UK to build prison in Africa

>The annual overall cost of a prison place in England and Wales is about £38,000,

>Deals to transfer prisoners in UK jails to their countries of origin have been made with Albania, Rwanda, Jamaica and Libya, and Nigeria.

>In 2015 the Government pitched an ambitious £25m project to build a 1,500 bed prison in Jamaica.

>But the Jamaican government rejected the deal, with local media quoting ministers as saying the offer was not beneficial to Jamaica and did not cover the prison's full cost.

"Helping Nigeria to improve its prison conditions and increase prison capacity will enable us to transfer more prisoners to Nigeria, which will in turn free up prison places in the UK."

>However, it remains unclear whether the new wing will be enough to overcome other issues involved in forcing prisoners to complete their sentences in their home countries

>many Nigerians in UK prisons have families in Britain who would have the right to maintain their family lives in the country under the Human Rights Act.

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Didn't work out fine the last time they tried building a prison out of the country

they tried this shit before and we ended up getting stuck with Australia


We actually shipped thousands to America too. It's just not taken root into national consciousness

> the Human Rights Act.

We should rename this The R1B rights act.

Before the election there was talk of getting rid of the human rights act. One of the reasons was actually so that they could get rid of foreign prisoners.

You are right in a way though. Some of these rights should not apply to foreigners. They should also strip citizenship a lot more often for certain crimes. Most of these people returning from Syria should be striped of citizenship. Apparently there's like 400 of them who are returning and will not even serve jail time

We should rename it the Anglo Rights Act. Foreigners don't need rights, they can make do with being thankful we allow them to exist in God's own country.

>many Nigerians in UK prisons have families in Britain
Send them back to Africa too

Tony Blair really fucked us with his stealth mass migration and introduction of human rights law which only protect criminals

Providing source

Not to ideal, but a step in right direction


Also this

Can't send them here anymore can you, Britfags? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Yes, we figured they deserve a more civilised place

> a step in right direction

Not really. Why should they have British prison conditions. Why have we got to build them a prison. They should just be sent back to their own prisons. Why is it if they commit a crime here they get good conditions but if they commit a crime (maybe a worse one ) there they get shit conditions

lol, have you seen africa m8?
Within 1 year.
The prison will have no roof (sold for metal scrap).
No electricity (cables sold for copper).
No beds, stolen for use in homes.
Meanwhile we still get rid of the subhuman filth that clogs our jails.

Next we are outsourcing all prisons to china.

I totally agree they should have been immediately deported, but this was apparently impossible due to the constraints of existing legal framework. The government decided to take a pragmatic approach and do something that would work and allows us to offload some of the prisoners. You can tell they’re serious about it because in the FT article I linked it was made apparent the UK government is in charge of selecting suppliers and hopefully oversee the work, which means they’re serious about the enterprise. I won’t hold my breath, but the wheels seem to be spinning.

Wouldn't it be worse to just send them to Africa and let them free?

Jellly poofta.

piss off pome poof.

Suck me off softcock

Surely there's some shithole country in Africa that wouldn't mind being given millions to look after prisoners. It would be a much better deterrent if prisoners were told,
>Right Tam, you've right fucked up this time, off you go to Swaziland for a few years. That'll teach you to no have a TV license you prick.

Where do they send you for viewing porn without a permit?

Hopefully into the fucking ground.

if they sent all their black prisoners there i'd say this is a great idea

I'd like a turkey on Italian bread, american cheese, mayo, lettuce and tomato.

Ask your mum.

I bet “refugee” camps in africa and the Middle East are coming next. Fingers crossed.

Something about this whole idea smells rotten.

>means they’re serious about the enterprise

That probably means that it is going to be an ongoing expense. We are probably going to have people there making sure, like the guy above says, that the roof isn't stolen. There's probably going to be people there making sure it is running the way we want it run.
They should face the prospects of being deported and the bad conditions of their country. Now they are going to have a two tier jail system. You could have 2 people committing the same crime yet held in different conditions. Unless it's like murderer or rape and there is a victim who feels the need to have someone punished I'd almost be happy just to get them out the country

Or we could just stop bringing them into the country in the first place

I don't mean foreign prisoners. If someone commits a crime in our country and some other country is willing to take them for their prison sentence, then why the fuck not.

Nah, it's not like that at all. If you are a foreigner and you commit a crime in the host country, they should be able to send you back to wherever you came from

Footlong meatball sub and that bread had better be white

I like bought about it too, but you can’t trust the government not to ship “right wing extremists” to die in Africa.

To be fair, I don’t think they’ll be overly concerned what happens once the start accepting prisoners - the goal is to unclog English and Welsh prisons, not well-being of the people who should have never been allowed to enter the country.

Because you would get loads of cunts who haven't paid for the TV licence, but are actually pretty sound lads who have just made a mistake, being shipped off to Swaziland.
We would then have to import a load of shithole people to replace them

That would be too sensible for the British