Is BPS our guy?

Is BPS our guy?

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Nigger Sky Rat

Hows Prague @NAVYHATO?

No, u fucking nigger of Europe.

>engrisu teacher
>civic "nationalist"


More tolerable than Fatfuck of Fattad but still no.

Euros getting pissy. Can't handle the tariff goblino.

I wondered what he's doing in Japan. So a generic English teacher?

Yes. He has red-pilled a fucking lot of people without making it obvious that he's against (((them))).

black pidgeon speaks
>actual kike
>has stated that Whites impregnating Asian hookers will save the white race

>I wondered what he's doing in Japan.
He has some kind of channel about tourism and travelling. This for instance is one of his videos about Japan

Yeah, but that's not an activity that can get you a long-term visa. So I wondered if he has a spouse visa, just travels there a lot or whatever.

Being an English teacher explains it.


>it's an e-celeb thread

>>it's an e-celeb thread
Schlomos answer every fucking time...


He is redpilled but doesnt live up to my own personal standards of setting a good example and because he doesnt match my strict criteria of being /ourguy/ (hint: literally no one does), I will call him out for being shit and missing the point while failing to do anything at all of note and sitting in my mums basement istead of contributing to make the future better for whites.

BPS posts here

Yeah to shill his bullshit and suck Sargon's cock. He's a faggot.

Meme flag
Shitting in entry-tier normie redpillers

FU kike!

Have a (You) larpflag

He gets BTFOed by Shaun and Jen pretty constantly

he's a lolcow

better watch Alt-Hypothesis, he's literally autistic like us

I thought Poles were the niggers of Europe?

Actually germs are niggers of europe, they did the most to constantly destroy europeian civilizations

he's good

>little potato

Holy shit, what an appropriate name

Stupid godless faggot

No, we did the most to constantly destroy you...

What the fuck is this true

yes, but I'm getting really bored of his videos
blah blah blah europe is dying blah blah blah Sup Forums meme blah blah blah feminism blah blah blah immigration blah blah blah

his best videos were his first ones, no need to make them impossible to find because you buried them under 100 similar videos trying to say the same thing in different ways

I will just watch corbettreport instead for some real geopolitical analysis

if hair was important it would not grow around the asshole

He's not a civic nationalist.

No, he sounds like a virgin.