No Tarders Here

>I'm a right winger, but support fags
>Is there something wrong with being gay?
>live in Russia
>Is Russian
>Fuck you bro I ain't no westerner wannabe

I legit lost respect for this dumb cunt. I Wonder if the little unfunny lesbian had something to do with making him this retarded.

Other urls found in this thread:


This guy is gay?

Faggots are degenerate.
Stop being a faggot.


Gas yourself

>Nfkrz posted on pol
fucking Keks I hope he sees this, and shut up on your mom has the big gay

Go kys bannana
nfkrz edgy ik
ikr confirmed :DDDdd
Your low quality b8 grammar is painful. Go suck off a tf2 scout, faggot nigger.

Dude Nathan?

Literally who?

Yeah he panders and is very hypocritical. Not a surprise. Lol, his video on no BS is just a load of shit. He was that desperate he had to go and give a random channel a taste of their own medicine? You know disliking the left's ugly face. Idk hes just fucking stupid and desperate. Lmao also got triggered af at his conflicting national identity being drooped harder then him at age 2.

Good point.

some dumb slav youtuber who is obsessed with american rap


YouTube has a comment section.. Why can't all this shit go there instead of Sup Forums?

In my opinion he still won against the red-pilled alpha motherfucker nobullshit.

Source on that stat

>stole a picture of a jewtuber


>red-pilled alpha motherfucker
It was a shitty joke you autistic frog stuffer.
Eat a dick, nigger.

you,re mom big g a y

can it autistic unfunny faggot

hi NoBullshit

no u

go kys nigger

la creatura...

you first

even a braindead Somalian can win against the alpha red-pilled motherfucker knows as nobullshit

Why do you watch this jew and other jewtubers?

ain't he Russian?


Honestly the only people who have this much of an issue with fags are fags themselves... need to tell us something OP??? Dick slip in your mouth and you found it enjoyable???


Dude look at that face, those eyebrows, and those poo brown eyes. You tell me.

russians do fucked up shit to fags. Any user have that webm of the russian brothers who catfish fags and then burn their dick off?

I see... How hard were you dropped at age 2 again?

lol go kys lmao lel

discord gg/FMBKRn

add a .


God tier cringe and ylyl material.


Op is a fag