Operation: Destroy Sargoy

It's simple:

Sargoy's cultish followers think he is a man of upstanding morals, the problem with that is of course that we can prove he lied about his family history.

So we simply need to spam this video with a picture of his father (who's clearly not half-black) under every video, fill tweets with it and spread the word.
It's not about convincing them with arguments, but to simply lead their eyes towards this truth.

Objections or improvements?

Other urls found in this thread:


not your personal army

Fuck off Kraut

someone needs to befriend him and shave the beard when he's passed out drunk

Sargon must shave if he wants to retain any credibility at this point

I like Sargon. He probably did lie a bit about his grand dad. I suggest leaving him be. The left will continue to spiral into the abyss and eventually Sarg’n will see the light and go full 14, even if not 88.

>Operation: Destroy Sargoy

nice try faggot

>caring this much about sarcuck
Also nypa and all that

> prove he lied about his family history
who the fuck cares lmao

If you want to destroy Sargon simply lightly mock him and mostly ignore him.

>I suggest leaving him be.

Also He's against feminists and SJW
The enemy of our enemy is supposed to be our friend

This. Why the hell would you try to attack the pipeline that leads people from left wing to right wing?

Because OP is a subversive kike.

It's impeachment of character and a good starting point if you want to work to discredit anything a person says that can't be independently and objectively proven or disproven.

The flow of thought would be:

Person A lied before about things
Person A might be lying about more things
Person A shouldn't be trusted unless explicitly verified in the future

Sargoy is a lolcow right now. You don't kill the lolcow, you milk it.

>Person A lied before about things
>Person A might be lying about more things
>Person A shouldn't be trusted unless explicitly verified in the future
If only this worked against Trump

>you milk it
Ew. Just the thought of being near a bovine makes me ill. You rural folk are more beast than man yourselves.

who gives a fuck about soygoy and his fans? fuck off back to peddit

Not your personal army

Hi shill

He doesn't have a pathetic soy beard. Stop being a faggot.

Sargon has attacked the alt-right numerous times and cares more and more about punching right to look good lately.
He was attacked by antifa and his reaction to that was to make a stream with a literal jew to denounce the alt-right

Of course, the sargon fanboys in this thread will act like he's a gateway instead of a gatekeeper, though I enjoy the

>Not your personal army
Of the obvious newfags even more

he a.so scammed his fans in a competition he never finished. he deserves all the shit hes getting

Nobody voted Trump for his impeccable moral background.
Meanwhile Cukkad's fans think he's literally jesus because he uses Greek words he doesn't even know the original meaning of

>watch his videos after watching him self destruct on Warski multiple times
>every debate he's tired so goes to his post-debate 3 hour stream instead of debate and can't answer simple questions

do his followers not actually watch these debates? sargoy is embarrassing to behold when he debates anything besides a feminist.

Silly goy, it doesn't matter if he loses against the alt-right in every debate, since the alt-right has no influence and is not important enough for him to deal with.
Despite him spending several hours of his time on them at least once a week.

Look buddy, I’m pretty sure you got more pressing issues in and around your country than being butthurt about some nobody on the internet. How about you take a deep breath, go outside and find yourself a nice German Christian girl and impregnate her? Or maybe do your part to stop Germany from screwing up Europe once again?

>inb4 shill

>inb4 shill
I wouldn't say you're a shill, you're just a nigger who doesn't want whites to regain their racial consciousness.
I don't even hate you for it, I'm sure it's in your best interest.

Why destroy a foil for ethnostate discussion?

What? Is your ego and idelogy so fragile you can’t take criticism? You’re no better than the mudslimes Hans

>So we simply need to spam this video with a picture of his father

Where's the picture Antifa soyboy?

To draw more of his followers to the right and force him further towards the right.
It's not like there won't be more than enough willing to give him shekels anyway and at the moment he serves as more of a gatekeeper for potential recruits than a gateway for actual recruits.

I stopped reading your last post after
>look buddy
and seeing your flag, so I wouldn't say it has anything to do with that, niggerboy. Don't forget to clean your room, buckaroo.

Nobody cares you autistic faggot

Just stop talking about him. The guy is completely irrelevant except for people opposing him here.

What part of “go out and find yourself a nice Christian German girl and impregnate her” wasn’t clear? I may be a mongrel, but you’d do much more for the white race if you were helping increase its numbers by having children and passing your values to them than being butthurt because some faggot limey on the internet doesn’t agree with you.

>racial consciousness

You are literally a leftist faggot, no better than Black Lives Matter

I like how you threw in both antifa and soyboy to act like you're part of the cool boys' club, coonfriend

>you care this much about an e-celeb
>you think Sup Forums is your personal army

You should be embarrassed, honestly. Even if it's just a bait thread you should be ashamed of yourself.

who actually cares

>What part of “go
Probably the part I didn't read, just like I stopped reading there.
Sorry, nigger, I don't associate with monkeys.

>being pro-white makes you a leftist
Sargon shills out in full force I see.

Identity politics is the objectively the most successful strategy. Your liberal principles don't mean anything to groups that don't respect them.

picture dimwit?

Yeah, because being an abrasive little bitch will sure draw more people to the alt-right. Grow up, faggot. While you’re complaining about Sargoy, Ahmed is banging your women and Merkel is the literal downfall of Europe. You should be more concerned with that than your pet ideology.

You shouldn't, chinko.

How come it's always non-whites and americans who bring the "not your personal army" bullshit here?
The meme from Sup Forums has fuck all to do with the situation, I'm not personally involved and neither is anybody else here

He does a great job destroying himself

>It's simple:

Is it?


I fail to see why this is a problem.

>a man of upstanding morals

It doesn't matter if he is such a man. All that matters is that he is a focal point that people look towards for guidance on specific topics.

>we can prove he lied about his family history.

It's irrelevant to whether or not he can influence others to exercise power over those who need to be driven out.

>So we simply need to spam this video


>fill tweets with it and spread the word.


>but to simply lead their eyes towards this truth.


KYS OP faggot

The post you replied to literally has the picture you asked for you intellectual giant.
That IS his father, note how he doesn't look like a nigger despite supposedly being half-black.

You need to learn to either be concise or interesting if you want your post to be read.

No. Sargon is necessary in the war.
People like you just hate that he's popular. Fuck off shill

>It doesn't matter if he is such a man.
To you and me?
To his fans he's gatekeeping?

The entire point went over your head, memef(l)ag.

sargoy isn't always bad

>Sargon punches right more than left for weeks because he couldn't handle being called out on being dumber than he thinks by Spencer
>"People like you just hate that he's popular."

no need wasting effort destroying a self-destructive man