Waht the fuk peepol

This video was just posted to the offical white house channel. It's unlisted. Im not sure if someone fucked up or if they are seriously going to try to push this to battle gun control or something. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:



One of the comments says it looks like a Call of Duty montage video from 2009, and it definitely does.

does trump know they use video games to recruit for the military?

I like how they're 90% military games.

Also it's probably just an accidental upload actually meant for an upcoming meeting but I'd like to believe that Trump/his team was just seeing how popular this would be with his youthful, Internet-savvy audience, being unlisted and all. Showing that it's be MASSIVELY unpopular with his "internet people". I wouldn't be surprised if this video gets deleted tomorrow and Trump never brings it up publically again. It's just way too controversial even if he doesn't like it personally.

Or he could just be Boomer wising, who knows.

fuck no not this shit again

trump this is fucking retard

I can't wait for the Trumpanzees to defend getting violent games censored the same way they defended Trump taking away all the guns.
This is your reminder that this all started at games and rural retards will die for this random reality TV host anyway.

4D Chess

The Vidya games industry is full of gun banning libtards.

This will be entertainment at its absolute finest!!!

It took literally five minutes.
It took literally five minutes for a Trumpanzee to defend it.

> school mass-shooting
> media demands banning guns for weeks
> blame it on violence in video games
Which would you rather have? Banning guns or banning video games? Both are stupid, but I'd rather keep my gun.

Trumpanzee ?

>what's more important? the first amendment or the second amendment?
He wants to take away the guns AND censor the games.

le 4D Chess XD

No he doesn't. Sage this shit thread.

A fucking monkey is the level of intelligence you have to have to justify a president who wants to violate the first amendment and then also violate the second amendment.
>but it'll make le libtards mad!!
If you ate a gun on a liberal's lawn it would make them mad to have to clean it up.


He literally said he wants guns taken away without due process. That's his words.

hello /r/donald

Your rhetoric suggests SJW. Goodbye.

>remember: no russians
>this is bad!
trump confirmed for putin shill
leftards were right

how about consume a dissenting opinion you fucking retard

What's he going to do? Write an executive order that'll take our constitutional rights away?
He's distracting you, faggot.

Calm down cletus, he was talking about people who are mentally ill or potentially dangerous. He isn't going to take muh freedomz from you.

Shit parents let their shit kids play these games. Shit parents let their kids watch "PG" movies with the same level of violence because they are retarded assume It means relatively harmless for anyone above toddler, and Hollywood has there best interest at heart and not getting the most eyes possible on their wares. Fuck bad parents, you can't fix them.


>Trump says since 2012 that he thinks videogames are weird mindwarping brainwashing
The guy clearly doesn't give a shit about due process. He'll come up with some stupid gimmicky way of doing it like putting an absurd tariff on foreign videogames or some shit.
He's believed it for years.

Posted but unlisted, how did you find it?

You are a subhuman and nobody likes you

Nice, American games should be banned, Americans produce pure trash.

>My foreign video games!!!

people care too much about games

First you have to believe Trump actually plans to ban/censor video games and that this isn't simply one of many red-herring distractions that he throws out constantly to misdirected focus...

A 6-year-long red herring? Fucking retard.

This is nothing compared to the violence I will unleash in the coming war.

It's just to create awareness to the parents, plenty of people don't know what their children are seeing. For example kids without having to buy a game can just go to a Pewdipie type of channel in youtube on their own and watch him playing Sniper Elite just that easy and nobody is saying anything. So their parents become aware of this and take measure.

Nobody is banning anything and anyone who thinks otherwise is a libtard.

Trump should honestly just ban video games so these autistic man children are forced outside.

Trump should honestly just ban guns so these autistic man children are forced to get a real hobby.

Are they seriously complaining about fallout? Fucking tenypenny establishment.

what can i say. I like the parts where they kill blacks and minorities, and i dont like the parts where they are killing Nazis in these vidya games. Ban all nazi killing games.

The research has shown that video games don't cause an increase in violence in people parents don't need to take any steps. Video games can have an impact on aggressive behaviors but this doesn't lead to increased violence in people and. The increased aggression is present in games from all age ratings and was often casued by difficult puzzles or challenges frustrating people. Pushing this to parents who will not inform them selves of the study's and research that has already proved this narrative wrong is just as bad as CNN pushing fake news narratives to the uninformed