Will pol ever admit that Trump is an idiot?
Will pol ever admit that Trump is an idiot?
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Man, he really doesn't know his base.
manchildren are monsters
will proxed kikes stop breathing?
Trump is great, fuck you again.
>muh vidya
time to give up your degenerate habits.
Trump is going to make america great again if he has to drag everyone kicking and screaming.
vidya is for retards anyway.
>cutting the tweet date to take it out of context
/our idiot/
It's a hobby and like anything else that is done to the extreme can lead to degeneracy. You sound like the fags on the left screaming for gun control whenever some non-nigger is killer with one.
Assuming you're not violating the global rule for underaged, you're an adult man. You shouldn't be playing video games and you shouldn't care about what becomes of video games.
unless he's trying to make sure we really do have nowhere left to hide, nothing left to lose and nothing else to do but revolt
but I'd be frankly more inclined to lean on the side of "fucking idiot"
Only japs make good games these days. So I don't give a shit.
Video games suck now anyway, but yeah I agree this is pretty retarded.
good goys, damage control harder for your retard ZOG puppet
>"it's only virtue signalling and PC bullshit when the left does it!"
>video made by the white house
He's 100% right. Ban all Western games.
Fuck off shill, trump could cure cancer and youd still be colossal faggot
I think that video games should be BANNED, they are producing a bunch of low-t soyboys! Play an instrument, go outside, take up an actual hobby that you can be proud of. Vidya games are for losers who cant do things with their hands. MAN UP FAGGOTS!! stop watching porn all day, and clean your damn room.
The government should literally break down the door of people who play video games and start beating the shit out of them and then confiscate all of their video games and run them over with a lawn mower in front of the gamer
Trump is right, video games are degenerate
>pls daddy govt tell me what to do
Way to crop out the date faggot
That's from 2012
> kids think they can make gun demands and protest
> trump blames vidya
> kids stfu
What's hard to understand about it?
Oh no, I guess I'm voting for Bernie so he can do to america what his wife did to that college.
He's right though. My son was playing Farm Simulation 2017 and one day he just upped and went farmer on us all. He acquired a gas powered self propelling tiller and started aggressively irrigating my neighbors yards and then the school yard. The corn. They're so much corn.
he is diverting attention to a well protected right
>implying he changed his mind
Better get rid of your Nintendo switch you fucking faggots. Trump is deploying the Manchild Death Squads a basement near you
>implying it's not true
This. Go play a JRPG. Games are a way to experience a story, not a mindless zombie killing simulator.
I, unironically, am ALL FOR video games becoming illegal.
>Only accessible through a niche black market
>Targeted only to people who like video games
>Become that one dude who can get you some of those "vidyas".
>Everything for EVERY taste, no more esrb shit or other stupid crap
>Kids are forced to play outside or board games
A Fucking Leaf.
oy vey goy there's absolutely 0 correlation between violence in being and violence in media. we've proven it with (((science)))!
>assumes Trump is an idiot
>mfw trump becomes the duterte of gamers and starts killing every game distributor in America
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
ea first plz
impeach 45
this is the end of drumplphmn
>blames something compeletly unrelated that won't solve the problem at all
Even if you don't like videogames you can see this will be useless
pol doesnt support degenerate neckbeards sorry user
>wants to show someone a game with a good story
>tells them to play a JRPG
Sup Forums is 98% neckbeards wtf you talkin about
>Will pol ever admit that Trump is an idiot?
Unemployment is down
Wags have increased
Taxes are lower
Talks with North Korea
If Trump is an idiot, we need more idiots.
he's right though.
People elect the leadership they deserve.
A lot of Japanese video games are shit. Most of the popular ones are.
It has nothing to do with violence, most video games, along with media in general pander to weird sexual desires in-order to feminize men. A lot more "female boys", women beating up men, etc. serve to cater to beta males in an attempt to get their products.
If you think the U.S. has a beta male problem, Japan has it 100x worse. It's really hard to find an alpha male protagonist and a masculine plot in the modern day.
Hurr durr im intelectually 12 and cant debate without using strawmen
gtfo cuck. trump is a fucking loser.
On the bright side, anytime he says something must be stopped, it's not stopped
>Sup Forums still think they're a major part of Trumps success
More Hispanics than white teenagers voted for trump
Or maybe he does? He's going after the (((video games industry))) not gamers.
I'm pretty sure Don Jr. is here to remind him of who gamer gaters voted for.
It's true though, More school shooters play violent games then don't. Can't argue with the facts.
>kid plays COD, CS, GR, etc.
>killing 'people' OVER AND OVER
>for X years, for Y hours/day/365
Look, I get it, you like to play them and they ARE fun because YOU are sane right?
Some people LIVE these games in their mind because their parents never really gave a shit about them to give them an alternative and regardless of whether there are any guns, some kid will strap his chemistry project to a drone and fly that motherfucker into a basketball game filled with Chads and Stacys because he was trained to do so his whole life.
no way, Sup Forums is always right and after Trump is impeached, Sup Forums will pretend it never supported him
I see what you did
Modern vidya has basically become a glorified hype and gambling machine, filled with massive overpopulation and production of manchildren, where you pay money just for admittance to the casino to pay more money to play the machines. Casino gambling as a vice will save you more money. Vidya is already dead.
They are going to go down with the ship.
Trump is a puppet who will start wwIII
Screencap this
he's an idiot because of his anti gun shit, who the fuck cares about vidya
you have no business playing video games if you're over 25
>Sup Forums still think they're a major part of Trumps success
I wonder who supplied the propaganda
>More Hispanics than white teenagers voted for trump
Just like the majority of burgers in Sup Forums
Unironically, this. I know people more addicited to modern video game gambling in official AAA games that are worse off than IRL Casino addicts. I hope Trump kills it.
i used to support him, but now that i know he's been sucking kike dick for a long time...fuck him
>playing games past the age of 15
Get a productive hobby
No, he's right. Just have a look at Reddit. Those people are fucked up.
He's right, all you Spergs play videogames and look how you all turned out.
games are part of our nature, our ancestors played games too, the difference is that we now have whole different technologies, still, people who get obsessed playing vidya should get a new hobbie.
>play video games all the time
>always ww2 games or other historical ones
>always genocide people or enslave them
>always play axis and take over the world
>larp as hard as I can
>mfw because of video games I'd happily genocide the Jews
if there were no violent video games, people would have no outlet to simulate their murderous frustrations. other than like a dummy or a punching bag. you cant take away the damn vidya trump. are you trying to start a war?
Your just jealous leaf, cause youve got a pussy running your shithole
i hope trump kills you, and your dog
>more spics than white teenagers voted for Trump
>an entire population vs those aged 18-19
Shitlibs are so intellectually dishonest and inept at understanding statistics. It can't be overstated.
> a liberal using the word zog in an attempt to fit in
Read Siege, faggot. Better yet, take a step back and read the Turner Diaries first.
> shit talks JRPGs
> implying 'interchangeable sidekick XYZ is gay wow so deep' is quality storytelling
>Sup Forums still think they're a major part of Trumps success
> implying it wasn't
> who created cuckservatives, which Breitbart ran with ever since
> who created Blaxit
> who created Draftourdaughters
> who memed it on all platforms
> what happened almost immediately before the massive crackdown on free speech on all social media platforms
> the list goes on
Well we seem to be enough of a part of it for niggers like you to devote your time to coming here to fight le ebil wayciss with no open mind whatsoever. If you believe that we had no hand in it yourself, if you think it was all Alex Jones and Breitbart, why are you here and not in some PJW video's comment section instead?
Kind of proving the point.
yes for every downside there is always an upside.
Hillary has been attacking the game industry since the 90s
if i had to play shit like pic related i'd go shoot up a school too
Haha we have to have niggers in movies because positive depictions of them improves their lot in life haha we can’t show titties because people will become sexists haha violence in games has no effect on people haha
games are degenerate trash and should be banned
Sup Forums here
stay the fuck off our board
never post there
stay in your containment board and leave us the FUCK ALONE
>larp on Sup Forums for years for fun
>channel meme magic to elect the chaos candidate
>nothing changes
>except now maybe videogames will be ruined even more
Everytime we do, we end up with egg in our faces. I learned not to doubt the man. He's going to use this to break the Deocratic base. If the dems support him because of his staces, then he shifts the overton window back to center we win big.
Man is a genuine genius.
Jesus Christ he is such a stupid faggot. We gambled that Trump was secretly Hitler but he's secretly the best goy.
>basement dwelling cuck boy is mad
Go jerk off to cartoons everything will be okay.
He's just going to flip on the issue 8 times before coming to a conclusion anyway. Just like many other issues like he did with DACA, Russia and Syria
>I wonder who supplied the propaganda
Yes, all the 60 year olds who were going to vote for hillary changed their mind because of reddit memes
He's the one saying teenagers is trump's "base" not me retard
degenerate underage wal-mart greeter detected. mustve been tough being raised by 2 dads
This tweet isn't recent.
He'a not wrong desu. It's wrong to make it's only about vidya but if you compare gaming from 1995 to the 2005 era and then the 2015 to present era there's a huge change in in the kind of violence and the grade of reality how that violence gets displayed across all genres of games.
Just compare the quality:
>GTA 1, GTA San Andreas (introduction of maps based 100% on RL maps) and the latest GTA title
>original Battlefield or MoH vs shooting up a entire airport/nuking areas to now almost photo realistic battle simulations based on actual recent/ongoing IRL conflicts with any kind of RoE gone up to animated gore/torture scenes
At the same time the demographics for those games went from 15years or older down to 8-10 year old playing them online completely unsupervised or unreflected for countless hours per day.
Same is true for Films, look at the James Bond series, that turned from comfy action but family friendly 12+ films that implied a lot but showed little into very dark and brutal movies starting from "Die Another Day" on that are more suited for 16-18+ and escalate the quality and the display of violence in every single film....
He’s right though
Enjoy your murder simulator fags
>Children beheading teddy bears in ISIS propoganda videos
"Oh no, this is a travesty! These children will be influenced by this and grow up to be monsters!"
>Children murdering prostitutes they just fucked in an allyway and then firing rockets at commercial airliners from the side of a helicopter
"HAHA its just a game dude, video games are fun and they didnt make me violent therefore its fine"
In all honesty though, if your mum was degenerate enough to buy you an 18+ game when you were a child, then she was probably a really fucking shit parent, and therein lies most of the problem in these kids lives.
Also video games are no more responsible for desensitisation to violence than any other media platform, whether that be TV, movies or music. The only reason the liberal left are targetting video games is because it provides us with an escape from their shitty socialist dystopia they're creating around us.
boy i sure love fps and ssri’s!
ah have the video games you troglodyte. maga kek
first i want you to go to queens and get me a sugar cookie.
>muh hobby!
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
If everyone's looking for a scapegoat, I'm just going to blame those communist indoctrination centers called "public schools".
Traps are gay
Video Games are Violent
Ban all the guns