I'm not a lolicon but...
I'm not a lolicon but
I wouldn't be a lolicon if mature women had more youthful bodies.
Also not a lolicon, but
Well, I am and this looks shit
Well she's not the sexiest one out there but she's still fappable.
These are non-sexually cute armpits and a non-sexually cute tummy that make my penis erect itself in a non-sexual manner.
Loli butts shouldn't be this nice.
As a fellow non-lolicon I couldn't agree more.
Do you prefer rude butts, that mock you for your inability to grab them?
where are breast?
Dead for good.
It's ok OP, I understand.
Threadly reminder.
wtf i'm mentally ill now
Google should just piss off with their fake translations.
And if you translate manga it'll mean comic. That's not how we use it around here. Your point is moot.
I can't wait for more doujins.
Delete this garbage.
who is this damned artist?
This season is going to be excellent for my penis.
How new?
Actually kill yourself newshit
I'm not a lolicon but....
thank you
Dammit it's been bugging me for days.
Don't touch the loli and you won't be cursed.
>flat as a loli
>flat as an Oku-san
Nishikata's life is true suffering
I want to splatter that tummy with semen.
t. not a lolicon
Loli are dangerous.
This is literally one of the most recognizable artist, come the fuck on.
When a sexy body shooting right at your face - of course, you want to fuck it
bow to the master
This user gets it.
if they aren't NTR then I don't give a fuck
>western art
>NTRfags are STILL seething
Odds are it will be fat old men.
And i'm fine with that.
me too, what the fuck is wrong with me god damn
That's just a normal h-doujin, not really NTR unless the boy is present to despair about it, which will probably happen.
oh i can't wait
shoo off, cuck
>cunny status: tingling
Please go.
I just want Takagi MILF NTR doujins
Flat/small chested MILFs are fucking rare. Bonus points if it's NTR shit.
I'm not lolicon but nothing beats a cunny.
What if he likes the flat
He's pretty fucking lucky if you ask me.
I'll concede if we also get incest doujins with Nishikata fucking his own daughter.
Yes, very.
>honorable mentions to Prisma Illya girls + tagging any image under DD tits as loli
The "im not a Lolicon just ironically plz upvote kek!" starter pack.
You wouldn't mating press a loli.
When did Iori get it's own spin-off series
>huuur ironic weebs
>giving away loli and petite character to normalfags
Nah, they don't deseve it. I understand the hostility against these retards that come from youtube anime e-celeb communities. But honestly, people like you are just weird to me. Not that it matters to me, I'll never stop wanting to fuck Kanna or Saikawa, they are perfectly charmingly designed loli.
How aren't the Prisma Illya girls legitimate lolis? They aren't just miniature adults, that's how quite a few girls aged 9-12 look like. I'd post pictures, but that would be against the rules... Look up Zhenya Kotova if you're curious (don't worry, she's a legitimate mode and all pictures are legal).
Kanna is objectively a child dragon though, not some adult-but-looks-like-child or anything, dumbass.
Tell it to the officials you fucking child diddler
Ignore these types of posters, they are getting extremelly paranoid over "ironic weebs", to the point of starting to separate "things for ironic weebs" and "things for a true weeb like muhself". So yeah, for them, even if you like Prisma Illya "unironically", they will still call you a "ironic weeb". Funny thing is that they barely actually use the term to call out e-celeb faggots on their bullshit anymore.
Pedo scum! Somebody call the cops!
I knew butthurt irnonic weebs trying to prove they werwnt pedos would show up.
Are you actually autistic?
Feeling the affection for little girls is natural. It scientifically proven.
All e-celebs are fake/ironic. If its a fish why say it every time, everyone knows.
He can’t keep getting away with this
>those huge breasts
Truly made for the dick
>not being autistic
Where do you think you are?
>expecting nu/a/ to know what loli is
>being literally autistic instead of just ironically autistic
descartes was right
Where do you see breasts?
Oh I actually just noticed.
You are retarded, my man.
>oh no, pedos
Sorry, I don't give a shit, my little oversensitive normalfag.
>nu/a/ hates oppai lolis
I hate you nu/a/
Well we're talking about loli here, if you like oppai loli then make your own thread about it.
>defends newfaggots whi thibg A cup is loli
>calls me a normalfag
>admitting your an ironic weeb
Please leave and dont come back.
No, Sup Forums was at its best when it was actually autistic. Grammar nazi Sup Forums ca 2010 was beautiful.
This pair are making Anime great again. Are you doing your part?
>autistic = weeb
Oh so you're one of those neo-nu-Sup Forums migrants who think "weeb" means "someone who likes any form of Japanese media". Neck yourself.
Oppai loli =/= shortstack =/= A cup
It was used for literal lolis with stupid fetish tits. It was considered a meme till 2008 or so.
>playing video games
no thanks crossboarder.
I don't think you know what autistic means. Would it have been easier on your brain if I just said "retarded"?
I have a diagnosis though.
>reddit calling others crossboarders
I know you want to show off the new shiny word you learned from some eceleb but you should probably go play on Sup Forums and spam "cuck" instead of shitting up Sup Forums.
Personally I blame phone posters.