>le god emperor trump xD

/po/ was right again! gas the jews, kill all muslims and hang all niggers xDDDD

i am just not being pc bro, deal with it *puts on sunglasses*

yea the white race is the most superior race, despite those goddamn chinks with higher iq xD
just stating the facts bro xDDDD

i am so edgy for saying the truth bro xD check out my maga hat and 4chans pol board where fwllow magapedes meet #maga
*makes the hitler salute*

what did you just say you fucking sjw? cant deal with these undisputable facts?
*grins while putting on sunglasses* then go kill yourself ROFL *laughs*

i love how u sjws always get triggered by just one word LOL

i never get trìggered like omg xD
wait you're a feminist? go back to the kitchen xD

Libtards can't meme

gr8 b8 m8

> hahaha am I funny guise? Guise... pls respond.

Haven't seen such shitty bait in ages...


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

Your thread lacks any merit. It will be gone soon.

magapedes on suicide watch ROFL am i cool yet guise? KILL ALL TRANNIES xD

You Krauts are some of the worst posters on this board (just before Leafs), make me want to renounce my heritage from you guys.


I just cant read when you write in bait like that
My brain instantly shuts off
Try being normal next time


The oragmi board has gone to far this time

good post

Trolling librards

I like this thread

*dabs while teleporting behind you*

you cute

I'd sorta like to have a gay encounter with this guy. Just like...I'm hanging ou with him on election night. We're both eating pepe cake, and some of it falls on my penis that I'm jerking around. He notices it, and I'm like "Hahahaha you fat FUCK you know you can't let that go to waste. I'll even drizzle some of my simmy semen on your chipmunk cheeks, bitch".

Then we eat cheese puffs and nachos after he's done giving me an awkward, sweaty blowjob. Man, that would be awesome.

MUH heritage xD

yea i have contributed to (scientific invention) through my HERITAGE xD

i contributed to the invention of my car by being born in the same group of people of the original inventor, and I am proud of that xD

look at all these inventions by wypipo.... i am so proud to be part of this arbitrary group of people, even though I have done nothing in my life to contribute to those achievements, aside of being part of the afromentioned arbitrary group of people

i am proud to be white xD WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE NIGGERS XD


Too much 9gag, they have a distorted notion of what's funny.

Hans, serious question:

Why even post here? You're not going to convince anyone they're being retarded, even though they are. The retards on this board are self reinforcing. It's an idiot tornado. You're wasting your time.

You can't stop people from being stupid.

>look at all these inventions by wypipo.... i am so proud to be part of this arbitrary group of people, even though I have done nothing in my life to contribute to those achievements, aside of being part of the afromentioned arbitrary group of people

As opposed to people that hadn't even invented the wheel

gj inventing the wheel bro xD
sure proves you're part of the masterrace LOL