JEWISH Journalist just owned himself on /Pol

So (((Will Sommer))) Campaign editor of @thehill just decided to pay /Pol a little visit

Bet he thought he would march right in here with his "superior" Jewish intelligence, get some juicy stories of /Pol Nazis, and then make us all look like fools.

Opps... Didnt quite go to plan did it Will... KEK
Stop by twitter and tell him /Pol says Hi.

TL:DR Kike posts his real CC details on /Pol

Other urls found in this thread:


well, has anyone used it?

Its been a while since someone fell for that. Someone test it.

I want to know why the campaign of @thehill hires literal retards and how to apply.

It was verified as a valid CC

I backed up the original thread here

The jew got jewed

From the thread this was posted I think it was used, or at least confirmed. This sparked a long back and forth about whether the anons that used it would be slapped in irons. It was amusing. I'm interested to see if Will Sommer will admit he was so stupid in order to bitch about how the ebil neo-nazis stole his card. Could be that was his master plan all along, but I think it's more likely the journalist is just like most journalists: dumb as a brick.

One user said he ordered a PS4 and a 4k TV. He posted proof, and another said they ordered a 1080 TI. One German tried to buy a Sup Forums pass, I think. It was in an Anne Coulter naming the Jew thread like an hour or two ago.

Send this hentai to him. he would be pleased.

I refuse to believe that someone was retarded enough to fall for this.

When i saw it first, i questioned it and tried to get more info on Sup Forums mainpage.
My private politics dont allow to buy something you dont know ecactly

>paying 300 shekels to see a single mystery image
dont think so m8, thats goy behavior.

Maybe i am dumb, but at least not a jew

I would like to raise awareness about the fact that jews arent really that smart. It's just that they're cronies and help eachother.

So please try to kill that meme

well they fell for the "pepe=hate" BS.

Oy Vey what will my chaverim at the synagogue think?

You're not on reddit. Lurk moar.

Donate to Sammy 'Gunz' Hyde

Glorious fucking bastards

Would be funny, but I doubt he will admit it, if anything he won't say how this happened or will say we hacked him.

>kek fearing men learn often repeated tricks
>goyim are too desensitized for easy tricks
>accidentally catch the unsuspecting jew?
We fractal universe now.

Someone should try buying as many bitcoins as possible with this if it hasn't been blocked yet.


Good luck to the madman who actually does it.

We're splitting atoms

Now he'll just write an article about how anti Semites attacked him for trying to talk to them

can confirm. I was lurking.

You need CVV too

ahahahahahahahaha you pathetic fucks actually believe this happened

everyone on this board is a fucking brainlet with delusions of graindeur.

He must be baiting for a story right?

Just guess

Jokes on him, there are jews laughing ITT.


Some autist could brute those in a few hours.

He posted it on his own, toothpaste. Can't do jack shit about it except cancel the card.

It probably isn't older than 6 years, maybe try bruteforcing it.

>hello im will sommer

Yeah hes not that stupid

Lol look at those epic tab names.

This can't be real, he can't honestly be this dumb.

Did someone elaborately troll the thread by making some throwaway prepaid card?

nah m8, but he was probably diddling something in Singapore

>Yeah hes not that stupid
The evidence suggests otherwise. Keep in mind these people get their normie jobs and success based primarily on nepotism and connections. They're not only incompetent, they're unsophisticated mouthbreathing retards, high on their own farts. I'm sure this isn't the first scam he's fallen for.


I tried year 18,19,20,21,22,23

It’s the date when the card expires right?

No, it's a three-digit code

>30+ hours a week
Those are rookie numbers lol i used to browse 22 hours a day in 2016

02/21 I think someone worked out


If the FBI and CIA can't be as dumb as pic related, what's one more kike who can't control his wallet? This happened.

What happened to their fabled 115 IQ?


Amazon doesn't need ccv so if you can't work it out buy yourself some vidya kraut

Doesn’t work anymore

Card company probably froze it because if all the different locations that’s been used

Fug, well boys it was a good run.

>implying someone didn't use a fake number generator
You fucks are too gullible.

anyone over 40 could easily fall for that.


3 years is only 36 combinations

Yes, mine expires in late 2021 and I got it like 3 years ago.

See this Its real shit

This fucking idiot put his info on Sup Forums? Wtf you guys said jews have super human inteligence.

He HAS BEEN on /Pol
And he had seen that specfic thread
Check his twitter feed

It WAS him. Im 100% certian.


>Jews are smart

jews are actually dumb as shit.

Hahaha, best fucking timeline.


It's real. His card passed the Runescape test.

I got my amazon account locked when i wanted to try it, will i be fine?

They are average at best

Verified how? Generating a valid-looking CC that passes validation is fairly easy. Unless someone posted a receipt showing a successful transaction, it hasn't been verified.

Wait, you didn't use your personal amazon to try it did you lol?


KEK, nice tabs faggot :S
Another kike owns themselves? LOLOLOLOLOL

Oh & yeah this + wrong fucking country fag

I laughed so fucking hard at this lol.

It's probably fake seen the 4 digits key but it would be pretty hilarious if it weren't.

Any visa owners here? I only got mastercard so I dunno but mine has 3 digits key, not 4.

leave polan alone it's not his fault he cannot into space

Hello Will, trying to make your failure look a little less appalling by emphasizing it as at the hands of muh nazis?

Why don't you just fuck off like you should have from the beginning, you utter embarrassment.

The 4 digits is the pin not the CVV

that's not the CVV, that one allegedly went into the options field

i never buy anything on amazon, just made an account to see what will happen. will i be kill by tomorrow?



Then isn't it missing a number? my pin is 5 digits, as I got it when I received the card.

yeah this is exactly what they'll never get
most people post on Sup Forums and browse Sup Forums as leisure, they do so of their own will and thoroughly despise every single microsecond of it
hey are instead forcing themselves to it. If they believe this is a battle, they never had a chance to win in the first place

Mine's only 4 may be an Italian thing idk

muh dick

It is on an AMEX

>newfags laughing at standard screenshot tabs

>poland tries to charge again for the first time in 70 years, with the typical result

Card is visa

fuck my sides can we get a ruski haxor on the case

As long as it wasn't a personal Amazon you should be fine. You didn't buy anything and it locked you out so they probably don't care.

Oh nice, I guess it has to do with the localized system or something.


Topnotch, toothpaste.

these are the kind of people that tricked humanity into eternal slavery without humanity realizing. what does this say about the rest of the humans?

lol i thought kikes were good with money

the jew thoroughly jewed

if something like that happened again, how to get away with buying something using the information?

>credit card fraud has no legal consequences
willy noseberg is laughing his ass off at some of you right now

You're talking to a board in which there are lurkers of whom this all old hat, since Runescape gave plenty of practice to the point that nigerian princes can't hold a candle to the kinds of scams RS players can run.

>willingly give away your info

wow I bet that shop took all of 30 seconds
you fell for the laziest RP of all time

He really is that stupid user.