Flip flappers


>Cant let got mediocre shit

why tho, even princess floppers fans let it go already and that show was a below average success despite its mediocrity

I bumped the PriPri thread just for you.

global rule 3 forbids indecipherable text


What percentage of this anime is about cock?
Give me a ballpark figure.

almost all of it if you pause it a few seconds in and watch gay porn instead

It is all about Cocona's cock and her desire to put it in an orange dog and her own mother.

There is a bit of phallic symbolism, though vagina teeth are more important.


Not much, really.

I want a dog as a girlfriend

I've had that one scene in the last episode where cocona is sitting ontop of papika's forest retreat tube and cocona is shaking her head saying no for some reason before papika surprises her from behind in my head since the series ended.
Something about how the animation of cocona's face and the way the voice actress said no was incredibly beautiful.

Because it's Cocona, she is the most beautiful thing.

Flifla is very popular in Japan
Why do not you believe me?

was it ever explained who the unconcious girl in episode 1 was

Just some random girl. Sayuri brought her back gently to her own home afterwards.

Because you never bring proof. Though some user back then posted impressions and photos as it was airing in the cinema and it seems to have some following.

>as it was airing in the cinema

Wait what?

Happens in japan, cinemas will show three or four episodes in a row over the span of several days. This is where the fans gather.

Shit I need to move to japan.

Because it sold like shit