically the cops had way better defense lawyers than LA County provided prosecutors (same thing happened with OJ). As it was, Coon and Powell did end up serving jailtime - I saw them in prison with my own two eyes, and they desired to be there, by law.

Most people in LA attributed the chimpout, which was not just black people, to a long pattern of corruption by the LAPD, which is also absolutely true. This event was just seen as a final straw. LAPD was and still is super corrupt kike/kid-fucker bullshit.

tl;dr: the riots were standard nigger chimpout, but on a large scale due to an actually justifiable reason for large numbers of people to be super angry.




>socially smarter

Elaborate. This sounds like something that could be completely subjective

Black childeren adopted by white couples have the same iq as whites on average until they reach adulthood, then the gap is back. That means its genetics ma man.

Meant to post this one.

thanks mr super smart "hey ur probably completely 100%" wrong guy - i already stated the chimp out was after the verdict. thanks for reposting it though - maybe one of the OTHER *ahem ahem* dipshits will read it.

You speak about reality. Is this the same reality where whitey pays welfare to the black? That's not very functional.

You mean the black kids raised in "white" circunstances. Blacks on their own are not capable of anything.

They literally do. If you show them the data they'll handwave it as a consequence of white oppression, ignoring the fact that if the whites were able to subjugate the blacks while outnumbered that implies at minimum that there's differences in tactics they use.

1000 EOY

It’s a justifiable reason to be angry but not a justifiable reason to burn down white and Korean businesses who have little to do with what crooked cops were doing


Leftist here

Black Africans outscored White British IN Exam results...

Blacks in Carribean, USA and Southern Africa are by far the worst behaved and least productive as they were most damaged by imperialism.

11 of top growth economies are in Africa.
African IS is rising rapidly along with all other developing nations.
Crime rate is low in a lot of African nations such as Rwanada and Ivory Coast.

Come at me, virgins.


African IQ is rising rapidly*

Of course you do because you dismiss anything you find offensive as stupid. You sound like a typical liberal who in trying not to be racist, ends up sounding racist as fuck. Face it you hate yourself.

Cool go move to Rawanda


>they come up with all the catch phrases - senpai, "get at me dawg", all that and a bag of chips - like it or not, they have a tendency to be or act "cool".
>be me at gym, see group of normal OK blacks. 100yards around them, they are aware of the situation.... new hottie walks in, they are aware. social interactions between other gym members 20 yards away from them, they pick up on it.

there are a couple of other examples i'll post them in the next IQ thred a when they occur to me. realistically speaking, if you know the general idea behind guns, germs, and steel, a focus on evolution in that type of environment of africa probably selected for this

You are a MANIAC!

>crime rate is low in alot of African nation such as Rwanda
nigga, did you not see Hotel Rwanda?


wtf senpai?

salem aleykum

It's weird because they both do and don't. They think that their is equal POTENTIAL in both races for excellence, but societal factors (caused, of course, by whitey) has lowered nog IQ. I myself aren't nearly as sure about that. Intelligence is just the capacity and speed at which you learn and understand, which I would think would be genetically hardwired, like the RAM or hard-drive of a computer.

Can you actually provide any data to back this up? That's really interesting if true.

I also read somewhere that caucasian admixture is a huge predictor for a black person's success in life but no sources on that either.

> blacks can assimilate into white society when constantly supervised by and surrounded by white people

really makes me think.

>Crime rate is low in a lot of African nations such as Rwanada and Ivory Coast.

Cherry picking, trisomy 21 victim.

The 'Flynn effect' is the result of non-randomized sampling of individuals for IQ tests which skews the results to whatever the researcher wants them to be. This is why time and time again, the Flynn effect is proven false.
IQ by definition cannot rise or fall. It is biologically predetermined and strongly linked to heredity.


You can research any of the things I said if you like. You will find them all to be true.

You're being 100% misleading. I'm not sure if you know it and it doesn't matter to me whether you do.

I've heard this too. And anecdotally I've noticed that black KIDS seem roughly as smart as white kids. Then puberty happens and nogs stagnate while whites reach new heights.

So screaming in a movie theater, using street slang, and the lack of qualms about cat calling women is considered “socially intelligent”? In polite society, that is social retardation. Sorry. I don’t consider an African male that has no restraint or self-consciousness regarding begging for money to be social intelligence, if anything it’s extremely obnoxious.

Already did You're fucking retarded, kill yourself.

This illustrates a major problem with how most people understand and observe IQ. You have to recognize that it unfolds over time - as kids, they can be closer and appear to have similar potential, largely because the real hints of intelligence aren't that visible in day-to-day activities with 8 year olds. The problem is that as we age, we get smarter and the IQ develops to its full potential. This is why white people tend to soar as adults and black people get stuck, thinking that whitey is on some magical escalator that they're not invited to. In a sense they are right, but they don't realize that it comes from our internal abilities being greater than theirs rather than from external assistance. the cruelest thing we do to black people is pretend they're equal to white people in terms of intelligence.

Societal factors DO play a part (Slavs, for instance, after centuries of serfdom and communism, have an average IQ of around 95 despite being white, even the mongrel ones have east asian admixture so that shouldn't affect it) but it wouldn't be enough to explain black americans being at 86 or central africans being at 80 after the Europeans brought civilization and stability to their continent.

>Intelligence is just the capacity and speed at which you learn and understand, which I would think would be genetically hardwired
It's not entirely. It's also a skill, just like you can have all of the genetic wiring to be an aesthetic god, but if you don't work out and eat right, you'll be a skinny nerd for life. It's the reason fat parents make fat kids, even if their genetics are amazing.

Your brain is the same way. You can have the right blueprint, but if you're not born into the right environment, your potential is severely diminished. Being born into a nigger hellhole is pretty much as diminishing as it can get.

No, I am presenting alternative evidence to your retarded hypothesis.

The average heritability of IQ is around 88 percent after 26 years of age. One of the highest inheritable traits there is. Brains. Evolution exists.

You're providing nothing. You're not intelligent enough to understand that, apparently, if you're not a shill.

You could coat the redpill by saying that it's just unlikely that both races exhibit the exact same IQ.
Do it like this:
>"I don't know, to me it's just unlikely that the average IQ of both populations are EXACTLY equal."
>"It would be interesting to find out, because yes blacks clearly have a rougher circumstances. So if you then equaled the circumstances I don't see why blacks couldn't have higher IQ on average than whites."
>"Not actually testing the IQ's could be part of a conspiracy against the black people."
>"Wouldn't it be funny to tell the racists that they actually have lower IQ than blacks!"
>"I don't understand why you would hesitate to look for IQ differences. It seems like you assume blacks would turn out to have less IQ than whites. I don't see how you could come to this conclusion before even seeing any data."
>"So let's find out."

You proved none of your claims and told anons to do their own research. Once their own research is done any user will see that you're lying and yet you'll still be here perpetuating unsourced and unproven drivel.

What exactly did I say that is untrue.

Black Africans ACTUALLY DO outperform white brings in GCSE exams.
The fastest growing economies ARE in Africa
Some African countries DO have low crime rate.

And most European nations have even lower crime rates than the “safest” of African countries


how old are you? what movies are you watching? is it a younger crowd? i haven't seen blacks talking in movie theatres in years but DESU i don't watch a lot of movie theatres.

the social intelligence I mentioned does not focus on being considerate for others in a theater. it's best demonstrated by a tendiency for blacks - again on average not 100% across the board (fuck do i have to spell this out) - to be more in-tune to social relations personal interactions.

begging for money? you're likely to self-bias your sample from either insulated-already working from college job or young-NEET never leaves the house and got bullied in school. probably both

Due to poor living standards.

If you look up former societies IN Europe such as the Vikings or German tribes during the Roman empire, do you think they would have the

>The fastest growing economies ARE in Africa

I'm not interested in the other stuff you're discussing, but "growth" is a fucking retarded metric every time it's brought up.

It's not hard to have an economic growth boom in a modern world if you're in last place. If I earn 100 dollars per week and you earn 1 dollar per week...but next week you earn 10 dollars and I earn 110...WOW! You had a 900% boom in growth! Holy shit! Mine was only 5%! Amazing!

Thus why "growth" never ever, ever, ever matters.

And they have poor living standards because they’re stupid niggers

1. No proof
2. Easier to make big gains when you're low in the first place. The concept of diminishing returns for established economies is too much for your prole mind.
3. Cherry picking. Already disproved on the whole in this thread. African niggers make that continent the most crime ridden shithole in the world. Congratulations, you found some isolated pockets that prove the rule.

Watch out everyone.PhD in economics coming through.
"Growth never matters".

You just went full retard mate.

>growing economies


