what have you done
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Fuck video games and the manchildren who play them.
Looks gay, go play postal 2.
>no link
Fuck off
baka this, if you are on Sup Forums and watch anime or play videogames you dont belong here
I killed commander shepard as some mcsoap guy fucking potato nigger reporting in
found it
>baka this, if you are on Sup Forums and watch anime or play videogames you dont belong here
don't know if irony or genuinely retarded
fucking poe's law
These games are all AGE RATED. Its the fault of the parents if they decided to buy their kids 18+ games
>when you realize that this isn't actually against violent video games, but a kill montage made by Barron uploaded to the wrong account
First president to make a CoD montage.
How does he do it?
Lol probably
grow up retard, Sup Forums was always a christian right wing board that supported israel, are you a fucking muslim?
nice one
>first line
>you don't scare me you commie piece of shit
Careful, newfags might actually take you seriously.
Elected a showman. He's being a showman. What is a showman's job? Distract you from important shit.
>"Ban all guns!"
"But what about these games, look at this virtual murder simulator!"
>"ek something shiny!"
He does this every fucking time. Have you no pattern recognition?
Somebody think of Barron! His mind is warped!
Honestly guys I don't care about video games anymore. Censorship is bad yeah but I'm not exactly bothered by this, that video just makes me laugh.
>Modern Warfare
>Black Ops
Is this 2011?
Stop playing video games.
maybe the florida mutt tried to trickshot people
so, after Sup Forums took a piss on gamer gate they went on to do their own thing to destroy the evil corrupt femnazi shittery on the left, by getting trump into the white house. And now he is running hand in hand with the most cancerouess left shittery, corrupted industry you could imagine.
you plan was shit.
that fungus toenails are worst than the mosquitoes
This is the biggest false flag of them all.
I can feel the bloodbourn parasites from here.
play more videogames
Mr Trump is being ill advised with the exact goal of alienating the bulk of his young electors
He probably doesn't even give a shit, someone told him while rubbing hands this was (((the best thing to do))) to get votes, and he signed some documents in favour of this
Less kids on vidya = better games.
no, fuck Sup Forums for leaving the battlefield and giving control to a stranger. You fucked up guys.
So that's why he's going after them?
Fuck off theo it's because of CLUMPF I can't play Pokémon in the future
Yeah this was a school project for barron about his sick gaming skillz
What a fucking homo holy shit.
I would like for someone to break this little faggot's hands
>stealing the pizza-degreasing technique from Ulillillia
Hey, look, we elected Hillary.
muh vidya
>Fuck video games and the manchildren who play them.
You have the subtlety of a drunk trying to pick up a nun.
Maybe if young men didn't deplete their murderous instincts on competitive online FPS's they could instead focus such a killer drive on more important games - such as winning their professional and societal arenas.
Maybe there will be more violent crime due to boredom, but at least some of that boredom will translate into better lifetime outcomes.
Good old Siberian summers. Take me back
Then why did he use other youtubers footage
>if you are on Sup Forums and watch anime or play videogames you dont belong here
If you are on Sup Forums and don't play vidya and watch anime, you don't belong here.
grow up soyboy
lol the whole world gets to investigate sniper elite nutshots as possibly one of the core causes of school shootings
Will they ban the nazi idol hatsune miku aswell?
Fuck this faggot. I fucking hate fags. I'm gonna break him so hard. I'm going to fuck him so hard he won't know what's happenning. Yeah. I'll fuck him so hard, that'll teach him. Fuckign homos I swaer to god
Ah, Alaska. Where the mosquito is the state bird.
This. Playing a game with buddies for fun or just for a relax is fine. Playing to stimulate the brain (like chess or cards) is also fine. But caring about video games is cuck-tier pathetic.
No, this is a distraction from a more important issue.
The left wants gun control. They're going to get some weak posturing over vidya instead, and ultimately, nothing will happen.
Plus, this is not a problem for the govt. We already have the retarded ass ESRB (PEGI, for our non american friends). This is a parental problem. Parents need to step up and raise their damn kids correctly, not let Xbox Live do it for them.
Johnny Reb in full troll mode!
School them kiddies!
seriously ? I tought mosquitoes don't like cold
>watches anime
>not a manchild
During the summer when the snow melts it's hell on earth. Billions of flying dirty needles.
What kind of name is soap?
You leave MacTavish's nickname alone.
Video games are degenerate, especially violent games.Want simulated violence? Join one of the many violent career paths - law enforcement, military, private militia, boxing, or MMA. These career paths actually add real domestic value to the nation.
Violent video games are for niggers. if you unironically like to play GTA, COD, BF, Doom, or whatever the latest Ultra Blood Kill Murder 3000 game is, then you deserve the gas chambers. Only sick, demented, degenerate individuals and niggers play these ugly, horrible games.
>Mr Trump dosent like nazis getting killed
No shit vidya is a waste
But i dont care anymore
When i wake up and hit a bong and vegetate with vidya it’s a big fuck you all and i can’t wait for this shit to blow
Im not pretending that vidya is for my good
Who cares most of the new games are dog shit.
I like how the kikes in Naughty Dog are all pro woman all those bullshit about multiculturalism and making a game about feelings, and then, they make the most violent games ever; you ask yourself if they know that using a grenade launcher against a person is considered a war crime, but hey, the characters are funny!
I believe there's a problem with representing violence in general, even the spectacularization of it on the news, there are people out there which are not that mentally sane, and this kind of stuff can give them ideas or trigger something that makes it OK to behave in a violent manner.
What a fucking homo, I can't undestand how he unirocally does this as if it's natural.
"Video games are the modern day equivalent of boys playing soldier or knight.
Before video games children used to have makeshift swords or guns made from sticks or whatever has the shape required to simulate such weapons.
There's also the phenomenon of play-fighting. It's the same thing. Simulating violence for the "rush."
Sure, video-games a bit more graphic, but the root concept is the same.
I would argue that for boys to respect violence. They have to play-act it out in order to understand it.
E.g. I play fight because it does no harm to anyone else and I shouldn't do any harm to anyone else unless they do it to me first.
That's the understanding that comes from indulging in play-fighting and other forms of simulated violence.
The issue isn't the simulation itself, it's deeper than that. It's the society we live in and the values it has, or lacks. If boys raised by parents with values and principles were taught those same values and principles, and were generally raised in a healthy, loving environment. They wouldn't even consider using simulated violence as a gateway to real violence.
^ /thread"
>open webm
>gaydar screams at me
Also, there is an inherent, instinctual part of the male psyche that has a natural affinity for violence / the use of force and is compelled to indulge in it in some fashion. This is likely as a result of how we've developed as males, we have predominantly been the protectors of our kin, the ones who fight off external threats.
So I would also argue that boys need an outlet for that. And video games are a perfect outlet because nobody is at any risk whatsoever of being hurt. The inherent predisposition for the use of force is channeled into such things in a healthy manner. It's essentially a cathartic process.
If we restrict boys from playing violent video games we risk repressing that part of their psyche that has an affinity for violence. Resulting in an even bigger problem in the long term. Boys growing up into grown men who for their entire childhood have had almost no healthy outlets for their male penchant for the use of force.
>nobody should be able to do things i don't enjoy
.. okay calm down you lunatic
Niggers enjoy rape and murder so are you saying they should be able to do that?
Alaska in the summer is a giant marsh.
>attacks Assad, and by proxy Russia
>goes back on DACA
>goes back on gun control
>now is sperging out about violent video games like a fucking 90s era baby boomer
Who are we voting for in 2020 lads?
>vidya is degenerate
>being a fucking Mercerary isn't
wew lad
The nintendofags especially.
>Violent video games are for niggers
Wrong. Niggers are incapable of separating reality from fantasy, which leads to them committing violent acts in the real world.
To the average nigger, grouping up with some buddies on CoD or any other competitive shooting game is the same as walking down the street in their ghettos with their thuggish friends and robbing the local convenience store.
Their small frontal cortices are incapable of rational judgement, in short.
>Only sick, demented, degenerate individuals and niggers play these ugly, horrible games
Wrong again. The degenerates, the demented, and the niggers commit acts such as murder, rape, and theft the same as you and I or would swat a fly.
You may as well say that only degenerates and demented individuals watch war movies or read novels that depict violence. Hell, the Holy Bible depicts violence against children, which is something that is not allowed in modern video games.
You forgot the tariffs.
Nah, you’re all useless retards, regardles if it’s playstation or switch.
>people should sate their bloodlust on real people instead of virtual ones
People like you are the reason why we have a police problem.
Oh look, it's 2005 GTA SA bs again
Whatever, ban them for children and enforce the ratings like alcohol and I won't give a shit
I'm 21 so this doesn't apply for fuckall now
>Sup Forums suddenly supports banning "violent" video games, a cuckservative mainstay, just because Trump wants to
Christ I miss 2014-2016 Sup Forums.
>become a merc so you can get directly paid by Isreal instead of having it laundered through the US military first.
Good idea cut out the middle man.
they didnt even used Dead space or Manhunt
how am i supposed to jerk off to this?