Make a joke Sup Forums
Make a joke Sup Forums
Your life.
The author of Nichibros was so butthurt about the anime that he stopped drawing the manga.
Haha ;_;
This fucking hurts
Gurren Lagann is a good and enjoyable anime!
Haven't heard this before. Where's the source on this? Can't find anything.
Hilarious, if true.
Sup Forums is the joke
Teachers wife
Urobutcher is writing for the anime of pop team epic.
Takeshobo never stood a chance.
Hajime no Ippo
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 789
Is it that bad? I was thinking about reading it since I've already read Ashita no Joe twice and wanted another good sports manga.
Because seven-hundred-eighty-nine?
That's not a very good joke, user.
Everything after Ippo winning the belt is honestly not worth paying attention to for your own good.
Black Clover
My life.
Um sorry it didn't translate well? This is more of a /jp/ joke than an Sup Forums joke I guess
In jap 8 can be read や and 9 can be read く so the reason 6 is afraid of 7 is because 7 is on fire
An alternate interpretation could be that 7 is a member of the yaku(za)
Jewish people are mostly upstanding moral people and have contributed much to the benefit of society.
There is no global Jewish conspiracy. There is no global conspiracy of any kind. Governments govern countries, working alongside businesses. Nobody has full control.
The media is great to entertain and inform the masses, and is owned by many different individuals and companies. No one group controls the media.
News agencies are for the most part reliable, honest, and accurate in what they broadcast and publish. Movies, shows, and music are good entertainment. There is no secret nefarious agenda behind them.
Universities provide a solid upper level education, broaden the mind, and ready young people to enter the workforce. Curriculum is not controlled by any one ideology. Professors and faculty have personal opinions and views, but generally there isn't any bias in what they teach.
No one group has control of the finance world. Various indviduals, bank, and companies run it. Financial institutions can be trusted to house your money. Money can trusted as currency. Investment banks and most of Wall Street provide a valuable service to the public, helping many people. There are only a few bad apples.
Government is not controlled by any one group. Politicians, while sometimes motivated by greed, generally care and work towards the best interests of the public. The president is the leader of the free world. Nobody is pulling his strings, he is not a puppet. He is an indivual who was elected to power by voters. Voting is an important civil duty. Though political parties use tricks to get votes, elections are not rigged.
Intelligence agencies work within the law to secure the nation and its interests. Our foreign policies are for the betterment of our nation and of other nations. The wars we are fighting are justified and necessary.
Thanks my dude.
go back to just anime dubbed dot television
I want to get off mr bones' wild ride
Everything up to that is good, but everything after is garbage, save for maybe a handful of moments. It's quite literally Ippo doing the Dempsey Roll in every single fight, and the current fight in the manga is fucking embarrassing.
First 76 episodes are good too. New Challenger and are only decent for non-Ippo fights, and Rising is rushed to fucking shit.
I dont want to be a lawyer
Where do you live user? That sounds amazing.
wait what?
I thought it was 6 is afraid of 7 because 7 8(ate) 9 and 9 is a 6 just flipped around.
You are funny, user ;_;
This is the kind of shit I'd expect a brainwashed person to spew.
So I went down to Vegas over the weekend and did some shots
I always thought [a/ was a good joke
that's one weird joke
You can tune a piano...
But you can't tune a fish!
Now THAT is an oldfag joke for me.
I think Sup Forums are just tsundere towards each other. It will still take more time for them to realize that we truly are friends.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Google fired moot and he's coming back.
F-fuck you user, suck my dick *blushes*
Umaru is popular, and has a second season coming.
Explain to a newbie plies
That's not how this works.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Knock knock
But they can't fine tune your shit taste.
This one still gets me:
An arab guy walks into a gay bar and says, "Shots for everyone!"
w-who's there?
Futon ga futonda
MAL likes pingu.
A young man, a loli and a nun walk into a bar.
The young man says "Fukou da,
you're lucky you're so short, that hurt like hell
My social life.
anshin angkor-wat
Why are pills white?
Because they work.
Have you tried All-Rounder Meguru or Teppuu?
I walked into the bathroom and there was a girl already in there. She called me a pervert
There is no good jokes in this thread.
Ain't he just revert to boatslut doujin?
That's just racist to blue pills
Why did OP post this thread?
He wanted attention from a bunch of hopeless weebs.
I thought it was because they could make more with 2hu doujins?
And you replied
I remember that
and Code Geass Code Geass Code Geass
I thought it's because the anime didn't make any money
knock knock
No radiation here.
I have a joke but only girls are allowed to respond.
My sanity.
Is he bomber grape?
Holy shit, I'm a retard. I never made the connection.
Dare desu ka
Moshi Moshi.
new Saki season in December.
live action Saki series.
I don't know if this is a straightforward conspiracy nut or if he's writing this to take the piss out of conspiracy nuts, but the latter seems a lot more likely given how paranoid this sounds
So what about placebos?
women's rights.
so I told my girlfriend I wanted to fuck her between the tits
she said "but how will you make that feel good for me?"
I said "once I cum I'll stop punching you in the face"
it was shit anyway.
she needs some sleep
Panty and Stocking s2
i heard from a /jp/ a few years back that the author got married
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Neo Yokio. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical excorcism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Kaz's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from fashion literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Neo Yokio truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kaz's catchphrase "toblerone," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jaden Smith's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Neo Yokio tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
the fuck