the two Krassenstein fags put silly blue symbols next to their profiles.
Upset at losing their precious blue ticks
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why hasnt trump banned these kikes ffrom commenting on his tweets yet? trumps social media team is awful
should've been banned outright for flagrant abuse of Twitter guidelines
> t. bitterass faggots that talk shit user while these pundits are celebrated the world over for letting their voices sing.
Mueller needs to finish the investigation ASAP if only to turn his attention here, sometimes.
Holy shit what fucking faggots
Fuck off Ed
Most people here only know them from Twitter, this what they sound like like IRL
It was at 290 last night, half their views are probably Sup Forumsacks
I mean, you knew these guys were faggots, but holy fuck.
What did these turbokikes do to merit losing their check marks on Twitter?
Leftists are so fucking retarded I honestly can't tell if your'e trolling or legitimately stupid.
These guys are the biggest faggot scam artists on earth.
So are they married fags or just two gay brothers?
Why not both? They're faggots that's for sure.
How did they lose their ticks?
Even I your fantasy was true and trump gets recommended to indict on charges of purjuryband obstruction
What the fuck you think is going to happen??
8 years nigger
Well I wasn’t sure if they were previously unrelated and married each other and one took the other’s last name, or if they were brothers from birth. Either way they are gay as fug.
these 2 faggensteins are pathetic 24/7 trump obsessed. BREAKING news all the time. but the insecurity when you hear them talk its almost painful if they werent such big soyboys
> entrepreneur
> investing
> bitcoin
every fucking time
its literally him shitposting and occassionally asking his staff what they think of tweet before sending it out
I thought these guys were bots for a while but no, they're actually on twitter all day every day, waiting for Trump or anyone at the White House to tweet some inane shit so they can post BREAKING NEWS TRUMP CONFIRMED FOR RUSSIAN POO POO PEE PEE and a thread of artifact-filled Facebook memes
They have white families. Why don't you?
Good video on the retards that sit at their computers all day long waiting for Trump to tweet:
he did block them from twitter. but they reply using their spare account and then they reply to their own comment using their main account
its a loophole to get by trumps block
why did Twitter remove their blue check?
They lost their blue checkmarks because they are technically not "real"...They are not journalists, or entertainers or pundits or authors or anything noteworthy other than they were really good at exploiting Twitter analytics to generate massive amounts of traffic to their shitty ponzi scheme website.
They're fucking scam artists
Some real intellectual titans whose legacy is running a shitrate affiliate marketing dump made popular by having Trump's Twitter acting like a leash shoved up their ass.
>20 subscribers
>comments disabled
>like and dislike counts hidden
I realize that but that hasn't stopped Twitter from passing them out to nobodies before.
Banning responses is for pussies.
If you are president you should just be more than the trolls.
yea let me know when libtards stop banning everyone they disagree with then ill give a shit about your cuck tier opinion, faggot
Remember that DRUMF storybook for kids that these fuckers put on kickstarter?
put your brothers dick back in your mouth and shut the fuck up
The Jewishness of their voice lol
Thats the point you retard fuck
Wow, I only realized now that these are two different people.
Funny how their tweets get hundreds, if not thousands of likes and retweets while these videos struggle to get more than 500 views and a better than 1:3 like:dislike ratio. What could explain such a discrepancy, I wonder?
Let me put this more concretely.
Brian Krassenstein has 383,950 followers, and one hour ago made a tweet which presently stands at 1515 likes and 735 retweets.
Ed Krassenstein has 670,345 followers, and half an hour ago made a tweet which presently stands at 1537 likes and 591 retweets.
Ed and Brian Krassenstein have 20 subscribers and uploaded a YouTube video one day ago which presently stands at 25 views, 2 likes and 7 dislikes.
>curlbro faggots with soyvoice
Who the fuck are these guys
So you're saying it's kikery?
Two Jews who pilpul Trump's tweets all day and respond in seconds often with prepackaged replies, then use bots to bump them to the top.
Why ban them? They are so corny and lame, they do more harm than good for demfags.
Yes. It's absolute Kikery. They use software programs that are scheduled to automatically "like" and reshare their Tweets at set intervals and many of their Followers are bots and those bots usually carry 3-9 million followers each.
>internet law
>Comments are disabled for this video.
>likes/dislikes hidden
Are you saying that you think they do this deliberately?