Russian collusion confirmed. Your move, Drumpfies.

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stay mad kid



>Playing a Hilltendo
Lol. Anyone who isn’t a baby has a Hillbox 360

>stay mad kid

ok in all seriousness what the fuck is wrong with that dumb cunt? i know shkreli was saying she had all sorts of shit wrong with her but is there an actual conclusion? that bitch best not die until her public execution for treason

She seemed fine to me in her debates with Trump

Where can I find this Hilltendo game?


Surely the Hebrews over at (((CNN))) have got Trump this time.

Its nothing.

Only soyboys play the Hilltendo Switch.

She had an incident a year or two prior where she fell and i belive sustained a brain bleed. She is an alcoholic and as such is more susceptible to intracranial hemorrhages, especially if she falls and hits her head. Having had a brain bleed she can suffer from all sorts of lasting deficits, like seizures, syncope, weakness or paralysis to one or both sides of the body, syncope (passing out) episodes are possible too.

So I'm just wondering if I'm breaking the law by tweeting about foreign elections or not

Do you have the rest of these images?
I'm working on converting someone.

where can i get a copy of this game?
Russians are so productive lately.

>CNN investigation
Why would I even read it let alone trust it?

>not playing the superior Japanese made Hillstation 4
Oh sweetie

>some Russian guy created an anti-hillary game
>this means the Russian government was meddling in the election

I made an anti-hillary meme during the election. This means the Canadian government was meddling in the election


I have them separate but here is a collage.

>Blames a dollar amount in digital ad spend which I have individual accounts doing more per month, comparatively
>Now blames Newgrounds tier flash games

Just stop; this is embarrassing.

is what? 26th one?

Will Nintendo sue Russia for plagiarism though?


Kids these days with their hillphones and their hillboxes, when I was your age I went outside with my hilldogs and we used our hillmagination to have fun

>somebody made a flash game on the internet


Even better.


she's a drunk

This is why you lose

yes, this game, that none of US, fucking Sup Forums, have ever heard of totally swung enough votes to cost hillary the election!

just think of the thousands (maybe millions ?) of people who somehow found this shitty flash game, played it, and decided 'hey I was with HER but now after playing this game, I will change my whole political and philosophical world view and vote for drumpf!'

had to be at least 10-20 million votes lost right there.

Requesting WhatAtThisPoint.webm

since trump is shitting all over the second amendment, i couldn't give a fuck if mueller has him anally gang raped by niggers

so some russian dude made a flash game that nobody even ever heard of? lol, drumpf is finished

>trump is shitting all over the second amendment

>he doesn't have a Hillienware laptop

>being a console peasant
>tfw top of the line Trumputer bought with rare pepes to play hentai games on

Haha CNN is so lame, anyone can make a video game. If thats collusion then EVERY country fucks with our elections.... Canada especially. How come they never get called out?

The image and your post are spot on.

>haha what if we take all the memes used against us and put MAGA hats on them? Genius.


Where is my welfare check?

Rare mutt

jesus christ russians are autistic

Hidden redpills to avoid AI algos

I found a proof Russia did that.

Post rare hilboxes

What, we CNN now? Apologize!

does the game steal things and make money?

because thats what all those chinese SD flash cards are doing

>that bitch best not die until her public execution for treason

she died in 2003, that one is a clone

>so some russian dude made a flash game that nobody even ever heard of? lol, drumpf is finished

it doesn't matter if nobody ever played it, if they can prove he conspired to do some malicious whatever through use of this thing than it's grounds to cause a stink, even though it's bullshit, admit this shit is funny with Trump and his Russian hooker wives being called a Russian sympathizer

excellent theater

really it's first rate top notch

>not playing Hillpoly and watching Jeoparhill! on the Hillshack CRT Hillvision
>not inviting friends over to play Texas Hill'Em Poker

More bullshit. Typical libtard post.

Niggers tell me where I can find it so I can decompile it.

Remember when Hilltendo came out? It was all we could talk about here, on facebook, and twitter for days.
Remember playing Pokemon Go To The Polls?

a fucking flash game
you're telling me the democratic party's campaign was put in disarray
by a fucking flash game

glad i'm not the only one who noticed this. fucking children, the left.

a guard that was there said she shit her self.

Leftists never apologize for spreading misinformation. It's genetic.



I couldn't stop playing that shitty, obscure flash game; now I know why, and it's beautiful.

Quality takes effort.
The left couldn't possibly make something like this. Too much effort.

Only leftwing retards think that niggers and spics are intelligent

Because all of you are absolutely useless I went and found it

They’re saying a “silly, flash-based game” is why Hillary lost the election. This is getting really pathetic, even for CNN standards. I’m going to sage to help avoid further embarrassment for them. The delusion is getting bad.


Is Hilltendo still only for retarded manchildren?

Love hilldawg memes

Literally never heard of this game until now. I did buy Bernietendo though, but that stopped working almost immediately & I couldn't get a refund

Unbearably ghey

>The most powerful political machine in the history of American politics
>Trillions of dollars in advertisements
>Backing of your own party, your agents within the government, and even the establishment of your opponent's party
>Have the sum power of the mainstream media and Hollywood propaganda apparatus at your disposal
>An army of mindless zombies on every college campus ready and willing to sacrifice their own lives to secure your victory
>All of that and more against...
>A couple of Russian neckbeards given 20 dollars to shit post on faceberg and make autistic swifs about hillary clinton getting pooed on by a cartoon frog
This is the best timeline


LOL halfway down...

Soooo its google/facebook code not russian leet hackers top kek. And the russians are the bad guys for using the same botnet everybody else does??


This is sad because brainlets wont realize
And will actually think it was some sofisticated boris 007 hacker shit

There making this retarded bs up. There is no game called (((Hilletendo)))...what is this game...Oh, it was never released, thats great. like what the fuck is this game it sounds so dumb like I just cant.


>also 19,000 times? Are they really implying thats a lot?

More counterfeit news!


Thanks for the gifs tho cnn



Scene when coming up with this retarded story
"Yes David make sure the malware researcher is a female"
"How many times should they have used this game"said David
"Oh maybe 6 million"said sarah
"Also include that Kek thing, We gotta inform the public about ebin Nazis"said David

>the code doesnt exist anymore but trust us they said “kek kek”

Ive never seen kek used twice like that



Spend the $.02 you earned from this post wisely, millennial...

ok so we got super mario gif
we got the space invaders
and angry birds
this is not even creative like make it a japanese dating sim or something ...CNN sucks.

Woah, fucking 19,000 votes. It was her turn and she got fucking ROBBED.
It's fucking ridiculous how they're still pushing "russian collusion" and how that collusion is now apparently just "russians" just shitposting online about how they don't like Hillary. If someone is so fucking stupid they change their political opinions based on what strangers online think that's their own fucking fault

So err did Trump write the program? Or promoted it on his campaign website? Where was the connection?

The most alarming piece of this video that never got any notice for some reason is how so many individuals around her are seemingly aware of her medical issue, and are trying desperately to conceal it from everybody else.
If trump or Bernie had a medical emergency, Im pretty sure they wouldnt have an entire entourage all the way down to the doctors to handle the situation without sharing a single piece of information. That day the deep state went into fucking overdrive and exposed itself more than it ever had before. They even moved her to a secret hospital abnd paraded a double while claiming the hospital was her daughters apartment, showing they wre complicit in the coverup as well.


Maria Bartiromo is Catholic you retard. She's married to a Jewish husband, but she still keeps her Catholic faith.

where can i play hilltendo?

because they don't want to be "suddenly depressed" and "suicided by 666 shots in the head"

So she jewed him out of jewish kids? Maria “the one woman inquisition” Bartiromo

>the game was played almost 20k times

i have more than 150k streams on spotify. it doesnt mean i am relevant

Well I have no idea how their family raised their kids, but technically yes. Also she was the one with red dress during this Al Smith dinner:

So you admit to being an A-list Russian propagandist? Mueller will be paying you a visit drumpfkin