in europe nearly every country you see the right rising...and in the usa you are so cucked you alt-righters are talking about stopping immigration when in reality you should be not only stopping it but starting to reverse it via white immigration and create an actual right wing party and not the fucking republicans who are just jew controlled opposition!
You say europe is fucked but...usa doesn't even have an actual right wing party to vote for
>you say europe is fucked but...usa doesn't even have an actual right wing party
That's precisely why Europe is fucked. I envy America for their deep-seated liberal values.
HAHAHAHAHA how is it liberal to have a 2 party system that is not liberal at all! liberal would be to have a system where any party can rise to party by the will of the people....fuck you germans are pathetic
europe is fucked mainly because you germany so sit the fuck down mohammed...the eu needs to fall, lithuania and most of eastern europe would have been better of even with the shitty ass ussr, our birthrates were all increasing up to that point and the degeneracy of the usa had not yet spread!
Despite brexit the UK doesn't really have a right wing party with much support
The EU is the only institution that gives Europe dignity and security.
what fucking security? you have boatfuls of niggers and muslims coming through europe and you still have muslims coming in what fucking security? the only security the eu gives you is the privilege the be a resource to work and pay taxes so that non whites can replace you and ruin your country! fuck off...
that is because you have been fooled into thinking you can only vote labour or conservative, this is what the majority of the British think...still can't believe how deluded the guy from germanistan is...fuck off with your eu shit
It's a good thing you and the other rural and suburban retards on Sup Forums are in a minority.
The EU is going strong and the majority of Europeans support it. I'm sorry you were left behind by civilized society.
The US is completely lost.
this is truth. despite the push to label republicans "far right" there is nothing right wing about them. they still spout off about equality. they continue to fund welfare. they cave at every opportunity for peace over values. there is no right wing in america.
civilised society? there is nothing civilised about the eu it brings in savages! if the eu was like nazi germany then I would approve your country is fucking lost! I would rather russia nuke Lithuania then to end up like Germanistan
rural suburban? wtf nigger I own multiple homes in the city in the suburbs and in rural areas so fuck off
>there is nothing civilised about the eu it brings in savages!
I assume you're referring to Eastern Europeans. While it is true that they are savages, it is my belief that the core members of the EU will be able to lift them up through persistence and patience.
Nigger lover
I respect your fee fees.
fuck off with your lifting, and no I am not talking about eastern europeans I am talking about niggers and muslims which you love so much who will replace you with your pathetic birth rates!
it's not fee fees you dumbass it's fucking facts! eastern europe would be a lot better off without the fucking eu!
You are very angry and irrational. Of course it's fee fees. And I respect your right to have, express and suffer from your fee fees.
I thought Europeans didn't want to come here
well yeah why would they want to come when you don't want or accept them? europeans would want to come but you accept such a low amount of them that it turns most people off! you accept no white countries as your top 10 nations of immigrants, shit you probably accept more somalians then europeans in total!
We prefer life in a 1st world country.
yes you are the rational one mohammed keep importing 1 million+ fighting age men into your country and also give them welfare for life..great plan
Yeah because the 2 main parties have become so strong, a lot due to the influence of unions and business, people feel it will be a wasted vote of it's used on another party. We have a first past the post system, so this helps to stop smaller party's gaining power.
The Germans have an ageing population and they can't breed. There government is held together by a coalition. Things are changing across the whole of Europe
>The EU is the only institution that gives Europe dignity and security
There is a democratic deficit in the eu. There is nothing dignified about it. Also there is widespread desire on the continent for referendums on EU membership
We imported 2 million savages from Poland alone, and we've survived. I'm not worried. Probably because I don't have to rely on my fee fees.
all of those statistics are due to niggers and non whites pushing them down, in reality the usa has a better quality of life if you are a high iq white person, don't worry though mohammed Germany is doing it's best to become a 3rd world country and just like sweden it will become one very soon.
>There is a democratic deficit in the eu.
Brussels works on an EU level precisely like a national government works on a national level.
those savages from poland, don't have 10 kids per women and don't live off of handouts and vote for more government to keep giving them that's not about fee fees at all im just giving out facts
I fear my country will fuck up the next elections and keep Castro's son
Lies informed by angry fee fees. If you had a functional health care system and 1st world health care, I'd advise you to go on anti depressants.
I can only hope so. Trudeau is based.
europe cannot be a federal state retard the only purpose the eu should have is an economic one, there is not fucking shared european values! fuck your values, your values are literally the destruction and end of europe! you are probably right wing by german standards no wonder germany is so fucked!
>europe cannot be a federal state
It can, and it will. You are very angry and unhinged. Your fee fees blind you.
well since your country wants to reach 100,000,000 in population as soon as possible by importing 3rd world shitskins and actually hides how many non whites are in the country, thus tricking whites into thinking it is not as bad as it is yet! well yes he or even a more left winger if that is even possible will be voted in..canada is done the only chance you have is creating a break off country and seceding from canada which i don't see happening so enjoy your high taxes paying for mohammed and his 10 kids
EU won't last another 10 years at this rate, the elections are getting more and more right wing votes, Italy is close to leaving the eu, and soon more will join, keep degrading yourself germanistan you are the reason it will break apart you had a good thing going with hitler but sadly you lost and all the good man died, what can you do you will just have to be a sacrificial lamb for the rest of sane society to witness go down as a lesson to all!
>you had a good thing going with hitler
How utterly wrong. This is why no one is taking East European subhumans seriously.
>we've survived
>Germany's Federal Statistical Office determined that the country has the smallest percentage of children of all European countries.
Honest question. Do you have kids?
>Germany's Federal Statistical Office determined that the country has the smallest percentage of children of all European countries.
And yet we're the strongest country in Europe. No one else comes even close. We have chosen the right path, and I couldn't be prouder of my country.
>That pic
>Germany's unmatched post-war infrastructure investment by occupying forces and allies
Japan got the same treatment, but they didn't receive it up until 1990
>Germany's unmatched post-war infrastructure investment
This is a lie. You are embarrassingly uninformed. The majority of the Marshall Plan (around 25%) went to Britain. We received around 10%.
Educate yourself before spouting off falsehoods.
You just explained why I plan to leave this "country" I work with fucking Haitian niggers who are dumb as fuck, 8 years old children intelligence. They are flooding in, my coworker is from an agency so I am powerless and he's a fucking illegal who somehow got the right to work and his wife arrived a week ago.... I want to kill them all, I boss him around hard he's over 50, fuck him! I tried to make him rush until he has a heart attack.. They all fucking vote Liberal, no class, always speak the monkey-tier language "creole" which is illegal, same for the arabs and latinos. There was close to zero niggers in early 2000s. The cuntry is done for. I really don't know what to do. Stay and buy a AR-15 ASAP or leave? We tried twice to secede but the second time, voter fraud (dead voters) and accelerated citizenship + money caused the NO vote to win and stole our referendum. Too much received their citizenship so they can vote no and keep this corrupted system in place. Parizeau was right
>I tried to make him rush until he has a heart attack
Christian values, everyone. But remember, it's the Muslims who are the bad guys.
Fuck off Ahmed, niggers are not humans
Christian values, everyone. But remember, it's the Muslims who are the bad guys.
>What is America First Party
>What is Constitution Party
Implying I am Christian, I abandoned these Jewish dogmas and lies a long time ago. Why you defend niggers who are also illegals? Even the legal niggers at my job hate him for that
If he received a work permit, I doubt his status is "illegal".
So why are you lying to me? Is it because you abandoned Christianity and now you lack moral guidance?
that picture is bullshit of Poland, that is an old pic and that building has been renovated! Poland is actually improving fast, you fucking idiots weren't under so many years of communism and look what the short amount of communism did to east germany it is much less developed then western are going to end up far worse then what happened post communism you will end up more like Iraq/Somalia and in the worst way...I can sense you are delusional as fucking sad the brainwashing must be strong in Germanistan!
strongest in what fucking way? you are not the strongest! in what way having the largest gdp? well you also have the largest population but per capita you are not even close to being first...your country is shit Mohammed I know you are excited to get your welfare and all but just so you know that shit won't last long Germanistan will collapse in 5-10 years
exactly you fucking retards were bought out by the jew post ww2 so all the non communist parts of germany are obviously going to be fixed up nicely...
Don't you know what is a temporary work permit? Better than than paying welfare like others receive since September 2017.
Leaving for work, don't bother replying
of course he doesn't have kids well if he is white he won't but if his name starts with Mo- then chances are he has 10 kids all under the assistance of germoney welfare payments!
>Brussels works on an EU level precisely like a national government works on a national level
An African level
-Less than 30% voter turnout
-countries that voted “the wrong way” on EU referendums were effectively instructed to vote again
Look at the way the Secretary-General, in charge of the Commission has just gained power
>that is an old pic and that building has been renovated!
With billions in EU money. Thanks for confirming that the EU is restoring Europe's dignity.
Yeah we just took over the GOP instead and have a Pres who shitposts the frog meme, shits cash
If you have received a work permit, then you are, by definition, not illegal.
>-countries that voted “the wrong way” on EU referendums were effectively instructed to vote again
Lies. The initial offer was rejected. The offer was then adapted. The offer was then accepted. It's how contracting and negotiations work.
Voting is for slaves and illegals.
I would say stay and try to secede, it would be a shame to give up such a large amount of land! your big cities are done for, but maybe there is hope in starting a breakoff country if not I am afraid you are done for, I don't live in Canada so I wouldn't know I have only been there once as a flyover country and can say I was shocked how non-white toronto was.
>have a Pres who shitposts the frog meme, shits cash
He also pardons Jewish criminals who defrauded America to the tune of millions. SO cash.
fuck christian values, Lithuania was the last country in europe to accept christianity and it was a big mistake! christianity is nothing but a jew religion along with islam
>Lithuania was the last country in europe to accept christianity
Maybe that is why you have such a high suicide rate.
I will pray for you.
lolz, then why are neither of those parties getting votes? face it you can't change the sytem and have no choice and even if a republican was right wing even slightly all that work will be erased 10 fold by the democrat that is elected after them.
Pretty sure you can go to jail for this post in your country, keep memeing AfD and telling me I'm cucked though.
Meanwhile my Pres calls Cohn a globalist the day after CNN tries to make it into an antisemitic canard, shits cash
>the democrat that is elected after them
Good. A Democrat will restore America's dignity.
I would not be agains the eu if it wasn't run by globalist jews, and if it stopped all non white immigration to europe
>Pretty sure you can go to jail for this post in your country
You will go to jail first.
>Meanwhile my Pres calls Cohn a globalist
Trump called Cohn a Trump? Total zinger right there. Cohn should sue for defamation.
Trump isn't doing shit, the only thing that should matter is stopping ALL non white immigration except for east asians (japs and south koreans) and of course europeans and those who immigrate must prove they voted at minimum center to far right in their native country via voting records!
>must prove they voted at minimum center to far right in their native country via voting records!
I voted for Merkel's center-right coalition.
pro-trump republicans are displacing establishment puppet republicans. it seems the republican party is being taken over to become a real right wing party. meanwhile it is partially trumps victory that has given the people of europe hope and this combined with the brexit victory, and the damage from waved of migrants, has given the people of europe a real hope in populism. the belief that they can win has brough them to victories and that was triggered by those things i mentioned. it's populism, it's happening worldwide, except in canada, because canadians are sleepy
Nice macro double post, dare you to post a Paul Nehlen tier tweet and see what happens.
Thats what the Norway thing alluded to, its a process. You're less cucked than us but also still recovering from commie rape so we'll see what happens in 20 years.
there can be exceptions idiot! Germans for example can only be accepted if they voted AFD or another far right party since all your other parties are lunatic leftists
Excellent article, thank you.
americans were so liberal they are not even white anymore, kys (((hanz)))
>americans were so liberal they are not even white anymore
Maybe that's why they have the biggest economy and are the most powerful country in the world.
I see you were forced to amend your original rule. That proves that your original position was very weak to begin with.
Try formulating an idea in your head before vocalizing it and making a fool of yourself.
On a federal level maybe, but for the first time in a long time a nationalist right-wing party will be elected in Québec in the coming election
Are you a robot?
Your hero's daughter is popping out Jewish kids. Maybe we should try that too.
I agree with the norway thing like I said I would allow anyone from europe in basically as long as they passed some normal levels of tests, criminal history, voting history, if under 18 then parents voting history counts as well! also I would check for any sign of degeneracy like alcoholism or drugs etc. as long as they passed this I think they would be good the usa is long passed the point of being able to choose high educated or low educated whites, you just need whites period and if they passed these parameters then that is all that should matter... ^^^^
have a bump
Your head of state is an infertile childless megalomaniac bent on destroying your country with open borders so I'll take Ivanka posting over that thanks.
I didn't amend anything you simply don't understand what I consider center-right wing, I am basing the base value of center-right from my country Lithuania...although even here I think the center right is cucked...but not nearly as much as yours it would be worse then afd in germany...but you may be right desu it should be far-right or you aren't allowed to immigrate to the usa...i personally already have us resident status legally for a long time i am just talking about other people.
>Your head of state is an infertile childless
At least she isn't popping out Jewish kids.
I mean mutt memes included the red pill is brain draining all other countries. Type O visas are alright and I'm cool with brain draining Pajeets and Lees as long as they're the best of the best. Agreed that Poles and slavs are superior laborers if we have to import any though.
>I didn't amend anything
You posted a rule, then were forced to amend it. That's how weak your rule was.
Think before you speak.
1/4 of his progeny marry Jews and you're SEETHING because the best you have is a barren Merkel coalition of economic migrant pandering, OK Fritz.
Fufanian going full commie rage quit mode haha
just judging from americans I can see how cucked you are immigration wise when . you say you prefer poos to europeans in immigration hahahahahaha...fucking dumbasses
I mean yeah I'd take a 120 IQ poo coder over a 90 IQ Slav roofer, look up what a type O visa is first maybe.
I don't need to look it up i already know what it is btw lithuanians are not slav I already have legal us resident status so I know your retarded immigration system, just so you know 90iq poles are already out of poland, so you don't have to worry. Indians are shit coders btw. best coders are from poor ass slavic countries, russia-ukraine-belarus, there are some good ones as well from finland and other autistic countries like sweden, white people invented most coding languages...I have to go back to the usa on occasion for business and I gotta say shit is annoying knowing how fucked your immigration policy is, but you get what you vote for huh?
and dumbass I would not classify o visas as immigrants its a temporary thing! so the fuck are you even on about? I am talking about permanent immigrant status.
Fuck you, Abdul. I'm not a Christian and I would work you like dogs too, then put you down rightly so when your use is served. Thankfully I've never had to be around one of your kind. If I'm ever forced to deal with subhuman trash on a massive scale like what has been done to Germany, then you will see a public display of what whites think of you. I'm talking about Muhammad dick sucking sand niggers; not Arabs or Middle Eastern Christians.
Yeah I will say thank god for Trump because both sides wanted to massively expand H1-B visas for moronic codemonkies from shitholes across the world.
thing is if you are a good enough coder you will get rich and you can practically buy us resident status that is what I did I am in IT and I basically paid them off 60k$ or so 5 years ago to get it, also helps I had family connections there.
>1/4 of his progeny marry Jews
I, too, am glad Trump focused on moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and bombing Assad instead of building the wall.
sub human trash? i mean I agree but have you seen your country you have the most out of control niggers and mexicans of any fucking country on earth! you literally have the worst of the worst...i guess you are right all that is missing is more muslims even though you have a lot actually, population wise you have more muslims then the uk, which is pretty fucking crazy
Good for you man, I'd say you're more O type then, happy to have you aboard.
The problem is taking Pajeets and Ivans with meme CompSci degrees that couldn't maintain a db if their life depended on it.
Yeah its a racial issue but its also not. Its what formerly made us the best country when we brain drained shitholes without taking their refuse.
Israel is on their own in Syria. Look up who they're funding now as a result of the pullback.
But yeah whatever "Hans", again dare you to post any of this shit on twitter and see what happens to you when the Stasi comes knocking.