Why are so many millennials deficient in neurotransmitters?

why are so many millennials deficient in neurotransmitters?


i'm on no fap dude day 9 please don't do this to me

This is what happens when you embrace a lifestyle of race mixing, promiscuity, lies, hatred against men (and decent women), trannyism, faggotry, and anything degenerate under the sun.
You become depressed.

They are not, chemical imbalance is a myth.

They are mostly insane because of mainstream media, education and fucked up families. No biological reason, just jews.

Well would you look at that. A leaf that gets it.

Childhood neglect and poor lifestyle habits.

Political views have nothing to do with it, you can align yourself however you want and still have a deficiency.

For the wages of sin is death.

I fucking hate pol so much for pushing this jew meme. You cant blame them for everything

living in densely populated urban environments probably causes brain damage. read about john calhoun's overpopulation experiment with mice

good times gives weak people

Their parents did ecstasy back when it was good.

They've been robbed of a functional culture which provides a sense of community, security, and certainty.

This sets them adrift as atomized and rootless wanderers who have loyalty to nothing other than the dictates of their own depraved passions which leads them down a road towards inevitable self-destruction.

They live lives of pleasure, not purpose.

This murders their spirit and makes them depressed.

chemical imbalance is real, the myth is that any of the drugs given for it do anything at all to fix it

>they all make it worse and/or create new imbalances

Well said.

This desu. Bad architecture of the brain.

>when you legit live in a hell-scape of globalist jewery
being happy and free


lonely robots

Because even the most goy of goys have trouble accepting the (((reality))) that (((they))) have made and the only way to accept it is by unironically and literally drugging yourself into accepting it.

>They are not, chemical imbalance is a myth.
Chemical imbalance probably exists, but we can't measure to be sure. Also, we don't really know how all the drugs work. We can only speculate. This is why the efficacy of these drugs are basically a coin flip.

i've been stuck at 7 for nearly a decade

used to be addicted to opiates, benzos and stimulants
i used to tell myself that i did it because i was depressed but really i was just bored
picked myself up, got job and quit all that shit
plus, pills are being prescribed way too easy nowadays. they are almost being pushed by doctors

>chemical imbalance is a myth
There's always that one guy who thinks he knows fucking everything

Been on 7 for 2 years now
How to escape?


Because they are not persons, they are economical units. If you give antidepressants on average the productivity will rise. A few will commit suicide but it is an acceptable loss.


Wow, user, I have a brilliant idea! WHAT if... listen WHAT IF nowadays people are diagnosed with depression much more often than before because it became more accessible? Like, for people in 14th century it was impossible to be diagnosed as there was no such discipline that would do it, and in 20th century it was accessible for few.
What if people before had the same depression as they have now? It would explain why tough military personnel and farmers are the biggest suicide risk groups! That would explain why there were and are so many alcoholics and drug addicts! Because they were not fuckin diagnosed unlike whiny millennials.