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>faces of Weiter So!

Zufall, dass Deutschland vor ein paar Jahren noch alternativlos war und die Alternativeh jetzt im Bundestag sitzt?

Sicherlich nicht

this swedish fågött claims his family is being threatened for him asking too much questions:
from 15 min. in

I just checked for fun if any of the new ministers is really qualified. The answer is unsurprisingly no.

Most people don't have any idea about their department. Only Barley studied or worked in the field which she is now controlling.
Mass and Braun are special because their department don't really requires much competence. Müller is only slightly qualified.

In my opinion a minister of defence should be a general, a minister of agriculture should be a farmer etc. otherwise they will never really understand what they are doing and what the real problems are.


We have a tradition here of making women ministers of defense with no previous experience in the department, at all. One of them was pregnant while at it too.

Who exactly, wants them quiet?
Please don't be the Jews again, its always the Jews.

>Based Horst replaces censorship-freeloveformigrants-Heiko
>adds Heimat to his department

The Bavarian ethnostate strikes back!

You are right that most of our politicians are unsuited or their job. But, not because of their degree.

The problem is that they are only good at sucking off their superiors and sweet talking the population and lack skills required to solve real world problems. Even with different skills people can be useful in their positions. For example, someone with management experience, knowing how to build a supply chain and being able to negotiate with business partners, or logistics skills would currently be more useful for our military than a general or politician could ever be.

I think you are mixing up interior with justice.
Justice still went to SPD.

doesn't say, says he was warned from 'inside sources'
privatized censorship, possibly antifa hatchet jobs
sounds familiar?

Lauterbach sucht mal wieder nach Aufmerksamkeit auf Twitter, wenn es schon keinen Posten für ihn gab.

get a room when?


>3 male 3 female ministers in CDU
>3 male 3 female in SPD

So did they follow Canada's example and form the cabinett by gender equality?

still too many men. equality my ass

SPD definetly did it because of this reason.
CDU because they don't have any competent people left.

Stop linking focus, only archive
Their site auto buffers the video
Their in bed with the volume jew

Its just a coincidence

Also, isn't it a bit strange to appoint whole 6 ministers from a party that barely got 20% in the elections and has around 12% in approval at the moment? How is this shit even legal? Democracy my ass.

Let me expand on this:

relatively qualified due to his experience.
NOT equipped for ministry of economics, well equipped for ministry of energy. However, a sell-out-man.
I don't even comment on her.
Pure irony that the guy who might know something about economics but NOT about medicine, gets the ministry of Health.
However, I kind of approve of his qualification.
Literally who? Absolutely not qualified, wasted. There are so many old professors and probably even teachers in the party who know so many things about education and research. Even Julia Klöckner would be better qualified for that.
She actually studied Ethics in Economy and politics (Politikwissenschaften --> Wirtschaftsethik), which is not the worst qualification for lots of offices. She also claims to have semi-based positions in terms of migration, and homosexuals. She sold out to BASF a long time ago, she will just shit on the environment in that office.

He's qualified, no bully.
He's not qualified. He is a teacher (not even high-level ed.), he lies about his value (on his Homepage he claims to have a PhD, which is wrong).
What's with all the people who study politics!? She seems to be no expert but at least in touch with her office's topic somehow.

SPD (not deserving much letters, because obvious)
Screw him.
Somewhat qualified.

Except for Barley and Schulz, the SPD is desperate to make sheep feel good.

Merkel did everything to become chancellor again and it worked.



Merkel wurde als Aniola Cazmierczak geboren und ihr Name wurde dann germanisiert zu Angela Kasner.

How are the Germans here holding up? How's life been, anons?

I don't care, I just think it is cool "Heimat" is back in the government. Not sure how this helps our inevitable doom, but for a brief moment I liked it.

I also don't care if hate-speech-Heiko was justice, interior or family minister. He is now our abroad "look at us, we are autistic!" speaker - he can't do any harm in that position, which is good.


sorry bout that
it's just, maybe some user would be interested in the comment section


Bundeswehr-weite Meuterei gegen von der Leyen when?

>still too many men. equality my ass
Some of those men, identify as women or gender neutral you racist, anti-feminist, sexist bastard.

I only count 5 actual men: Helge, Horst, Andreas, Hubertus and Gerd.

Peter is a gay, he was outed in 2012 by (I am not even kidding here) and is a cross-dresser.

Jens is a Roman Catholic... but lives with his husband Daniel Funke, a German journalist, in Berlin's Schöneberg district. In December 2017, the two married in a ceremony in Essen - he subsequently left the Catholic church. In an article of Süddeutsche Zeitung in July 2012, his homosexuality was mentioned for the first time.

Hate-speech-Heiko is no man, despite his ex-wife having two kids, which he supports.

Olaf has been "married" for over 30 years to a fellow socialist "woman" (pic related). They have no kid. Is he a man? Not sure.

Grüße Loide, ich bins wieder

(((Alternative für Deutschland))) - auch zionist shills/israel cucks für deutschland genannt
>Wake up pls und seht ein, dass die cuckservative nichts anderes ist als kontrollierte opposition/israelgeprüfte systempartei.
>Spricht nicht mal an, dass das GG keine Verfassung ist. Nice partei

Einfach mal bei der suchmaschine deiner wahl "juden empfehlen afd zu wählen" und/oder "afd israel (connection)" eingeben. Kommen genug artikel.
>Spricht das judenproblem nicht an (zionisten)
>Exposed keine Juden (zionisten).
>Spricht zwar das problem "einwanderug und Migration" an, will es jedoch nicht vehindern sondern nur kontrollierbar machen
>Spricht nicht an, (((wer))) hinter der migration/Einwanderung steckt // wer sie leitet
>Zum thema "gibt derzeit nichts besseres / müssen wir damit leben
>Wenn du also die wahl zwischen pest und cholera hast, nimmst du einfach das, was länger braucht dich zu töten?

Wenn die afd doch so antisemitisch und rassistisch ist, wie immer behauptet wird, warum fordert die AfD fraktion dann, jerusalem als Hauptstadt israels anzuerkennen (bsp)? Und noch vieles mehr
>Marcus pretzel "israel ist unsere politische zukunft
>Alice weidel "das judentum gehört zu Deutschland
>Frauke petry "afd ist der Garant für jüdisches leben in Deutschland (ich weiss, sie ist nicht mehr Mitglied der partei, sprach damals aber als Pressesprecherin im namen der partei/ für die AfD

Gibt noch einiges mehr.. man muss nur recherchieren und nicht sofort die augen und ohren zu machen wenn man das wort juden hört (no offense
inbe4 "antisemit" "komm mal mit beweisen, nicht alles ist eine jüdische verschwörung" leider doch, michel. Leider doch.
>Pic related

P.S. based Gerd Mueller scored the winning goal in the 1974 World Cup against the Dutch in Munich. It is pretty awesome he become so successful as a politician later on.

I don't even know where to start dismantling this piece of bullcrap

give this man some volume

t. shill

>afd is not kewl guise
>better completely and utterly waste your vote on NPD and other retard parties who will never get into parliament let alone change anything at all

Alles Gute zum 100. Geburtstag!

Not an argument
Not an argument

boy, telepolis is really waging some afd smear campaigning atm., even mounk gets shilled in the comment sections

D&C. Get your game up, man. I used to fall for crap like this so if even I see what's going on here, you have to step up your game.

Don't worry about this guy, read exactly how he writes: It's learned. He's a leftist.

"politisch aufgewühlte Männer"





>Gruppe Jugendlicher
>Gruppe junge Männer
>Männer mit geringen gesellschaftlichen Teilhabechancen
>sozioökonomisch Benachteiligte

Hey Sup Forums, thought you got rid of me didn'cha? Not so fast there, bucko.
Well turns out your gonna see alot more of me now.
I myself am looking forward to vacationing in all those exotic countries with my hot wife.
I might even get to meet the Donald and play some golf with the help of your taxes.
Alright, take care now little guys and watch it with the hatespeech, haha just kidding ;-)


Die Namen der Männer lauten Bernd H, Sören-Malte S, Kevin S,Markus M und Marius K.

the funny thing is, that people are slowly starting to automatically assume that it's foreigners or funghis doing the crime every time such euphemism are used. at least that's what i'm getting from reading the comments beneath the referring articles.

wait, am i reading this correctly?
they hired a culturally rich sec company and this very company then heckled the isreal booth?!


Esp. in enriched parts of germany you'll have a hard time finding a security service that isn't only/mostly employing arabs or turks. Many of these services also "guard" the flüchltingsheime. Muzzies either open a dönerladen or work as security guard if they have a job at all.

and the german police blames men...
i said it some time ago and i say it yet again:
you can't make this up, you can't out-meme compete this anymore.
at this point, it rather we close Sup Forums and call it a day

typisch linke agitation, schon erstaunlich wie Genderstudien und marxistische Heilsfantasien einem die bodenhaftung nehmen können.

wenn du uns schon mit deinem dreck vollmüllen willst, dann machs wenigsten auf eine nicht ganz so bekloppte art sören...
>zionist shills/israel
>opposition/israelgeprüfte systempartei
>Marcus pretzel "israel ist unsere politische zukunft
>Alice weidel "das judentum gehört zu Deutschland

Why even care about Israel? Let them have their land, it's not like it would have been any better if Muslims live there. At least with Israel we have a chance to remove them without having to organize another genocide. Right now shifting the overton window should be the only goal, Germany is not ready yet for ethno-nationalism. 5 years ago Germany didn't even have a fucking mainstream right-wing party. These things take time, and it must get much worse first before it can finally get better.

Not an argument

Und genau da liegt das Problem


Ja. Und? Pragmatismus >>>>>>>>>> Idealismus. Zumindest wenn man irgendwas erreichen will und nicht nur Nazipunkte im Internet sammeln will.
>hat literally SOj in der ID
Du hast dich eh schon verraten, soyboy

>China versucht uns gerade witschaflich zu inhalieren
>Die araber können aufgrund von überpopulation und islamisierung ihre bevölkerung nicht mehr ernähren
>Moslems versuchen momentan den Weltjihad zu starten
>Kommunisten weltweit versuchen den westen in ein autoritäres system zu transformieren das sie kontrollieren können.
> Die Russen wollen uns ebenfalls inhalieren aber physisch
> demographische eiszeit sthet uns bevor
>der nächste Finanzcrash steht vor der Tür

und glaubst wirklich das die Juden unser größtes Problem sind oder?

It depends on how close you are to the problem:

An Average worker with average job renting an average apartment for the last 20 years won't feel much of a direct impact.

Those competing for government handouts (including pensions) or looking for a new place to move will notice that housing prices doubled and that if something is built it's usually for those newly arrived.

Services like the police and hospitals are closer to the problems, and healthcare often occupied with patching together knife wounds created by the new groups not getting along with each other.

This all creates costs and if you're running a business you'll notice that the state increased the amount of grossly overestimated taxes you're supposed to pay, which you will have to, unless instantly telling them the calculations are wrong ... (Germans, ask people running a small business about it)

So it makes sense that the CDU and SPD still gets voters as the system is at this point to a large extend capable of keeping things somewhat under a lid for people going to work and watching the green-party media.

Und wer steckt hinter all diesen von dir aufgezählten sachen? Genau. (((Sie)))



you shitholers are fucked hahahaha

Du glaubst wirklich, dass die Juden nicht unser größtes Problem sind?

gonna report you to the gestapo for hatespeech

>He's qualified, no bully.

was denkst du den wer die Kultur-marxisten bezahlt? Muslim-brüder aka Qatar aka Saudis
hast du dich nie gefragt wie es kommt das die feministinen , linken usw... nie ein wort über die Ünterdrückung von Frauen im mittleren Osten verlieren?
Die linken und roten waren schon immer best buddys (siehe iran)

Russland+Iran+ China vs West
das ist momentan der stand der dinge

die juden sind nur teil des Problems, besser gesagt die Linke jüdische Presse

Schade :/ du fällst wirklich auf das von (((denen))) gewählte Feindbild hinein, anstatt zu merken wer wirklich die strippen zieht

nah die zionistenwidern mich zunehmend an, sollen sich doch alle nachisrael scheren und dort bleiben

ich erkläre die das mal mit den Juden

Juden haben 800 Jahre in Europa gelebt, um als Ethnisch homogen zu überleben gab es viele Ehen untereinander ( was zur hohen anfälligkeit für schizophrenie geführt hat), die Rabbis haben Ehene arrangiert ( haben zumeist die intelligentesten miteinender verkuppelt, basis dafür war das auswendiglernen der Thora und das Arggumentieren darüber was zu einer einseitigen selektion in richtung empathie und Gramatik geführt hat ) was zur einer steigerung des IQ geführt hat.
Nun kommt die kruks an diesem zuschtprogramm, hohe intellektuelle fähigkeiten in bereich empathie und Schrift führen unweigerlich zu Offenen Persönlichkeitsstrukturen was wiederum zu einer neigung richtung links führt, dies erklärt auch die überrepresentation von juden in den linken strömungen.

bist du ein Musel? kann das sein

genau das hab ich mri auch gedacht

aber das seltsame sit das gleichzeitig für tribalismus selektiert wurde dadurchd as juden die zum christentum konvertierten aus dem genpool fielen

200 jahre zusammen von solzinisyn ist da n interressantes buch

nach stammesgesellschaft wurde nicht selektiert sondern ist bestandteil der Jüdischen (das auserwählte Volk, die goym usw..).
Stammesgesellschaftliches denken ist teil der Menschlichen Natur und muss deshalb kontinuierlich von Presse und Medien unterdrückt werden.
und wenn wir nicht bald anfangen uns ebenfalls als Stamm zu begreifen (Weiße aka Europäer) werden wir komplett ausgelöscht

juden haben aber eine sehr hohe ingroup präferenz...

haben wir von Natur aus alle , ich kann mich noch an Zeiten erinnern als man komisch angeschaut wurde wenn man ne Partnerin aus nem anderen Europäischem Land hatte.

geh mal nach afrika,china usw... dort ist es immer noch so

was uns von allen anderen unterscheidet ist der individualismus der uns nun zum verhängniss wird.

Why are so many israeli jews conservative then? The historical irony is that a major cause for the holocaust was that jews were seen as capitalists by the socialist germans, yet many survivors turned into socialists themselves.

No, the true reason is intelligence.

Stupid people generally vote in their direct self interest. For example poor people and blacks vote for more gibs, religious zealots vote according to their religious beliefs (abortion and homosexuality are a sin), women vote for more privileges and many vote to feel good about themselves, masturbatory virtue signalling. Others vote for isolationism because "da immigrants are stealing muuh jerbs".

Then there are the not so stupid people, around the IQ 100-130 range. They are able to understand basic logic and arguments but are still too stupid to think rationally and instead think emotionally. Leftism is a feel good emotional ideology that sounds great on the surface and only reveals its catastrophic nature when you apply deeper more rational logic. These people are inherently leftist and don't turn on their own. They need an outside push, for example conservative parents or "red pill moments". Most jews are in this category, thus they are about 70% leftist. Also most entertainers (includes journalists) fall into this category. They are smarter than average but not smart enough to make it big in a field that generates actual value, such as engineering, entrepreneurship, investment and management.

Then there are people who are actually smart. Those people will drift towards realism on their own, meaning they will become genuinely redpilled just through applying logic and without any outer influence. They do not fit into the classical left right spectrum and do not follow any ideology at all.

Keep in mind that these are very rough generalisations but I think that the underlying trends hold true.

4 CSU minister?

>Why are so many israeli jews conservative then?
inwardly conservative to the outside socialist
this is a mechanism to keep your own group together at the expense of others.

Look at the voting behavior of the Turks in Germany, exactly the same

I think that if you find yourself as a minority in the environment of a majority, this reinforces the thinking of the race and inevitably leads to this behavior.
and to camouflage such behavior you have to create other minorities to disintegrate the majority

>inwardly conservative to the outside socialist
I know several jews who were born and grew up in israel and they are all right wing. They did not turn left just by migrating to a different country. The jews who are left wing are generally jews who never have lived in Israel such as George Soros. And many of those jews oppose Israel and defend the Palestinians.

Last time they had 3

Spoken like a true kike

You make a good point. Yet if you look at the world it falls apart. South African whites are a minority yet they are not leftist at all. South African blacks are a majority yet they are leftist.

Do you think blacks in the USA want more white immigrants just because they are lefties? No they don't. They want more black immigrants and more free shit.



You have to see that realistically, to try with an ideology that is 100 years old to eradicate biological realities that have existed for millions of years.

this false religion will inevitably lead to the third world war

there is no other way ... unfortunately

well the jews corrupt capitalism
as rational actors like proposed in capitalism in reality do not exist

They are so mad

capitalism in an interest-based system can not work and automatically breaks down every 80 years,
There is a solution to the problem, which has been suppressed until now
not communism but the "Wörgler Schwundgeld (Freigeld)"

the song of the left:
Nazi Nazi Nananananazi


>capitalism in an interest-based system can not work and automatically breaks down every 80 years,
>There is a solution to the problem, which has been suppressed until now
>not communism but the "Wörgler Schwundgeld (Freigeld)"


Was wünscht ihr euch, dass die AfD erreicht, durchsetzt, kritisiert?

I believe we should constantly titillate the left and green as Nazis until an atmosphere like the witch hunt is created.

and at some point everyone is nazi, and if everyone is nazi it is nobody

erreicht = wiederherstellung der Rechtsstaalichkeit, abschieben von wirtschaftsmigranten und nicht intigrationswilligen Ausländern
durchsetzt = beenden von Politischer korrektheit
kritisiert = Minderheitenpolitik, Islamverharmlosung, Ausstausch der Bevölkerung, Verlust der Kultur

Ich wünsche mir von der AFD meine Freiheit und Sicherheit gleichermaßen zu gewährleisten.
Der schnellste Weg dies zu tun wäre eine Flächendeckende Remigration von zu uns nicht kompatiblen Nationalitäten bzw. deren krimineller Vertreter.

eine Kultur
ein Volk
ein Reich