So they haven't censored all of it
Dies irae
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Unless you are specifically looking for them you won't even see the swastikas in the floor tiling.
>dies irae
Mozart's or Verdi's version?
I want to fuck Marie
Then is not worth it. Verdi's is objectively superior
Verdi's is literally just a rearranged version of Mozart's. Kill yourself.
Both actually
And it's also better than the original
I hope the show has the Einherjar themes when the times comes
Rubedo > Nigredo > Albedo
All are great though
Alright anons, it's time to settle it once and for all.
Which kamunagara is the cutest?
Who the fuck thinks this audio quality is okay?
Ignoring the fact these are souless cheap arrangements, this sounds like it was recorded with a 10 dollar sennheiser headset mic.
>muh pop production quality
I bet the dream of achieving that is all you got, dawfag.
No, I think that if you're producing a game that was re-released after 2010, you should be able to produce superior audio than a fucking Bulgarian video game from the 90s. with a shoestring budget.
Also you shouldn't ask your composer to be as generic as humanly possible
Now fuck off.
Well, Yonao sure was garbage back in 2009, but he's pretty decent now. Still produces weird stuff like 鴻鈞道人 though.
So give an example of what you consider original and good quality music from a visual novel then
Personally I quite like the music in Dies Irae, and hope the anime can deliver some updated variations
You should expect cheap, synth music in eroge.
By the way, the track that played during Reinhard's awakening was an updated version of Letzte Bataillon, right?
Unironically FSN would be the example I'd use for another budget game which had similarly cheap audio.
The simplicity of the music means that even though it's clearly produced quite cheaply that nothing gets muddy and all the points where it wants to pop it does. And lets be honest, EMIYA is itself iconic. (even if Kenji Kawai did later perfect the FSN sound)
and while it's not really my favourite Baldr Force had nice bgm, (even if it was a but Super Robot Wars at points, I swear to god I heard vanishing trooper in there at one point)
Remind me, was FSN's OST done by ZIZZ?
Thats the audio from the Visual Novel, not the anime
It wasn't made in fucking Germany, why would they?
you know what? I genuinely can't remember now and it bugged me and I think it might be number 201 as the members of it are the only composing credits I can find (might have to track down the game again and look as this is gonna fucking bug me now)
Wonder if someone could get arrested for watching it in Germany, since they have some fairly strict laws about them.
Huh, I didn't notice.
From what I can tell, Number 201 shares a BGM credit with James Harris. Seeing as James Harris is also credited in a lot of other Fate projects, I can only assume that he did most of the BGM.
If no man can touch Marie and no one can hold Reinhard's spear, what would happen when she grabs his spear with one hand and his other spear with her other hand at the precisely same time?
Surely you're allowed to look at swastikas even in Germany.
Well they still censored their armbands.
He's a member of 201. So... who the fuck knows.
This isn't video games so it wouldn't come under the same problems they do regarding being toys.
You are American, aren't you? Only an American could possibly have such a skewed perspective on the world
>no one can hold Reinhard's spear
Yeah, about that...
"The German Strafgesetzbuch (Criminal Code) in § 86a outlaws "use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations" outside of the contexts of "art or science, research or teaching""
It's "art", so you can't get into trouble from it. If it was unlawful use, they couldn't just prosecute whoever was watching it, they'd have to prosecute the creator (who is in Japan and is not under German law).
>It's "art", so you can't get into trouble from it
I remember some scans from German manga editions showing that they censored swastika in Hellsing and even in fucking Bleach.
That's not for legal reasons, that's because a lot of Germans are still less than pleased with the whole Nazi thing.
If americans weren't retarded they'd have similar feelings about the confederate flag.
Did their armbands have swastikas in the VN? I guess the version I played was censored.
>We must censor history so people wont get triggered
Better safe than sorry. Manga/anime is "art", but you don't want to have to go to court to find out.
Oh, and I forgot to add that distributors also go under this, not only creators.
"§ 86a StGB Use of Symbols of Unconstitutional Organizations
(1) Whoever:
1. domestically distributes or publicly uses, in a meeting or in writings (§ 11 subsection (3)) disseminated by him, symbols of one of the parties or organizations indicated in § 86 subsection (1), nos. 1, 2 and 4; or
2. produces, stocks, imports or exports objects which depict or contain such symbols for distribution or use domestically or abroad, in the manner indicated in number 1,
shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine.
(2) Symbols, within the meaning of subsection (1), shall be, in particular, flags, insignia, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting. Symbols which are so similar as to be mistaken for those named in sentence 1 shall be deemed to be equivalent thereto."
The Nazi party was miles different from the Confederacy
I just can't help to love Unus Mundus.
>censoring history is the same as the age old practice of letting national wounds heal.
"Dear Sir
Absence from Lexington has prevented my receiving until to-day your letter of the 26th ult., inclosing an invitation from the Gettysburg Battle-field Memorial Association, to attend a meeting of the officers engaged in that battle at Gettysburg, for the purpose of marking upon the ground by enduring memorials of granite the positions and movements of the armies on the field. My engagements will not permit me to be present. I believe if there, I could not add anything material to the information existing on the subject. I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered. Very respectfully,Your obedient servant,
R. E. Lee. "
The confederate flag is significantly older than the nazi party. In time, the swastika will be unbanned in Germany. It wasn't too long ago when they unbanned Mein Kampf in Germany.
>It wasn't too long ago when they unbanned Mein Kampf in Germany.
Wasnt it heavily edited though?
Yeah, Unus Mundus is great. You can't help to feel the otherworldy nature of Mercurius in that song.
In the VN they had another random symbol instead of swastika. And in his new art G Yuusuke who is still the main character designer for DI didn't draw anything on the armband.
It's bit difficult comparing both since they've both had many different variations, but I don't think the 2004 soundtrack is much to write home about.
Also I don't see what you mean with the Dies Irae soundtrack being muddy, it's clearly synthetic, but many of the best soundtracks in video games were created without orchestrations. I also think it "pops" where it needs to, though I have hard earlier versions of the soundtrack and it's clear that there's been some improvements in that regard as earlier the electric guitar had a tendency to dominate too much.
>It wasn't too long ago when they unbanned Mein Kampf in Germany.
The copyright expired (it was held by the government or something) allowing others to print and the only one coming out is some annotated version.
I think the armbands were always censored, but I noticed in an earlier opening for the VN that the burning Berlin actually had a giant fire swastika like the one in Hellsing Ultimate
Which probably would make the ending in Episode 0 a lot clearer than just having a burning city
Except that the wound has been kept open pretty continuously in the states, and aside from that it was directly a traitors flag. So no, they have no business having monuments, or having their flags flown. Monuments to the dead and liberated slaves are the only fucking things that should be there, especially considering it was quite literally a war about keeping 10% of the population enslaved. That's the kind of war you don't fucking celebrate. (though lets ignore the fact that the monuments were put up to deliberately attack the various civil rights movements anyway)
It was an academic edition, that means it was commented on, and the book was only ever nominally banned in Germany anyway.
>americans are retarded because they don't feel guilt
>an intelligent being such as me regularly flagellates himself over something someone did somewhere generations ago
Even Germany has monuments to their fallen in WWII, if you deny a side to honor the people that died in the war you're only going to fuel resentment, there has to be some consideration. Perhaps having a monument honoring confederate heroes is a bit too much, but tearing it down caused a fervor among the left that had them tear down memorials to fallen soldiers
>especially considering it was quite literally a war about keeping 10% of the population enslaved.
A far too adolescent and simple minded comprehension of the Civil War.
The only reason they "feel" bad is because they were raised to feel guilty about something they didn't do from a young age. That and the state arrests people who have illegal thoughts.
>traitor's flag
>war was about slavery
>blacks were 10% of the population and all enslaved
With this superior grasp of historical facts I'm starting to wonder if you're not american. Only americans can fuck up their history that bad.
>flagellate myself
But I don't, I simply accept that it sucks that it happened. I don't beat myself up over the Indian famines, I just accept that on some structural level I have benefited from the horrible acts of people in the past and that sucks for the people on the losing end.
t. hasn't read the secession of the states.
I literally said monuments to the dead are the thing that should be there. And that consideration goes both ways. The people that want to keep these things are fighting tooth and nail effectively just to agitate.
>That and the state arrests people who have illegal thoughts.
t. American pretending not to be.
>The people that want to keep these things are fighting tooth and nail effectively just to agitate.
And the people that want them gone somehow aren't?
>I have benefited from the horrible acts of people in the past and
Jesus, have you come here from tumblr or reddit? Well, glad that you've checked your privilege.
The statues existence is an agitation, removing them is removing an agitation. If not agitating someone agitates you, you don't have a leg to stand on.
That and also
>I literally said
He is definitely from plebbit.
>The people that want to keep these things are fighting tooth and nail effectively just to agitate.
I don't think it's the people that want to keep things that are agitating
>The statues existence is an agitation
Said who? If even statues can agitate you, you are mentally ill.
Odd how you say "consideration goes both ways;" however, when it comes to this notion agitation, it's conveniently a one-sided relation.
The people who enjoy the statues' existence will be agitated by its removal.
The people agitated by the statues' existence will enjoy its removal.
>defending people getting arrested for thinking about stuff someone doesn't like
You must be a bundle of joy to be around.
>Putting up statues to the slavers in a place where lots of ex-slaves/descendants of slaves live is somehow not an agitation.
2 people kicking a cheap statue that was put up, specifically to agitate the black population.
You're already agitating, but you refuse the notion of maybe, not agitating as much. You've started the lack of compromise, you lose the right to bitch about it.
>If americans weren't retarded they'd have similar feelings about the confederate flag.
Didn't they sack some chinese guy for being named Lee the other day?
So, in what way did you benefit from whatever "horrible" acts an incredibly small minority committed?
>You've started the lack of compromise,
How so?
You were the one to bring up the notion of "both ways" only to swiftly abandon it in favor of your own rhetoric. If nothing else, you entertain notions of hypocrisy over the notions of "compromise." And yet here you are lecturing someone about a "lack of compromise."
Your lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
Yeah, Robert Lee was going to call a college game in North Caroline, but he got pulled because of his name.
The wealth of my nation being built upon the resource extraction from the colonies. Indian manpower was vital for the British empire, we kinda let a lot of them starve so we could take their food, etc. I don't feel guilty or anything, but I acknowledge that I'm benefiting from this history.
>Northern states offer the Corwin Amendment to enshrine slavery as a legal institution beyond the federal government in the constitution
>South seceded anyway
How's that lobotomy working out for you?
Are ethnic Hindu subject to these too?
Is there any video of the H scenes somewhere on the internet or is getting the pre-all ages version the only way to see them? I don't even care about them being translated. I could only find the CGs
Fucking liars, just give us the 18+patch already
No, we're just not seeing eye to eye on the starting point. In my mind, the statues being there is, to use a bad but simple example.
Say I liked punching you, one day you asked me to maybe punch you less, and I said no. That's a clear lack of willingness to compromise from me. I am in the proactive position and that's the angle I view the statue debate from. They made the choice to put them there, which is a net "gain" for one side and a "loss" for the other, but the side making the loss in your example is supposed to be coming at the people gaining as if they're on equal terms? to me that's ludicrous.
and yes, things like that are stupid when they happen as reported (often there's huge glaring holes in reports, but idk about this one so I won't say)
It is not for the others, it is for themselves.
He did because he wanted to.
as said
>that's because a lot of Germans are still less than pleased with the whole Nazi thing.
Well then, let me give you a counter, of sorts.
Is China morally justified in deifying Guan Yu? Erecting temples to Liu Bei? Praising Cao Cao? Is it right to call Zhang Fei dumb because he's portrayed as a drunk?
>I've only ever taken intro history classses
>let me give you my opinion on your history untermensch american
>I, enlightened woke me, am on the right side of history along with tumblr, Reddit and the other rick and morty fans
>it was quite literally a war about keeping 10% of the population enslaved
Wow, those northers soldiers seem like nice people. It's a miracle such a big amount of nice people could exist and work together at the same time in the same place. Or maybe your statement is just bullshit.
>statues just standing are similar to repeated physical violence
That's some chuuni statue indeed. God, your analogy is retarded and your "agitation" pathetic and childish
I actually misworded my Zhang Fei point, so ignore that.
It depends on the context. There should be no problem if an ethnic Hindu uses the symbol in his/her religious practices.
At this point that's not a useful comparison. If we go back 2000 years, We could maybe look at the spiritualist propaganda of romance and ask is it okay, but I'm no fucking expert on Chinese history. So I can't even begin to formulate an idea about what china looked like on a structural level so I couldn't do that.
I've tried to avoid Hegel (because it gets kinda unintelligible for anyone that isn't actually interested in Hegel), but my god you're going to make me aren't you?
There's plenty of historical record showing that northern soldiers were very convinced they were fighting for the emancipation of the slaves. So yes, turns out there were.
Is it true that this is the Fate killer?
time to hunt hidden swastikas every episode
It would also fall under the European convention's article 9 about freedom of religion. Germany (as every state that is part of the EU is required) has incorporated the European convention in their constitution and has to adhere to it or otherwise face penalties.
First, colonies belong to those who colonize the land and implement property laws. The resources belonged to those who owned the land and only civilizations with property laws and the ability to defend them can actually own land.
Second, if a population can't take care of himself it's no one's responsibility to do it. I don't like the idea of exploitation but it doesn't bother me too much.
Also, your example dates centuries ago and pretty much every civilization, at some point, used someone else to some extent. It ludicrous to demand such cherrypicking and it's hypocrital to make white countries be the only targets of said cherrypicking. If we talk about slavery it is islamic countries that still practice it and have been the ones that enslaved the most, even more than that tribes that sold their own cause it was the basis of their economy.
Go right ahead, I'm all years. And I'll respond in 30m
>mfw the /paul/ bogeyman shitposting was austistic and triggered plebbit cancer all along
Heard about this anime some time ago. Is it about historical Nazi or just """Nazi"""? More importantly, is the plot good?
Go ahead and do it, you amateur namedropping dramatist.
It's a really good VN, probably the best of it's genre. Ignore the anime and go play it before it ruins it for you.
IIRC Bavaria had the copyright of Mein Kampf and didn't allow people to print the book. But the copyright ended 70 years after the death of Adolf the Hitler.
Historical nazi, a lot of the high ranking obsidian round table treat the japs as yellow monkeys or less than that.