Homo sapiens through a process of biological reproduction have infested the planet. 15 years ago we were at 6 billion. Today we are near 8 billion.
Extermination is coming, user, and we need it. We need a hard-cull extermination of 99.3% of the sapiens population.
Traffic jams? Long lines? Puffy nipples? Water shortages? Single mothers? Race mixing? All indicators of overpopulation and overcrowding.
Analogy: An elevator has a carrying capacity of 100 humans before the cable snaps. Do you really want to stand in an elevator with 100 humans? I'll take the next one, thanks!
Common arguments by overpopulation deniers:
Q - you first OP (this is the 80 IQ mutt argument)
A - 10 other anons have the same thought, evidence of overpopulation that nothing you say or do is original. all ideas and social spaces are already defined by other homo sapiens.
Q - Population has leveled out in _____, therefore not overpopulated.
A - Ideal population for Western Europe is 12 million. Ideal population for North America is 7 million. If your population has leveled out above those numbers, it is overpopulated.
Q - Overpopulation is a leftist blue-pill.
A - No it isn't. Its biology and science. The left talked about it first, so low-IQ conservatives think its a leftist idea, but it isn't. Use your pre-frontal cortex to think about this, not your amygdala. Before you wet the bed, I am far right.
Q - Fertility rates are declining.
A - What is the population of your continent? If its over ~10 million, its disgustingly overpopulated and infested. Asia has the highest sustainable carrying capacity at 14 million
Further research on how disgusting a situation we are in:
For those with > 110 IQ:
Lets discuss the logistics of carrying out a 99.3% extermination of the worlds homo sapiens population. What are some methods and contingencies? Timeframe? Who should survive? Should China (highest IQs) run the post-extermination governments?