Are those guys even white?
What does Sup Forums think about Hungary?
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Fucking awesome cunts
(my grandad was Hungarian)\
and recently i found out me two best mates had Hungarian Grandads as well
This country is slipping into an authoritarian shithole.
Our waifu
Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát,
Együtt harcol s issza borát,
Vitéz s bátor mindkettője,
Áldás szálljon mindkettőre!
shithole that is putin's bitch
Flag checks out.
> authoritarianism is bad because the juden told me so
I like it, also show flag cigani
How many times must I post the truth on Sup Forums....
Asian cucks
>authoritarianism is bad because the juden told me so
Are you okay, slovak? Do not disappoint me. How can authoritarianism be good? Do you think China, Iran, Turkey, Russia and other authoritarian dictatorships countries are good? Then I must disappoint you, they aren't. The EU countries are among the most democratic and free countries. The EU countries in almost all indicators are ahead of the rest of the world.
But it's very easy, if you sit in your country of the first world and complain about being oppressed, you do not have enough hamburgers or anything else.
China, Turkey, Iran and Russia are doing better than the west retard. Show flag, mutt,
like long lost cousins
In your dreams sub-human
hahahahahahahahhaha. No.. no...
Much respect for the Magyars and their glorious leader Orban.
How much for the one on the right
Iberianoids aren't worth much. 20 dollars. However we have this younger more youthful Iberianoid who is only worth 30 dollars
Don't want to call things prematurely but it looks like we might have a chance of replacing that gypsy Orbán.
And the chances of the far right party have been steadily increasing in later years.
So here's hoping...
> The EU countries are among the most democratic and free countries.
Did you elect that alcoholic, Juncker?
Are you allowed to question the holocaust openly?
How freely can you obtain a firearm?
Dubest shit I ever heard.
Don't call that shit fucker glorious... or anything positive for that matter.
Literally did only one thing right and that was the fence.
Everything else only fucked us over
And this?
Only country in Europe with balls
Everybody is like "hurr durr i'm so politically incorrect, look at me"
But none of those cucks dared to do or say anything before the magyars built the fence and told commie Merkel to fuck off.
Stay strong magyarok!
we've got balls! :(
Don't lie latino sub-human. This is the real face of Shitspain
For you democracy and freedom is only buying weapons and confirming a doubt about the Holocaust? Lool.
I'm not an amerimutt
Show your geoflag then, faggot.
It's gybsies you poorfag. Btw they look exactly same as your country citizens
Borat seems to disagree. You all look like this.
We, on the other hand, look like
borat was filmed in Romania you dumb fuck
Sorry Juan :'(
I know. Is there a difference between a Lithuanian, Romanian and Hungarian? Don't think so.
In my opinion, you are confused. I didn't say anything about the US, I was talking about the EU of which you are a part.
We look white, unlike you
Show your geoflag, faggot.
the fact that you think hungarians are slavs how fucking uneducated you are
no. blue light green and some purple is the only true white people
I just know you're chinafied slavs.
Magyar/Avar/Slav mix.
We are depressed post-communists who dream of a free market without EU or any other bureaucratic interference.
At least we got nice hookers with the best asses in Europe.
>Lithuanians are pure Baltics, white af
>Hungarians are pure finno-ugric, white af
>Romanians are pure gibsies, same as shitspain
I am the European Union. I'm a Junker. I am friend of all european countries and nation. Enough to quarrel with the lithuanian user, it makes the EU weaker.
> Pure gibsies, same as shitspain
Say that to my face, chinkoid slavoid.
Show me your geoflag. Faggot mutt.
he saved Hungary from total collapse you socialist nigger
>I am the European Union
>I am friend of all european countries and nation
Pick one
completely missed the part where I was rooting for Jobbik.
Are you retarded on purpose or were you just born this way?
I'm both
So you're a mutt? SHOW YOUR GEOFLAG!
>Shitty color eyes
>Shitty color hair
>Shitty color eyebrows
Hungary is an amazing country with amazing people. Been there twice.
>Rooting for anyone in the current political sphere
>Actualy voting for anyone in the elections
Low-tier whites like Southeast Asians are to chinks and Japs.
hungarians are cool but the cumans suck
Yeah, that's why he wants to change the liberal model to the one that is now in Russia. He significantly increased the state's presence in the Hungarian economy. He has authoritarian habits, he looks like Stalin and Putin. He goes to pay homage to Russia and ex-KGB Putin, while forgetting that the Soviet Union did with Hungary, and he makes same mistake.
It's a fucking shithole.
Every time I go down the street I see these disgusting white subhumans walking along like they belong here. Their skin is bleached from lazyness, their bodies are weak from poor diet and their eyes are deformed from losing sight of self.
This country needs to be burned down so we can return to our roots and awaken our ancient blood. Immigration from Asia is preferable to repopulate these contaminated lands with pure turanic blood.
>conceding your right to vote
>allowing others to decide who will rule over you
This isn't helping user, unless you have other elaborate plans.
>tfw no blonde haired blue eyed Cuman gf
No, we are big dicked Mongols. Also you can see why Romania hates us.
I'm just waiting for the canadian gypsy shitposter LARPing as a hungarian with made-up paint images and recycled copypastas, that can't even speak hungarian.
>thread devolved into shitposting about el espania....
My opinion is that hungarians are illegal turkic immigrants from Mongolia that genocided and stole land from slovakians, romanians, serbs, croats and austrians and they must go back.
Imagine London becoming it's own country because of immigrants, that's Hungary for East Europe. "Bozgor" means "immigrant with no home".
Romanians are not white.
>Tourist police deputy chief Pol Maj-General Surachet Hakpal, who spearheaded the raids, also repeated his order for a nationwide search for "illegal" foreigners.
>He told reporters that the searches focussed on "coloured" people who came to use Thailand to carry out various crimes, including romance scams, call-centre scams, prostitution, human trafficking and drug trafficking.
>Most of those arrested were Nigerians, Cameroonians and Romanians.
>"coloured" people
>So you're a mutt
I told you not
>not exercising your right to vote
yeap retarded
We are in the purple you colossal faggot
>Madžarska zastava
Si Slovenec?
hungary is shit
there is nothing to do
and nothing to see
don't go there
don't talk about it
never mention it
don't even think about it
source in here
asian mongrels, absolutely disgusting
Worthless trash confirmed.
Baszódjatok meg
better than being literal indians but in europe
also it's still hilarious how your people are too retarded to know what Ugoric means.
no wonder Borat was filmed in your ghettto of a country
>acting like it's actually matters if you vote and who you vote for
woah lads, woah
My Baroness of a girlfriend, of Hungarian blood, is whiter than me ffs. She has porslin-skin.
I've been to Budapest though, lots and lots of mutts there.
Hungary 2006 under socialist rule:
>government does stupid shit, that people don't like
>people protest
>get eyes shot out by police
>get beat up
>get serious injuries from police brutality against peaceful protests
>global msm is quiet
Hungary post 2010, fidesz rule:
>government does stupid shit, that people don't like
>people protest
>government realizes they did stupid shit
>amend policies
>global msm constantly crying authoritarian dictatorship
Stop blindly believing the msm, they're lying to you. Open your eyes and you shall see the truth
is that why your people are moving here because your country is getting full of muslims? lol
Kinda true, we oppressed them so hard for 1000 years that they kept their Slavic language and fought valiantly with us even in WW1
Lived South of the Danube
We didn’t steal their land, we conquered them and gave them authonomy
Your Albanian ancestors were busy fucking their sheep in the Balkans when we got here
Literally settled Germans into our country for centuries
Fuck off and take your sci-fi history with you, Vlachshit.
Who cares?
I'm hungry. Let's talk about the food we ate today.
Do whites even exist these days? Is it just schizophrenia that my skin color is white? I am really freaking out right now.
You have Finno-Ugric and Slavic admixture so you are Asian, sorry.
>Completely disregarding the landslide victory in Hódmezővásárhely, a FIDESZ capital.
>being content with things because he knows deep down he's just wrothless trash that won't amount to anthing
I'm not one to guess like this but you are probably in a family of mutts where you and your 4 siblings get a bunch of welfare.
Please do remain retarded and don't use your right to vote.
Your opinions would only hurt our country
Hungarian parliamentary election, 2018
2,264,780 for /ourguy/ Viktor Orbán
1,020,476 for Jobbik a ""neo-nazi"" party (neo-nazi... according to (((journalists))))
1,290,806 for the left wing coalition
Pic it the results, orange and everything to the right is "far right and neo-nazi"
Seems like a fine country
It s everyone's bitch buddy
Jobbik has become much les radical lately but they are still far right.
just an example: One of them turned out to have jewish ancestors.
The party went to him and said: "That's great! You can be our Mascot Jew!"
We know this because the guy came out and said this
Just like Trump. An useful idiot who talks big but serves (((them))).
Pretty strong coming from a country which whored out its queen in Paris to get the best results in post-WW1 treaties.
best friends
>are they even white?
white mean cuck nowadays
so i hope not
>Coming from the country that's nobodies bitch because not even the lowest of pimps would want it
Nice one
>Just like Trump. An useful idiot who talks big but serves (((them))).
how does he serve (((them)))?
>trusting somebody who converted to Judaism
Ignorance does not equal far-right leaning. Dude was just inconsiderate.
>mascot Jew
link pls
He does what the EU wants him to do while talking big. Remember the immigrant quota? How many did we take them in last year? Also he is BFFs with Bibi and trying to bring the V4 close to Israel. So based!
I have grown tired of defeating this banal argument for so many. Yes it matters. Go vote next time.
Here you go
But here's the part that matters:
The line „Kell a Jobbikba egy díszzsidó”
Means "The Jobbik needs a jew mascot"