What do you guys think of Varg Vikernes?
Varg Vikernes
the most powerful e-celeb
I think he should stop posting threads
his videos are comfy, he says intrestings things
>let's find out
>if you have green eyes, you're not white
He should accept Christ and stop saying autism is good
Then why are autists a lot more likely to share your views than normies?
lol that's some hard core ninja shit right there
autism deluxe
>he should accept christ
Fuck off christfag. Go back to your desert and worship your skydaddy
How can you take someone, who unironically referred to himself as Count Grischnakh, seriously?
Okay, in what video did he claim that people with green eyes are not white?
> he should accept Christ
Christianity is not white. Jesus was a jewish charlatan.
He has an ideology, and he sticks to it. He’s raising many white kids, has an adoring wife, values traditionalism, lives off the grid, makes music and board games, and is posting redpills on YouTube. He’s doing more than the average poltard, that’s for sure
t.Golden showerone
Just another moron. Who cares
Varg is my spirit animal.
Of course the Frenchman, inventor of racial equality, communism, and faggotry defends the belief destroying the west. Most atheists are leftist
He says it's from the middle east. I'm not going to go through episodes to prove it, but he claims it's from non-white admixture
He has had like 10 ideologies throughout his life. He's a moron.
I actually didn't know he killed a guy until the other day. Was randomly reading about Norwegian black metal and I was like, oh shit
> he's grown and changed and experimented throughout his life, he's a moron
Any proud white man smart enough to be critical of Hitler and National Socialism has my respect.
Fucking retard.
Do you realize the non-sense of what you said or are you being autistic on purpose ?
my snownigga
hes ok but
> thinks everyone is none white
> is a snownigger
>welfare queen
legit telling white to run away and live in the cuck sheds
I respect his high level of autism. I see very much myself in him. I might not agree with every word, and sometimes I am just like.. Wat? The rings-movies arn't real/real enough/logical? Well, no shit..
But again, I see a lot of my self in him. Perhaps we have some blood shared, the Blix-blood runs far and wide I've discovered.
He's been a Nazi since before prison, and he still is.
He really destroyed me. I would have never imagined that the opinion of an autistic Blackster charged with murder and arson now living in the woods doing absolutely nothing would matter so much to me. I'm a brown subhuman shitskin and I bow to Varg
No,he is not you retard.He is a snow nigger with inferiority complex
>brown shitskin
opinion discarded.
You where once a pagan people yourselves. It was however banned under law to NOT be a christian if you wanted to have any power. So they simply added the magical sandnigger in space into their roster of gods and started to bring their gods to churches. It was the same in Sweden.
The elders had the power in the pagan community, be it Scandinavia, among the Celts, what ever. These became the once who had to become christian, first. The church had all the power, but it was a false magical sandnigger in space that was became the one diety, law and overall mentality among the peoples.
The old ways got buried, often under the church so nobody could use the old ways.
Christianity got a majority in Europe in what, 1000-1200's?
Since about 1200's, every fucking nation has banned the Jew.
Christianity is a jewish cult.
>Thrown. Out. Everywhere.
Ain't it fucking beautiful lads?
Whiter than you mohammed
He used to be a NatSoc yes, but he is and has been for a long time now an anti civilization (pagan)tribalist.
Nazis were pagan tribalists.
t.literal mohammed
No they were not you filthy canadian shit
Yes true, but he is now against civilization itself(as in citybuilding etc), he wants to live more "primitive" in small tribes of about 100 people
t.Cho Ling
No they weren't.
kekd hard
SAGE eceleb threads
t. Marcus
Does it bother you that he just talks shit about you now and encourages his followers to do the same?
>guy who posts rambling videos on youtube
what's not to like?
I always knew that snow niggers were dumb but not on this scale
He murdered euronymus and burns churches. He's a piece of shit.
>remove yourself from society goy
Half truther, says chemtrails are a hoax and calls you an idiot for believing them.
Hes a white welfare nigger... even murders people too just like a black welfare nigger.
Euronymous was a degenerate faggot who planned to kill him. He burnt churches ? Congratulations, then. Who cares about a gay semitic cult ?
tbf "he"* apparently burned one of those old stave "churches" which were basically local Scandi architecture
*iirc in reality he was condemned as being the supposed instigator not the actual pyromaniac
that old stave church was built directly on top of an old pagan site- it would have been something similar to the stone circles in England and Ireland.
100% faggotry
right about some topics, but full retard about others
Only jews make these memes.