Just watched dragon ball super 109 and 110

Just watched dragon ball super 109 and 110.
Holy fuck that was some good shit and the new ending ost is fucking amazing.
Jiren is a freak. Ultra instinct goku is a breath of frash air from all the super sayin bullshit.

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dbs is hot garbage you huge plen

Eat shit faggot

I dont because I dont watch super. unlike you, shit eater

Let me guess slice of life bullshit or maybe real old school like the hipster you are

>breath of frash air
>frash air

Just another pull from the asshole of Toriyama

you dont have to go that far. even basic shonen like my hero academia is miles ahead from the abomination that is dbs. it only appeals to minds of children without any comprehension of what makes a show good

>dbs is hot garbage
this, i was starting to get hyped for 110 but it was basically just crap to be honest. none of the action has the heavy feeling db/dbz had

faggot, here have a taste of a real transformation scene


Pablo what you think was good animation is shit for the eyes of the well educated and cultured enriched normal white man.

That said I'm glad they're at least done with super saiyan recolors for now

Realistically speaking, short of Gohan Blanco meme magic, how do they beat this guy?
Goku asspulled his way out of GD, got a powerup and was still at best on par with Jiren, and there's like 90% chance he has a transformation up his sleeve.
Even if exhausted, heavily damaged, Goku somehow gets back into the action and powers up to UI on his own, winning against Jiren seems unlikely even by bullshit writing standards.

nah it goes the same route as the Hit fight, but he eithers drops with Jiren or team works to drop Jiren out of the stage


Hit will sacrifice himself figuring out Jiren's secret or weakness. Goku will recharge somehow and finish him.

Show me

He said he is working my dude, he will at least land a damaging hit on Jiren before going down

>Frieza donates energy to a depleted Goku
>corrupts Goku to the core
>friendship ended with U7
>now Frieza is my friend

Leave Jiren to me.

Is this a troll or are there bona fide shit eaters on Sup Forums? Embarrassing post, OP.

I actually wouldn't mind if Tien held Koren down like he held cell while goku powered up UI. Hit could do something to distract as well. Itd be like the kid buu fight but with competent characters.


stop samefagging pedro and go back to jerking off to ssj4


Jiren power resides in his connection with clown. Hit finds out a way to cut it but gets btfo but stll manages to tell goku. Ofcourse this wont happen for atleast 15 more episodes

Mark my words


Any webms for this shit, senpai?

>90% chance he has a transformation

Nice headcanon

They don't beat him. They beat his team, and Goku just has to hold him until the clock runs down. U7 wins, and his Universe gets blinked out. But Goku wants a rematch, so he uses the super Dragonballs to revive that Universe. The rematch is saved for another arc.

So Goku has another form right? He hinted at it when facing Toppo that he could go beyond. Ultra instincts was on accident so that means ultra instinct isn't his limit break right?

Ultra Instinct wasn't a transformation scene though?

Every major boss since Freeza had a transformation.
The yet to be unveiled bald noodle-man figma corresponding to the ToP arc is Jiren's full power form.

Hit didn't have a transformation.

It wasn't, it is a technique, Kaioken is a technique too.

cool but he didn't transform or anything. So my point is comparing them is dumb since one doesn't exist.

lol who still watches dragon ball anything
that shits hot recycled garbage
i bet you watch naruto, one piece, and sword art online too.

Hit transformation will be him taking his clothes off. I still think those are weighted vest or something.

>body moving on its own
>new transformation
Fucking rip off

they’ve wrote themselves into a corner.
if Goku’s powerup is a permanent unlocked potential, this means he is now going up GD tier, which means no one can beat Jiren except him or the angels.
if he STILL cant beat Jiren though the magic power of arc finale asspull, this means Jiren is at angel status. but since the Vegetto card has already been pulled, either Goku goes full SS5 DB
AF style or he fuses with the new waifu to become literally Broly

>*muffled mariachi music in the distance*

Somewhere between this
>pls be real

you can't make this shit up

Wait I just thought about something
Are hit's clothes form fitting? His jacket has abs. Is he wearing some weird armor with muscle like plating? Saiyan armor was kinda like that but it didn't have that kind of definition. I really want to see a shirtless hit now.

They'll probably win via time out, and Goku's team will win. Goku gets the wish, and seeing how much fun he had in this fight he'll probably wish back all the universes destroyed but Zeno. And because Goku doesn't specify the dragon will bring back the ones erased in the tournament and the 6 others Zeno destroyed in the past and Zamasu's timeline as well. Next season is the 6 other universes being bad guys and Zamasu returning. That or just bringing back the ones from the tournament.

>glowing spiky hair
>lightning aura
The irony is lost on you I suppose.

he could simply wish for things to go back to how they were before the tournament started and tell Zeno everyone will come to play with him again if they are kept alive
erasing an entire universe’s worth of fillers is stupid

I think that shadow on the toys ad is hit without those clothes. For the fuck sake dude wears elbow and knee pads kek. That is some kind of tactical overcoat, the sleeves match his belt and pants, yet he is purple. Those are probably some kind of super weighted vest, at least some things point to that.

t. Rick and Morty watcher

Is this bait or are you genuinely a faggot


This looks worse than classic HnK

>Goku beats him after mastering the tech
>After Jiren is knocked a piece of the arena breaks or with goku standing on it powered down and exhausted
>Both eliminated everyone now get's hyped cause they feel they have a chance to win now that those two op fucks are gone
>Hit is still there however and fights toppo or vegeta
>U4 invisible dudes commit suicide and get vegeta, Hit and Toppo eliminated
>Frieza goes golden and buttfucks all the other universes
>U7 wins on having the most fighters
>Frieza get's the wish and changes the powerstructure
>it's revealed that current gods are bottom tier and it was all for nothing since their are other stronger ones in other sets of multiverses.

Near the end it seemed like Goku wasn't just "on par with him". After he began to rage, Goku, got a full blown hit to the stomach and forced Jiren down with ki, before charging at him raging even more. His eyes go back to normal at the last second when he's charging.

Toyocucks acting up again

>I'm powerful
>No I'm more powerful
>I got a new transformation now I'm more powerful
>I transfomed into something more powerful
>I got a new powerup now I'm better
>No I got a better powerup
DBS did nothing more than this bullshit

I was confused on if you were talking about DBZ or DBS, since DBZ did that shit as well.

>MHAfags saying DBS appeals to children without comprehension
hello pot meet kettle

the fuck is wrong with you two?

Except for all that recycled animation during the fight.

Ultra Instinct + SS
Simple addition.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Ultra instinct goku soloed the Rick and Morty verse

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

>like my hero academia

there was no recycled animation you retard.


I'm not reading the manga, but up until now, Dragonball and MHA are totally different takes on the shounen genre execution wise.

Don't get me wrong, I like Goku, but I wish the fans didn't throw a fit early in the series and let the power slide progress down his sons. It'd be awesome to see Gohan surpass Goku, and then either Gotan or Gohan's son surpass him rather than Goku ascending infinite levels while his band of chums get pity prizes.

Maybe somebody purposely drops their defenses and lets Jiren kill them, getting him disqualified?

You realize that it's the same show.

>base form goku with Ui abo even with base Jiren

You guys already know what will happen in the rematch. Super Saiyan with the power of Ultra Instinct vs Jirrn's full power. Since Goku jobbed the first time, and the U11 gods are so unbelievably smug, it's safe to assume Goku will actually win this time.

The twist will be Universe 4 knocks out Goku after he beats Jiren. Quietla was unohssed after Gokus supposed death, and his bugs were creeping up on Jiren in the aftermath. He was only nervous when UI goku showed up [\spoiler]

fuck the ipad keyboard tho

I think the worst part is humans have become literally useless and the worst race as a whole.

I hope those universe namekians fuse with Piccolo to give him a power boost to catch up, because as it stands the show is kind of just circle jerking Goku and sometimes jerks Vegeta too, but mainly Goku.

Mastar Media pls. Jiren's fight with Genki Goku devolved into reusing The beginning of the opening, especially this goddamn shot.


>Goku can't charge a spirit bomb while super saiyan due to its impact on his mindset
>Goku won't be able to use ultra instinct while super saiyan for the same reason
I'm calling it now.

All might would kill Jiren

Goku's new form was a prelude to the true transformation.
He'll get that and beat Jiren.

Leave Jiren to me

my friend was saying they'd gather the saiyans in the tournament to make Cabba a Super Saiyan God so they have some kind of power up against Jiren
but that sounds dumb

You guys are assuming Ultra Instinct was the form itself.
UI is just a technique that Goku managed to perfect DUE to the form. We have no reason to believe he can mingle forms like that.

Superman could still destroy Jiren

So did Goku surpass Beerus or not? At least they should be equal now, right?

no, now fuck off.

>mastered a technique even Beerus hadn't the aptitude for
>equaled a guy who had Beerus shook that Whis outright stated had surpassed a GoD

In his UI form obviously he has


Just a reminder anyone can achieve ultra instinct with the proper training and effort. Even yamcha.

headcanon fuck off.

This. The animation is shit, and story is shit.

There's a reason the fights from Super don't get millions of views on YouTube uploaded multiple times over the years, even after being taken down. Just for someone to re upload again.

where do you see headcanon? whis says jiren has surpassed the power of a god in the special.

beerusfags on suicide watch

Even me?

>stated in the show

Hi Beerus

Yeah there is a reason why a show from 20 years ago has more youtube videos than a show from 2 years ago

Fuck off retard


I've unironically watched the fight like 40 times or something ridiculous.

Having said that, there's been plenty of DBS threads since it aired. Use one of the existing ones.

Could all of these guys do it too?

>hurr toriyama, the guy who always changes his mind, stated 2 fucking years ago that Goku wasn't going to surpass Beerus any time soon, so this means I can ignore the fucking anime episode where Whis EXPLICITLY STATES JIREN IS STRONGER THAN A GOD OF DESTRUCTION

>Show is brand new
>Still can't over run a fight from its previous incarnation that has been taken down and re uploaded, resetting its view count
Super is shit. It makes it even worse because who's even looking up DBZ fights in 2017? That shit is long past it's prime, super is brand new. If it can't even pass it when its hit and fresh, it had no hope of ever doing it.

>stronger than one particular god

where does it say Goku has surprassed Beerus?