I want to marry this suicidal potato
You hoping for a timely inheritance?
Tsukumizu is pure, PURE!
Surely not if she's fat and ugly?
She's not suicidal.
Are you a cute suicidal girl too?
I can't believe seasonal trash have already infested SSR. This is going to be a long twelve weeks.
Is it really a girl though?
I want to cover her in emergency mittens.
>today I was happy that the convenience store people talked to me.
She has good taste in loli, I wish I could be her friend.
Dat crotch ligament (I don't know the real name)
She will like you if you are a girl though.
She sounds so cute. Hope her life goes well.
>wanting to marry a suicidal weak fucked up mangaka
How low and pathetic must you be to desire such a thing?
God that shot was fucking bleak.
It's the opposite, though. Some people want to be saved and some people want to save others.
>wanting to save others
Even if she is fat and ugly you can still be friend with her!
What if she's fat and cute?
I want to be saved, will you save me user?
That suicidal potato is a fake internet persona, get over it
You're a fake persona.
No, it has nothing to do with saving anybody. A depressed girl just sounds more attainable than a normal girl to the socially malignant that populate Sup Forums, especially when you don't actually know anything about her and can project your ideals onto her. Anyone can seem appealing from a distance.
That's a lot of projection user. Good luck out there, my man.
Fucking this. And it's actually the opposite usually. Depressed people are more likely to push you away. But anons will refuse to listen because the truth disrupts their fantasies.
I want to go back to just talking about the anime/manga. None of you would care this much if the author was a guy.
>None of you would care this much if the author was a guy
It's more about how the author expressed herself on all that crazy art that made her attractive, and you are forgetting how gay Sup Forums can be.
Its been said already in multiple threads you deluded dumb fuck
Repeating yourself won't make you right.
People on Sup Forums said it multiple times so it's true?
It was also said multiple times that she had a lesbian romance and was forced to break up by her parents. Your fanfiction is on the same level.
It was only said in one thread, and the guy was joking
I really don't understand the issue here, Sup Forums falling for someone that isn't real is nothing new
>tfw too intelligent for mangaka drama
You are both wrong faggots
I think I could get along well with this woman, though I'm not learning Japanese and travelling to Japan to find out. I wouldn't try to save her because you can't save people, and I'm in no place to do any saving. I'd like to drink with her and talk about things with her. Laugh at life, complain about the same things, and just make each other less lonely. I'd totally end up wifing her though.
will you cunts leave this poor woman alone already?
Why does everyone keep saying that you can’t save people?
We haven't done anything to her.
All the "NOOO YOU CAN'T HELP HER YOU DESPERATE VIRGIN" people need to kill themselves
Depression can be made due to lack of friends
Not all of it is from terminal disdain to living beings
Who the fuck are you to dissuade people from wanting to help others? Starting a goddamn psych evaluation on strangers on the internet
Yea I mad
This post is embarrassing.
You're emberassing, shoot yourself
That's a very mean thing to say about someone's feelings.
You feel embarrassment for other people's deliberate actions? What kind of meek little faggot are you? Should just stay quiet on the sidelines like you're supposed to.
This is how beta orbiters think
You can do it... just let her grow, she is 12
Nigga, these are just dudes that want to dick some girl on the internet because she's sad. Don't dress it up as anything more than that.
The motivation does not matter, friends are friends
>You feel embarrassment for other people's deliberate actions?
No, I'm saying that is a post that embarrasses the person that made it.
Wanting to dick a girl is literally the reason most people even have social lifes, dude.
But I'm the person that made it and don't feel embarrassed. Quit being a little bitch.
I feel like underage retards using meme words like is much more embarassing, though.
>want to dick some girl on the internet becasue she's sad.
Is there no kinship anymore? This is Sup Forums residents we're talking about is there anyone who would connect more with a gay depressed mangaka?
It isn't. You're the one that's embarrassing.
>Today I was happy that the convenience store people spoke to me.
Oh god, She's fucking pure.
Please stop pretending that you only have pure intentions.
>all these pathetic virgins itt
I think she would feel even worse if she knew a bunch of fat virgins are pitying her
>You're the one that's embarrassing.
t. little bitch
You are, hurry up and kill yourself.
Remember when the word ’virgin’ wasn’t an insult? Well congratulations Sup Forums! Driving the elitists to fuck off has surely improved your quality.
As if you do
Chiito and Yuuri's adventure is a metaphor for lesbian suicide pact.
Someone needs to shop the avatar into a really ugly girl. I bet these threads wouldnt exist otherwise
>threads right after episode aired are good
>threads days later are radioactive waste
Stay away from my Yui.
You are such a chad weeb, eh user.
Remember when Sup Forums insulted those who express desperate desire for 3D because it has nothing to do with anime and manga? Cancer needs to leave.
That's some Sup Forums level autism. It won't change all the crazy art that made people like her to being with.
You don't deserve to own even one picture of Yui-sama.
No, Sup Forums has always fangirled about cute mangakas, seiyuus and similar. Interesting that you are calling everyone a virgin, when you make a comment like that. People just build a bit of affection for the author because of her art, there's no need for you to get so bitter about it.
I completely agree, I’m not sympathizing with the faggots lusting after this whore.
I’m just fucking mad that the tumblr/reddit/facebook infestation has ruined Sup Forums.
Say that to my face, not online.
Is it really that hard to believe that just because someone is female on the internet doesn't mean everyone wants to fuck them? Besides wouldn't that be more pure than the alternative? Sup Forums being interested in her because of the bizarre and depressed things she writes and draws is far more morbid and disturbing than being interested because cute depressed girls.
>Sup Forums has always fangirled about cute mangakas, seiyuus and similar
I wonder if she enjoys when people bite her butt.
people like the art, I like the art myself. but I know how people work.
Are you fitting in yet, faggot? Getting hostile just because people felt a bit of affection for a mangaka they like will only make things worse for you.
Lesbian metapod.
Only if their name is Yuzu or Yukari.
Or Aikawa.
That’s funny, because I mostly remember a few anons fangirling about seiyuus and calling them 2.5D while the rest of the board told them to fuck off.
>nobody is even talking about the anime/manga
Why are this thread still even alive
Hi /yys/
I like her art a lot, but I don't think that's a reason to fantasize about having a relationship with her.
I bet they tag team and get real rough with her, leaving her red and bruised...
this is your "brain" on /u/
Kill yourself, you fucking faggot.
Threads discussing your fantasies about 3D whores do no belong on this board, take it to /jp/.
People are fantasizing about her persona, the character we know about her. People connected with her at, that's all.
Depressed girls deserve despair and suffering.
Don't worry, it's only a matter of time until this shit leaks into the threads after a episode. Then all these threads can be terrible!