What uk fags on pol think about this city
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It exhibits both the best and worst aspects of the UK all at once.
Personally I love it.
But i have heard it is lefty hell hole is it true
They're white but hardcore socialists. Also no patriotism since they're so close to Ireland.
bretty gud alotta cokeheads tho
Pretty much everywhere in the UK is a lefty hellhole mate. It's a generational thing. Most younger generations are left-wing, most older generations are right-wing.
As far as i know it's more old school left wing though.
As opposed to modern SJW-type politics.
and we will CL
Too many homeless but thats the biggest issue living here honestly.
Scouse is another fucked up form of the English language used by retards in the North-West of England, particularly in Liverpool, a tiny third-world country attached to (but not part of) Great Britain. The patron saint of the city was a dirty smelly wife-beating smackhead layabout, who dwelled in a local cavern 100 years ago, and preached renouncing all earthy possessions but then got rich with the donations of his followers and moved into a luxurious penthouse with a Jap. He was rightfully shot dead in 1981 by a disgruntled former fan and now has an airport named after him, which is ironic because he got so high he never came down. To this very day, departures are delayed by the locals, who jack planes up on bricks and steal their tyres to burn for warmth because their "leccy" has been cut off due to non-payment of bills due to their having spent all their welfare cash on DRUCKS.
sadly this is true.
this is also true. similar with manchester and newcastle... a sort of normie basic lefty tendency. uninformed rather than specifically malevolent. albeit still cancer
I wouldn't say they're hardcore socialists as a typical social trend of scouse youths is to hate the state and specifically the police. They love the benefits system yeah. But they hate the state. So it's selective socialism. Liverpool and surrounding areas in the north west have an extremely oppositional history with the state. They were pretty much indulging in guerilla warfare on the streets of Liverpool and that around the 70s-80s because of the level of poverty around there.
Basically, they hate the state because the state made their families extremely poor. But they depend on the state because the state bailed them out from the problems it created.
Also, they are patriotic, just not to England. There's a uniquely scouse mantra that is pretty common amongst scousers which is "we're not english, we're scouse."
I live across the water from Liverpool. It is a lefty stronghold but they're old school left. Most of them aren't into the progressive shit that the left spouts nowadays.
They are patriotic about Liverpool, hence the phrase "We're not English, we're Scouse."
ye laaaa
Yeah it's still awful, but i think it's worth mentioning because people hear that liverpool is leftist and they think it means diversity , trannies and fags, but really it just means strong labour unions.
I've been twice and it's not as bad as people think.
>being an old school "muh unions" socialist instead of a cool hip-and-trendy SJW
It's mainly based on the older generations experiences under Thatcher, I meet anti tory anti labour right wingers sometimes but most the younger generation inherited lefty ideology from parents.
I live in a shitty little scouse town on the outskirts of the outskirts of Liverpool and yes it has its issues but it also has a lot of goodness within it. Old school scouse values are extremely family oriented and sacrificial in nature. You get a lot of rats yeah, but scousers are mega loyal a lot of the time as well.
IMO, pretty much all the negative things you can point out about scousers are a result of multi-generational empoverishment that has been caused by the state. Not saying scousers aren't to blame at all but the odds have been stacked against them over the years.
I agree with this I grew up just outside Liverpool from a family who moved out of the city and that strong family mentality is real.
Really nice place. I was there a week or so ago and I was surprised by how few non whites there were about (they were about though). Bearing in mind it's university so has foreign students.
I had a nice chat with a lady by the queen Victoria monument who was quite sad about not being able to find her way around easily anymore because she doesn't recognize the place she grew up in and it's so busy.
overall great place and great history.
Same here mate, my Great grandmother moved here (Runcorn) from Speke about 30-40 years ago. Best woman I ever knew. Would do absolutely anything for anyone in the family and that carried on through my mother to me. Proper old school scouse she was. Lived 'till she was about 90 as well and had bare wartime stories about working on spitfires n shit.
It's a proper shame these values we speak of seem to be dying out.
I've found that people in Liveprool are far more friendly and approachable than people in my own home town just on the outskirts of Liverpool despite most living here coming from families originally from there. Dead weird. Maybe it's just the small-town mentality or something.
Small town small minds.
best accent from Britain...
absolute legend, absolute classic.
All I know is The Rolling Stones hail from there.
My paternal line has blood there. Former Viking settlement.
It's dying out but you just have to go to Manchester or London to appreciate what we still have. I live in the city now and the only thing that gets me angry is the fucking homeless selling beak and being general smackheads everywhere.
I heard the north west councils were pushing the homeless out. Literally putting them on trains and sending them to wales.
this was great. cheers mate.
>It's dying out
It will die out when the older generation passes on. Kindness, respect and strong family values being passed down aren't values that define the modern day youth.
Its a fucking shithole, imagine the worst type of white british people sprinkle a few shit migrants into the mix and thats what you get.
holy shit your ID is buttbaby and you also have trips
This sums up real Liverpool well.
also just type in funny scouser on youtube and you'll get a shit ton of kekworthy vids
rough place, wouldn't go there voluntarily, anyone odd who doesn't fit in will get destroyed. Happened to this soft hearted lad I know, he was bullied severely at scouser university, came back so traumatised he was effectively brain damaged.
If u get in a situation where scousers are challenging u, then they expect u to fight until u are bloody with teeth missing. That's what they are used to. This soft lad had never thrown a punch in his life. This was years ago, dunno what he's doing now, or if he recovered. but never seen anyone so traumatised by bullying. He was likely on the edge of suicide. He did some fucked up things totally out of character after his trauma, like smash up his parents house.
Hopefully I'd put most of them in death camps 3 times in 6 months junkies have tried to mug me outside my flat luckily they usually are too fucked up to chase you with a knife.
salty southerners hate on us scousers because their women are being taken by immigrants and they are jealous that us true liverpool alpha males aren't letting it happen up here, that's what i think
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi.
Rule Britannia Fuck the Poms.
Give back the urn.
ok will do. cheers.
I half agree with this. Scouse "culture" if you can call it that is based around survival because of Liverpool's history. The shit you just described is essentially a trial by fire. Even mates treat each other like that and it's a brutal way of helping each other toughen up because the understanding is that the world's against you and all you have is yourself + the lads.
that's fucked that mate. could be worse though, could be muzzies.
swerve widnes whatever you do.
we got a triple buttbaby on our hands ladies and gents
champions. the lot of them.
sums up the scouse sense of humour, proper LADS
Nice, pencil necked university students ruin every city with their gaylord antics
they give it and take it well too.
It's like that video of the 56% America anglo with an emu.
buggers the lot of them and they're great.
yeah exactly, scouse banter is best banter. if it's not pranks like that you just rip into people for whatever you can.
based lfc and steven gerrard. pls beat manchester scum tommorow
hahahahahahahahahahaha I feel bad for the passerby but fuck it that was funny
They're very into multiculturalism and socialism.
fucking scouser cunts the whole lot of them
fuck Scouces and comedic geniuses.
how often do they wind up in over their head. are coppers an issue?
are* comedic geniuses
that's partly where their no-fucks-given sense of humour comes from. a multi-generational hatred of the state and most notably the police. even today there's pretty much a class feud between the police + scousers. they have no respect for each other.
Not a brit but i was in this city last week and the temperature is absolutely freezing.
how? why?
we had a massive storm system pass over the UK between last week and this week so that's why. it was dubbed the beast from the east. think it formed around serbia or something if I remember correctly.
basically, if I'm not mistaken, the Tory (Conservative) government under margaret thatcher closed all the mines and made some other changes that almost completely empoverished an entire generation in the north west. so many people lost their jobs, couldn't provide for their families and quickly fell under poverty. certain parts of the north west became pretty chaotic as a result. liverpool was pretty much a warzone where citizens would feud with police on a daily basis because in order to survive they'd have to indulge in crime. liverpool became a hotbed for allsorts of crime. gangs. druglords etc and quickly went downhill. the state had no intention of helping these people. they were left to fend for themselves and so they did, but then the were punished for doing so. and this is where that "you're on your own" mentality comes from in Liverpool. because they were literally on their own and it was every dog for itself for over a decade if not longer. Liverpool never forgets. the memory is still fresh and there's still a recognition that you're on your own, the state doesn't give a shit about you, and police are just mindless drones enforcing shit on you that goes against your best interests.
it's also the best city for a night out in the uk by a mile