>Spend last decades abusing scare tactics
>Everyone afraid of physical contact of any kind
>Reeee people are afraid of each other now
t. The (((Guardian)))
pic related
Why aren't we touching each other anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
oh look a white woman with a nigger
purely a coincidence
These days you can't touch people even if you want, anything will be treated as sexual abuse if it's a woman or an aggression if it's a man. It's not that people are afraid of each other, they're afraid of getting fucked in the court.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
go join a soyboy cuddle puddle you loser
Holy fucking shit that’s the picture the guardian used?
Quelle surprise!!!
I touched your mum last night
i was raised by a school with a strict no touching policy. we weren't even allowed to play tag or touch football. anyone touching anyone was an instant detention.
Because I don't like to be touched. Deal with it.
i work at a university, and while feminism isn't as rampant as in colleges in the US it's on the rise here now. i deliberately avoid working with women in any context, and if i have to i barely look at or talk to them in order to eliminate potential accusations. wish my wife worked here so i could just do what pence does
How old are you?
The (deflected if questioned about) subliminal messages that Sup Forums instantly sees are invisible to the normie eye that swallows them whole.
Welcome to propaganda 101
>My own touch diary says that I have touched five people to whom I’m not related in the past seven days. One was a newborn and two were accidental (that was the delivery guy).
>touch diary
>“We have demonised touch to a level at which it sparks off hysterical responses, it sparks off legislative processes, and this lack of touch is not good for mental health.”
weird touch journal aside this author has a valid point. humans touching each other is natural and whether we like it or not, it's important to a healthy human mental state
> Create a culture of hysteria over sexual assault #MeToo
> Wonder why everyone is afraid to touch anyone else
Literally the future they chose. I don't mind touching other men because men aren't generally batshit insane, but I don't ever touch women outside my family.
Wouldn't surprise me if they had it drawn just for this piece.
32, it was a very progressive primary school. no touching, no snowball fights. it used to be ok when there was this old white guy as principle, but then we got a woman principle and everythign went to shit
Saw a little kid (must've been 11yo) trying to push a grocery cart in those designed space in the parking lot. He couldn't manage to push it in due to the snow and his mom was nowhere to be seen ofc. I helped the lil guy but I was uncomfortable as fuck and before helping I hesitated a lot due to being afraid of how it would look if I walked up to him to help him out. Sucks that we reached that point in our society.
i think they were scared to death of being sued or something if some kid got hurt in a game of tag. i dunno. they would have put each kid into a bubble if they could
fuck off faggots, stop trying to touch me. I don't want you anywhere near e. If anything everyone is too close.
Touch my wife everytime i can, love it
Many contact with my little sweetheart ( 1,5 YO)
But i like my personal space
I agree but I also like how they can't just make a valid point without sliding the little piece of race mixing in there at the same time. Scum (((media)) at it like usual.
I haven't even held hands with a girl, let alone hug or kiss anyone, including family.
Gimme a hug, man
>touching someone else is literally rape
>why people no touch anymore?
honestly mate I feel ya, it's fucking weird being out with my dad cause he just doesn't see like the way he acts and talks to kids and helps them like that all the time all the time in public and I just think it's dangerous and probably looks weird to others, he does get looks, truly from a nicer time tho
I'm 30 and my secondary school also went down the toilet when a female took charge. Women are the scourge of our society, even moreso than shitskins.
So no handshakes, no tap in the back with that gym bro you see once in a while, no hugging that female acquintance you haven't seen in awhile? Must suck to have autism bro.
pic translates to:
>white women shouldn't be afraid of coloured men, but they should still be afraid of white men.
Pedophiles and rapists have ruined it for everyone. No point in blaming women for the problems men have created.
They know their audience: a small, niche group of nigger lovers.
I'm Millennial too but never had those rules. We played things like Red Rover. We also had this slide that was around 20 feet tall that we shook at the top to make it quake as we went down. Thankfully due to budget cuts none of the unsafe playground equipment was removed until I was out.
Nobody is blaming women specifically. The media are the one to blame here with their constant pushing of the rape and sexual aggression narrative despite stats showing a constant decrease since as far as the 70s yet in those years people were still more social in every sense of the term.
i'd like to find a massage parlour that isn't about handjobs. but i don't want to be touched by a man or a fat chick. has anyone been to a normal massage parlour? is there any way of choosing who you're going to be massaged by?
i'm remembering that episode of seinfeld where george got massaged by a dude and "it moved" and i really wouldn't feel comfortable with that
>Nobody is blaming women specifically
i am
>Nobody is blaming women specifically
>Endless false "sexual harassment" accusations on social media in order to garner attention & sympathy on a massive scale
You cannot say it is not, to some degree, the fault of women & how they inherently behave & think
Because we live in a low trust society. Before touching was more common because you could somewhat trust the other person to be decent. But right now 8 out of 10 people (if you are like us, here in europe for example) can and are most likely going to be your mortal enemies who wish to report you to the cops for not liking their based nigger friend.
Why would you want to touch another person whom does not respect your freedom of speech? I would rather spit on most of these people, or give them the bird.
Oh yeah I agree they definitely are taking part in it. I'm just saying we can't solely blame them.
>we can't solely blame them
I would go as far as to say the majority of the blame rests on them
And there really isn't anything that can be done to change them
Just going to have to slowly phase them out with
1: Artificial wombs
2: Trannies
and a distant 3
3: Robotic Women
trannies are dudes though, always will be, it's just a larp. artificial womb tech can't be trusted because it's going to come from tptb and they turn every bit of technology into a trap. all you wanted was to have a phone in your pocket and they created a planetwide surveillance state out of the device you use to play angry birds while taking a shit. so you can just imagine what a massive trap artifical wombs will be. same goes for robot women.
as much as it pains me to say this, i don't think we can just technology our way out of this mess
>trannies are dudes though
>artificial womb tech can't be trusted
>i don't think we can just technology our way out of this mess
first of all, of course trannies are dudes, if they were women we wouldn't fucking have an improvement now would we?
I think you're just a woman
its too late roastie, you had your chance, huMANity is done with women
and i think you're just a fag
>the girl scouts told the girls they dont "owe anyone a hug" and said they didnt have to hug relatives anymore
Why is this world still functioning at all?
How many became autistic?
Yes it is incredibly important and modern men are completely fucked from lack of it. Not from not having a harem but also from avoiding touch of family and friends out of homophobia and such.
The War on Men (I think it´s called) or War on Boys, good book.
Their parents and siblings didn't hug them a lot?
i dunno. i eventually moved to another shitty primary school in a different city. where everyone was an underage slut/alcoholic, i was not cool enough to fit in as i was not having underage sex or drinking. from one extreme to the other. but personally i ended up somewhat autistic in the internet sense of the word but not actually autistic.
stay mad, roastie
Oh man tell me about it, my dad will just make casual conversation and jokes with just about anyone willing. I think its just me being paranoid but i just wonder what some people think. He's just being friendly though, kinda wish i was more like him.
I'm actually on the autism spectrum so I was never super comfortable with physical contact, and thankfully normies these days don't do it much. And I'm pretty good at disguising my recoil at human contact with a cough or something, I think. I don't see the disappointment on their faces afterwards anymore, anyway.
What the hell is wrong with you faggots? 50+ posts and no archive?
Touch is not that important to humans since we are primary a visual hunting species
we're also a social species where community bonding is critical to survival. being primarily a visual hunting species doesn't mean other senses and instincts aren't at play here.