Are you ready for the age of best boy Acqua soon?
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Leave Acqua to me.
This erects the Hamazura.
>when Acqua spawns and he starts wiping the fucking party
>Both are using Apharmds
Saten is a saint
No one expected this. And no one is disappointed.
If all known saints fought each other who would be the last one standing?
I'm guessing the flying saint just because no one would hit him. Probably has countermeasures for the usual anti flight shit too
We killed him though.
barely because we started face hugging him so he wouldn't go and kill the imouto with one shot
There's much more than just characters to this. This is a battle of philosophies. Canon vs Nagai, primaries vs secondaries, action vs CGDCT.
Saten is the best part of the series. She will lead us to the promised land.
>Acqua uses the default skin
Thats pretty in character
>Acqua loses
>Just gets out and suplexes Saten's mech
>Muh manime
Fucking DROPPED.
I could see this happen, especially cause there's no reason for him to lose ANY powers so he's still double jesus in that universe.
>muh onigiri
Saten's going to Avignon and fighting Terra in a powered suit and there's nothing you can do about it.
Kanzaki, WORST, and Othinus for the final 3 characters.
Then we'll get some other newer characters in the story like Kuriba perhaps.
Not if someone kills Nagai before he can taint the storyboard.
Nagai can't die until Gunha is retconned from the Daihaseisai and she is the one who defuses Mikoto.
When will we get to see Worst in a school uniform?
How would they even do WORST in the mobage?
She didnt do much in WW3
Slightly different version of Mikoto. She fired nails as well if I recall. Maybe bully umidoori for a special
Don't even joke about that.
Yeah, aside from her whole introduction and fight with Accelerator she didn't do much.
I hope Railgun SS3 is about Worst and Mikoto having and adventure and Worst makes a comment about how Mikoto is batshit insane
I hope that Mikoto actually asks worst why the fuck she exists and if they're still making clones since she's supposed to care
Why does she wear panties on her head?
I swear that mask looks like she has underpants on her head
A mix between Imoutos and Mikoto
Light: Regular hits that finishes with her cast
Heavy:4 shots of mini railguns with her nails
Ability 1:Electrifies the opponent and stuns him for 1.5 sec(she could call out Accel for this one.)
Ability 2:She uses 2 bars of her mana and all 4 shots of her heavy and fires a gigantic Railgun
Ability 3: Calls out Umidori and controls/bullies her into attacking her enemy.
Passive:The more damage she has taken, the more bad emotions she feels making her stronger.
How about this ?
In the mobage what are the possible prizes in the crane game? I haven't actually caught anything yet but got the monkey when you lose.
>Misaka's slut brigade team up with Misaki and her whores to stop Nuitkoto
Someone stop this madman
Does Hamazura ever eat her sweets, if you know what I mean?
Casual Vento soon lads
She'll be in the game
No but Mugino forces it down his throat anyway.
Didn't Aleister not want Kazakiri to get into WW3, but Aiwass went behind him and told her to go? Is Aiwass actively trying to screw things up?
Aiwass just said he was going to reward Aleister. So he probably just has a soft spot for people trying to live their lives like kazakiri was
Hot does Hamazura enjoy it?
It just seems suspicious to me because I remembered he said that he never asked for his power, and he thinks rather lowly of both Aleister and Coronzon.
His mind says no but his body says yes.
>the last 4 characters are vento, aqua, fiamma and styl
There's 3 more slots I believe
Aqua is already in
Why does Raildex hate Accelerator?
We don't, we just hate edgelords.
We dont?
Cause he stole Misaka's spotlight
He meant the other game
>A middle aged man traveled all the way from England to Japan just to play some videogames
We like accel we just don't like the fan base. Much the same problem with most of the middle grounders with misaka
Because he isn't dead yet.
>demonizing an entire fanbase because of a few shitposters
I've already watched this episode too many times.
Shitty Vegeta clone.
Who's ready to see Uiharu's bones being crushed in S3?
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
I'm ready for the Uiharu x Kakine doujins.
No one hates Accel.
But the majority of his fanbase need to die. ASAP
There's a difference between Accelerator's real fanbase and the group of secondaries who do nothing beyond making "who can beat Accel" threads.
He probably means the people that bitch whenever anyone other than Accelerator gets the spotlight in the series.
Accelerator's real fanbase is a bunch of shitposting tumblerinas.
Go away, Kakineshitter.
There are people that bitch about a lot of characters that don't get the spotlight or appear often. There are also those who shit on/make fun of characters that don't appear often or take the spotlight. The cancer goes both ways. People just like to ignore one side more often than the other.
Yes and it's not just on Accel's fanbase either. Although his and Mikoto probably have the most vocal one.
I know the difference between these two, but still, real Accel fanbase is too rare you don't see them a lot (at least in my point of view). The majority of them is fucked up, unfortunately.
Aogami Pierce is best Level 5 waifu
Reminder that LO and Worst's feelings for Accel are fake. They actually despise him and want him to die so they can go back to Touma and fuck his brains out.
That's just it. They're popular so it's obvious that you're gonna see more people complain about it. Though, that also means that you're gonna get other anons constantly go "Accel/Mikoto received no screentime this volume, Accel/Mikotoshitters BTFO" or whatever. Those people are typically ignored more often since noone can tell which fanbase is the one that's contributing to this cancer that always ends in shitflinging.
>real fans
Why do you have so many of them ?
Never done anything like this before. Figured I'd give it a try and see how it goes. Pls no bully.
In the mobage what are benefits of going to the bathhouse?
you get clean
96k exp with the yellow salts
too weak for high end magic too strong for everything else. I think Kakine came back just because it is hard to find a good match up for him. Almost everything that can get through his shield can also stomp him easily. Shouldn't need to use the Kihara punch and sister guilt multiple times just to make a threat.
I unironically like Accelerator. nothing personnel kid.
Also when I finally saw Railgun S and saw Accel actually pulled a *teleports behind you* moment on Misaka 1, I about lost my sides.
Cute cat. Would adopt.
This is Miki say something nice to him
We fought hard against him, but in the end he truly was one of us.
Feel sorry for him.
A lot of us went against him and trashed him awfully. In reality, he was actually working hard for us.
I'm still mad but I can at least admit it's not really his fault