What the FUCK is your problem?
Unemployed members of Sup Forums
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Why would i work when my life is still gonna be shitty and im still gonna be an ugly third worlder dicklet.
All unemployed white members of pol need to contact at two or three temp agency in their area so they can get warehouse jobs and learn to drive a forklift.
Right....the only way to beat the Jew is to be unemployed and not pay into their system
> implying some don't already know how or better
I'd rather take from the unemployment that was taken from me for the past 5 years than go work for nigger wages that'll get me nowhere just to have a job.
Haha yaaaaassss Kang 3 years of being unemployed has been fucking glorious!!!
Wage cucks BTFO
I live in cuckoldfornia and the gibbs equate to an amount similar to a job that pays $50k. When I worked, I worked my ass off pulling up 80 hours a week only to bring in just enough to cover my expenses plus a 10% tithe. It was only about 32k. With gibbs I am receiving enough to cover all expenses and save $1k a month. I also got medical covered that equaled at least $30k last year.
I am but one of thousands of cuts bleeding CA red.
*up to. 50hrs was minimum
That is disgusting.
I stopped supporting the Jew system.
How do you expect to start and support a family?
The idea that the West is going to collapse is a meme the only thing that's going to collapse is your life. Get your shit together.
How are you going to survive and thrive without stable employment? How are you planning to raise a family? Genuinely curious.
A summer job at some tourist trap is more than enough to cover my PC upgrades and anime figures needs.
How did you do it? Are you white?
I plan to rob Jews and steal their shekels and live off the spoils of the coming war.
Not unemployed, but never going to have enough to support a gf/wife/family.
Who cares?
I have video games and my surfboard...
and sex robots will be much more advanced by the time im 45.
I collect EBT, autismbuxx and Section 8 which scores me basically free housing, alcohol and cigarettes.
Minus, Gas, Electricity, Water and Internet, I still net $100-$150 profit each month and I never have to "do" anything anyday ever.
And what happens if your prediction fails and there is no war and no collapse?
And what about food?
Are you black if so do you live amongst them?
Are any of us truly "white"?
I will start the war myself.
It is, but my options are to either be a cog in the system or out-jew the jew.
Seriously, I’m curious how you did it
I have this problem where even if I do manage to land a job I wind up quitting in a couple weeks/days.
I like to quit after seven months.
I can usually save enough after seven months to to stay out of the workforce for years.
Shit I still haven't run out of money.
> paying for food
Not sure if you realize this, but in addition to food, you can even buy shoes, clothing, beer and cigarettes with foodstamps if you lnow the store.
I wish I could hold a job for seven months.
I’m a full time student. I’ve struggled to find work and haven’t been able to get hired (No I’m not fat or unkept either).
not this AGAIN!
Point the finger at yourself, you stupid proletarian wagecuck. Whats your problem?
gnothi seauton
I got tired of my dead end job that pays 60k elsewhere, but my branch was run by an Argentinian with the soul of a thousand Jews. By wording a phrase carefully I was able to quit my job while technically being let go. Because I worked so many hours, especially in one of the seasons, my calculated UI was about as much as the base pay of the job (no overtime). I got to keep my wage, and not have to commute or pay for eating out. When the UI ran out I was miraculously injured and had to have an operation to fix a reinjured limb that never properly healed. The doctor put me on 12mo disability and the gibs got even higher somehow. I also get dem food programbs plus my mom gets me food from a food drive.
>more food
>no need to spend money on gas and eating out
Hypothetically speaking, one could make enough off gibbs to support a small family, pay off a house/mortgage, pay for your kid's extra curricular activities, and have nice things.
I've probably said too much, but nothing I am doing is illegal. I was investigated twice, and they got nothing on me. I used to work for the gov mint issuing gibbs and learned the system. Some dumb dyke didn't like me and fired me before I passed probation. I spoke to her boss and she encouraged me to collect gibbs a long while ago. Those gibs also were enough to cover the base salary of the next job I took because I didnt apply immediately. I waited until my calculated quarter would be at it's highest and miraculously lost that job as well when my paranoid superior accused me of having a threesome with two women while on my lunch break. Of course they couldnt prove it.
>TL;DR: Don't teach a man how to run a system then boot him out with the knowledge to milk every penny from it.
I'm retired now so fuck yourself. I did my part you homos. Now your turn.
>wanting to support system that pursues genocide of our race by mass multiculture
Fuck That. Just move to farmside and be self-supported
>Implying I don't run my own shit together with my girl.
Neger snälla.
Oh, and get this. some cunt with the city supposedly sent a work crew to cut weeds or something on my yard. I didn't sign shit and there is no proof they did a damn thing, but there is a city ordinance that somehow makes it legal. I never got the bill and now I have a several hundred dollar lien on my taxes. But guess what?
>with those expenses tacked onto my bill, it pushes me over the threshold of financial burden thus enabling me to apply for and qualify for gibbs equaling nearly $500 each and every month.
So do I gladly pay my "tax" or should I complain and Jew them for the money back?
You can do both Pekka. Run your own shit while starting a life on a simple piece of land in a rural place where nobody wants to live. But there are shitloads of boomers with old cars that they can't wrench on.
nobody fucking cares you fucking wagecuck. I have everything i need
Im independently wealthy, cant imagined the shit life you poorfags live. You should probably kys.
There are no things such as gibz datz in my country.
except dignity
>except dignity
What's the point of that? Look faggot I'm rich and i don't need to work for the rest of my life time. couldn't careless about dignity. The real world dosen't care about your human meaningless idea what right or wrong. We all are just fuckin ants in the pkayfield. There is nothing yours and you deserve shit don't matter if you work or not. this way of life we have today was just invented by some merchants who like to play with stupid animals of slaves.
Well this thread died.
Im trying to shitpost, and my girl is nabbing on about X-taxes and "if you keep this up it's 500 thousand shekels in one year".
>Que Fashwave
mental health issues