I never play violent video games in the first place.

I don't play soy games anymore.

If anything, video games keep me from unleashing my inner violence. It’s so cathartic just mowing down pedestrians sometimes in GTA

It's not about movies or video games, it's about Hollywood and Valley ?

This is why we need feminism

>Amerimutt's president is literally a fucking retard

Trump knows it's BS, he knows everyone knows its BS and he knows that everyone knows HE knows it's BS

it's just to keep the media in a tail spin.

>doesn't mention the actual root of all that is evil


who gives a fuck. Vidya is a manchilds game

gamers have had old retards saying games cause violence for decades. we will bury trump just like the rest


Video games, movies ,and especially music influence the youth that is just a fact, jewtube is also a big influence with the degenerate jewtubers celebs having millions of little kid followers who want to do what hey do.

I think Donald bit the bait.

I unironically love this man.

>"m-muh 4d chess guiz"
shut the fuck up already The_donald, this shit is getting really old

If you unironically play the vidya past the age of 18 you need to euthanized.

jesus christ what is it now 345d chess? did it ever occur to your pea brain that maybe trump is just a retard? intelligent people generally dont label themselves a "stable genius" on twitter

If you unironically use leetspeak past the age of 18 you need to be gassed

don't play games still hate jews
what now?

Sup Forums fags on suicide watch haha

Gotta take it back to the 1950's you short sighted fags. Comic books!

wasting your free time on relentless masturbation or HBO is fine tho

vidya is degernate
tho I've been playing FPS since I was 9 and have never had trouble of any kind outside a couple schoolyard fights

I only play board games video games are for children.

Don't let an internet Mongolian basket weaving forum determine for you what is right and wrong.

>he knows that everyone knows HE knows it's BS
I hope he's right.

>he knows everyone knows its BS
Meant this as well.

This thread attracted all the boomers of Sup Forums like flies to a pile of shit.

literally the only thing i play gta anymore for is after a long day of traffic irl i get in the insurgent and just ram the fuck out of the obviously retarded ai in the game


The issue of violent youth is one born from cultural and social ills. Why would a billionaire who is removed from the culture and lifestyle of the average middle, lower, and upper class family know about the conditions most of these children live with. Trump won't know about how many kids are put in front of a tv all day while Mom and Dad are both at work and the babysitter is too busy on her phone. Trump won't know about the kids younger than 4 who are given mom's phone to shut them up and then don't interact with other children until they're 9. Trump won't know about the kids who's parents only serve them microwave dinners and smack them when they say they're still hungry. Trump won't know about the child with a mental health problem from his parents shitty excuse for parenting who ends up fantasizing about killing people cause he saw it somewhere else. The president isn't aware of how bad things are for some of these kids who end up picking up rifles. Either we the people inform the absurdly round man or suffer the consequences.

Get on my level, play Total War and genocide entire races of people


protip: video games are keeping far more people from becoming mass-shooters than causing them
next we can ban sex to prevent rape


>The billionaire that became the president of the most powerful country in the world is a retard!
It will never stop being funny reading this crap from a fellow chinese cartoon enthusiast.

Hitler came to power and he was a complete fucking retard, so it's totally possible but what can an anime smugposting retard know about it?

Its amazing how far these people go to keep their delusion going, or maybe its just the russian bots