At 15 people should become adults

There is no reason whatsoever to not provide all adult rights to 15 year olds - the right to vote, to drink, to drive, to have sex, to marry, to work full time etc.

Why in the world should people have to wait to 18 or 21 to make decisions for themselves? Most militaries in the world accept 16 or 17 year old cadets and recruits. In Germany, people start apprenticeships at 14, which means they start to work and earn money. They can also have sexual relationships at 14. The requirement to go to school ends at 15 or 16 in Germany, depending on the state you are located.

Why in the world are we pampering kids today? Why not inject some responsibility in them for their own lives and decisions?

well there is a reason, the brain, you moron

t. this guy just wants to fuck kids.

at 15 i was a commie

14 is the age of concent in germany

25 should be the age, not 21, not 18 and not even 15

are you 15? at 25 you'll realize how fcking dumb you were at that age. I actually think 18 is much to early

Kids are retarded, we don't need more young indoctrinated leftists voting thanks..

Nice try Mohamed, but you won't get away with legally fucking your child bride just yet.

t. underage.

Basically anyone in their mid 20's looks back on themselves when they were 15, and they can't believe how dumb they used to be.

IQ tends to peak in the early 20s. Lower overall IQ plus extremely limited life experience isn't the best combination for reasoned decision making.

"legal adult"? okay.
voting rights? fuck off.

That you think a 15 year old isnt an adult, is perhaps the root of the problem with gun violence.

That you faggots have extended childhood into the mid twenties, indeed is the root cause of most of the problems these days.

raise age to vote to 30
lower age to sex to 10

this is a non issue started by liberal media cnn and kikeburg news to bring this non discussion to light to enable more emotionally swayed liberally retarded children (much of the populace in public schools) to outvote their conservative parents that are trying to save the standards and structures that enabled their country and themselves to live and prosper. the question isn't that why can't children vote, but why haven't we gassed the kikes?

Have you ever met a 15-year-old, user?

25 is mental maturity.

People have not achieved full mental adult maturity until 25. Forcing everyone to remain as a minor until that time is unrealistic. Slowly allowing adult rights and privileges from the teenage years on up makes the most sense as they grow into the responsibilities a little at a time.

No fucking thanks, we have seen what happens when you let kids vote and it shows they are even easier to brainwash and shift to what you want.

>Listen up children, you're the REAL ADULTS, the REAL INTELLECTUALS, you know better than these stuffy old white men!!

>-t. Subversive libshits trying to start another movement against the government to keep anything from ever getting done

I can't wait to watch you faggots die.

>There is no reason whatsoever to not provide all adult rights to people who won't be fully mature for another DECADE

this.. your brain is still developing until you are 24-26

They don't know shit. 18 = adult just about.

>There is no reason whatsoever to not provide all adult rights to 15 year olds

Yes there is. The brain doesn't stop developing until you're 25.

>t. Kike

>raise age to vote to 30
>lower age to sex to 10

welcome to Italy everybody

>Why in the world are we pampering kids today? Why not inject some responsibility in them for their own lives and decisions?
I have been asking this myself now that I have a son. Infantasized people are easier to control I guess.

This, they want to do what they did with Austria.

Quads have spoken

No, they should raise the age of adulthood to 28-30 like in Sparta

25 fuck off

Raise voting age for president to 35.

If your not even old enough to be trusted with holding the job, then why the hell should you be qualified to pick the guy for that job

>t. Guy who really wants to fuck 15 yos

adult is someone who can take care of himself, no matter the age

Whoopsy doodle, replied to wrong nigger, sry m8

>to have sex, to marry
t. achmed the pedo

>the right to vote, to drink, to drive, to have sex
Hell no

The more you delay the age of what considered to be an adult, the more people will remain a child

you're under 18 and know everything thats good for you, but you dont at all. wait in line, kid.

In 18 your brain is only 50% developed, in 15 people are emotionally driven and couldn't understand many concepts adults understand cause they require specific sections of brain to be developed and they require the person to have certain level of education.

>wanting 15 year olds to vote
There needs to be less uninformed and stupid people voting. Make the voting age 25.

Sure. I mean, the human brain isn't fully developed till the age of 25 but fuck it

You fucking dumb cunt

>Yes there is. The brain doesn't stop developing until you're 25.

Actually, all major brain network paths are set at around 3 years old at which age memory imprinting starts in earnest.

At 25, the brain has already long started deterioating in function. Peak brain capacity is around 20.