Federation or Zeon?
Federation or Zeon?
Would I rather be a brazillian or a Nazi?
>Shitty Brazil Flag or Overdesigned Nazi Germany Flag
Zeon is slightly less shit flagwise but still pretty bad
I'm not him.
1-7 ?
Federation if only I get to be in London Bell, the only part of the federation that isn't completely incompetent or just as bad as zeon like the titans
Zeon are the coolest anime Nazis, you can't prove me wrong.
Can I join AEUG/Kabara instead?
Funny how those 2 are polar opposites IRL. Smart author I guess.
Never forget Goalocaust.
Tomino isn't stupid, he's just autistic.
everyone of those space monsters deserve to die
Being hue br is still better than be nazi germany or merkel germany.
The correct choice.
And Kamille is Tomino's autistic self insert.
Like, Zeon Zeon? Zeon zum Deikon's Zeon? Sure.
Zabi Zeon, Haman Zeon, Casval Zeon, and Remnant NZ can go fuck off though.
Especially that last one, Christ.
Remnant NZ is the proof that space humans should not have right to vote.
People unironically vote Federation? What the fuck?
>People unironically vote for the colony dropping maniacs? What the fuck?
FTFY Zekes are cancer.
Brazilian here, no it's not.
also fuck spaceniggers
Nuttin wrong. Sieg Zeon.
Zeon dindu nuffin
>Brazil or the Nazis
The choice is clear
Which one has sopa de macaco?
Zeeks since all the poor retarded niggers got sent to space
Oh God, I share a board with feddie scum. Go eat a macaco soup.
Promotes equality and independence for everyone regardless of where they are born.
>Feddie scum
Earth elite get special privileges and the less wealthy are forced to live in colonies.
I think the choice is obvious.
Seriously though, why does the Federation flag look like the flag of Brazil?
Jaburo is located in Brazil, that might have something to do with it.
Then fuck off to space, this is an earthnoid site.
>choose between being a filthy brazilian monkey and being an aryan master race nazi
The patrician choice.
Never Zeon.
Brazil is really shity desu.
>Then you remember the Nazis fled to Brazil after WWII
"Stop fighting, you're all the same!"
It gets even more ironic.
Zeon = Zion
>either join the Space Nazis or be a filthy BR
None. I just want to go live space revenge adventures with Char.
There sure are a lot of people who want to be gassed for the spacenoid freedom
But that's only because I hate feds more and dem sexy mono eyes.
fuck this I'm going to Mars
But OZ is just basically the Titans.
>BR character
>not a whore or a football player
this can't be
Didn't they actually flee to Argentina?
Yeah, but some fled to Brazil later only to die like a bitch like Mengele.
They fled to South America and then spread around BR's southen states/definitely white AKA argentina and the other little shit country in between
>Not joining Anaheim to watch lesbians fuck in GM cockpits and make loads of money from both sides.
one has a hue born in canadia
but what about the other?
They dress like Zeon, though.
No thanks shlomo.
That's cannibalism
>mfw i share another board with space traitors
Fight for the federation
Secretly fap to zeon sluts
Feds shit up the earth with their mere presence anyway
Because using massive kinetic killers, that had millions of people living in them until you fucking killed them all, doesn't fuck up the earth, right?
look, in order to make a Newtype omelette you need to break a few billion eggs.
It's unfortunate that stupid teenagers looking to be edgy will unironically believe jokes like this.
If federation wasn't NATO/America-like, maybe people would like it.
The Newtype ubermensch is worth a few trillion human lives
>If federation wasn't like the good guys, maybe people would like it
It's a show for kids, we can't have evil vs evil.
I know it is fucking disgusting.
Clearly false, because almost everyone fucked off into space like the zekes wanted in victory, but newtypes are nothing more than a myth by then.
But evil vs evil is more fun for kids
Earth and all the colonies against a single colony, crushing their war of independence.
Then humanity against a single asteroid base.
Then humanity against a few straggler ships that managed to get away.
And they expect us to believe somehow Zeon is a threat or that they ever had a chance. Fuck Earthnoids.
I choose the Moon
ZEON till the tomb!!!
I will smash all the earth scum, the future is on the space
Only Gihren is a Nazi the majority of Zeon is WW1 Germany
>gay moontrap
Who /jupiter chad/ here?
>I'm Brazilian
>I hate Brazil
>Hitler is an idiot because he didn't kill the jews
I don't know
The first HQ of the Earth Federation Forces is located in Brasilia until their new facility is completed, at which point it was moved to Jaburo.
In the initial series, Jaburo is depicted as being in the Amazon rainforest basin, although The Origin moves this to the Guyana Highlands, which means it could still be in Brazil, or in Venezuela.
The Federation capital though moves around a lot but by the end of the series it is located in Dakar. Although Unicorn establishes that the prime minister's office was originally supposed to be a space colony in low orbit, before it gets blown up by terrorists.
>not a feminist
Zeon had better looking clothes & military suits,a royal fuhrer family,a populace that believed they were superior,great military,fully spacenoid
ok, they did make mistakes gassing entire colonies and obliterating half the population of Earth