/GLR/ - George Lincoln Rockwell General

It's his 100th birthday today.

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell and National Socialism
No jews, communists, or race mixers allowed.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/ZFc3QxZ9

His Idea Of American National Socialism - youtube.com/watch?v=DB9oUqIcX-c


White Power ~ George Lincoln Rockwell

Audio Archive of George Lincoln Rockwell:
>Brown University Speech (1966)
>Carleton College (October 9, 1962)
>Dallas, Texas (1965)
>Debate: White Power vs. Black Power (1966)
>Joe Pyne Show Interview
>Lynchburg Armory Speech (1963)
>Michigan State University Speech (1967)
>Radio Special
>UCLA (May 16, 1967)
>Various Interviews
>Vote White Speech

Collection of Miscellaneous Works of George Lincoln Rockwell:
>In Hoc Signo Vinces
>What We Stand For: The Goals and Objectives of the National Socialist White Peoples Party
>White Self-Hate: Master-Stroke of the Enemy
>From Ivory Tower to Privy Wall: On the Art of Propaganda
>Nightmare: The Prophecy of George Lincoln Rockwell
>How to Get Out or Stay Out of an Insane Asylum
>The Fable of the Ducks and Hens
>Battle Song

George Lincoln Rockwell: A National Socialist Life - William Pierce

This Time the World - George Lincoln Rockwell

Please spread Commander Rockwell's message to everyone, we really need a man like him at this time. And remember, Vote White!

Other urls found in this thread:


Good post OP, have a bump. Also, happy birthday to GLR.


Cheers, I'm surprised there wasn't one already.




Alternative video for countries that have been kiked, like mine:


Just added the April 1966 Playboy to my Commander Rockwell collection

>accomplished nothing in life
>died like a punk bitch
>what little he built fell apart after his death

Rockwell's legacy should be a reminder of what not to do. Props to him for having the courage to try, but objectively speaking, he was a failure and should be studied as such.

Hail Rockwell!!

All very well and good, Mr. Pierce. But I only know about you via Rockwell's loser army.

>tfw he never become president
>tfw all he made of himself was being a memory lost in time, remembered for being a LARPer


His legacy lives on!

I think we're a dying people, jewed to death, thinking "if only people had courage". It is a hard thing, however, to lose your job, livelihood and family for a cause.

Happy Birthday Commander


rip i remember his 99th

Listening to his Brown University speech

good read

A fine man.

That is a good one.

>It's his 100th birthday today.
No it's not. Motherfucker dead.

Happy birthday papa

I think I like the UCLA one better but it's still good
>no "The" or "is"
Nigger detected


Why exactly do we celebrate the birthday of dead people we like? Why not celebrate them on the day they died, cuz they’re dead? I never understood this.

hey is there any meet-up or memorial planned? the old headquarters is now just a park so it wouldn't seem that weird to go there

You're so easy to bait.

Are you retarded? Bumping also


Happy birthday Commander Rockwell! Your ideas live on and have touched so many. You and Dr. Pierce have changed my life and we will never forget your work in furthering the interests of our people.

Heil victory

>type in nigger grammar
>I correct it

He archieved nothing except being a laughingstock and being killed...
Liberally an absolute looser in a looser nation

Because their death day isn't as important
When they were alive they didn't celebrate their death day

How did he die? (The true story)?

When they were alive, they didn’t have a death day to celebrate.
I just figured celebrate the day of a person’s death, to mourn their loss, on the day their life was completed.

Another member of the ANP wasa jealous little faggot and shot him

Was a*

Oh sorry and yes meme flag from a country with meme history



"Communists aren't human."
This phrase could seem shocking and unsettlingly cruel to an average person and could cause a knee-jerk reaction of social ostracization towards the person who said it, but the statement is true. I say true as true as the statements "grass is green" or "2+2=4", this is not just a meme; communists are not human by their own admission, ask any communists as to why they think communism fails and nine times out of ten they'll say something along the lines of 'human nature is too greedy' and so in that admission they therein imply that they and any 'true' communist has not got this inherent nature that is in humans and so admits that they are not human themselves. Their assertion that communism will work once we have done away with human nature they inherently admit that their ideals are aside from humans and that they seek to be and create a 'new socialist man'. Although not something that was stated as a goal by communism's first arbiters it has become a goal of the subsequent communist arbiters. Communism is something that is beyond human grasp according the communists themselves, communism is impossible for humans ergo, communists aren't human.

Checked and kekd

>He can't spell loser
>Hides his flag
>Gets two cents for every (you)

>No Jews allowed
I'm not asking for a Goy's permission to post on my site

This guy was based

Funny how Pierce was optics-cucking against Rockwell, when he himself endorsed RAC and skinhead culture. Objectively the worst optics possible and still detrimental to this day.

The negro fears the aryan who's left his cage

>this month Italy also voted someone close to a fascist
>the ides of march are soon
1933 soon

Are you sorry you can't use the Pakistani flag, you Mohammedan parasite?

Great man.


"At least we were whiter than you Muhammad"
-George Patton

If only more people would just fucking read his material instead of repeating mistakes he had long corrected the right wing would be closer to victory.


He took money from the ADL so to me he is a sellout.

Anyone have the art him with his thumb on his nose laughing. Very handsome.

Rockwell was a piece of shit compared to Hitler.
Hitler's core ideology wasn't predicated on racism as Rockwell's was.
There is a reason the Jews mention Rockwell in the history books instead of burrying him.

This one?

>dEmOCraTs arE thE rEAl rAcIsTs
Hey, r/thedonald, fuck off.

no link to msu speech. a classic

We don't even have pakistanis here you dumb subhuman mutt

>Hitler lived in lily white Germany
>Rockwell lived in Jewmerica, land of nigger riots
Hmmm, I wonder why Hitler wasn't racist?

Thank you my fashygoy

Happy birthday, buddy.

Watch this video to become a nazi.


Happy birthday Rockwell

GLR was a great man, sad I only learned of him couple of months ago.

Not what I said.
Race is very important but to make it a crucial part of your image to the point you build a little "hate bus" for publicity, you look like a stupid fool. You don't attract broad masses going around in a cuck buss "THIS IS OUR MAIN MESSAGE". It has zero appeal, at all. It wasn't nuanced racism either, it was just blunt "we're against them niggers cause at least we ain't black!". It's stupid, retarded, brash, and unappealing. By going into the front lines, he helped legitimize their "plight".
Moreover, if you have ever paid attention to Hitler's speeches, there was rarely antisemitism in them despite it being a core pillar of the Nazi platform.
Rockwell was nothing more than a useful pawn, that helped to delegitimize the appeal and imagery of the actual national socialist movement.
92% white America at the time and even more white amongst the voting population. Not that much of a discrepancy.

>Muh optics
>Muh need to endlessly appeal to leftists and compromise my movement and beliefs
People like you will always be the cancer of the right.


amerinazism is just as disgusting as any other european thing they've corrupted.

No, you just doesn't understand that America was already in full (((globalist))) control during Rockwell's time. Racist is just code for someone who cares about the survival of their race. Rockwell never stood a chance, but died standing up for what he believed in, which is more than can be said for most.

Denmark, focus on lowering your income tax, your government has you cucked beyond belief.

>"92% white America at the time and even more white amongst the voting population. Not that much of a discrepancy."
The riots in the South beg to differ


It's not about optics.
NSDAP was diametrically opposed to all other political systems in the German nation. They weren't trying to be part of them.
Did I mention anything about trying to "appeal" to the left?
I'm talking about appealing to the masses, which Hitler and NSDAP did successfully. From inflation to the Treaty of Versailles, to the plight of the worker, to the cause, he masterfully blended all of these issues and delivered them in such a way that won the hearts of many people. He didn't talk about one thing, or go around in a cuck bus with "I HATE JEWS" graffiti on it.
Talking about "them niggers" incessantly as a be all and end all doesn't appeal to the masses which is why Rockwell had little impact.

It's not optics for the left or for (((the system)))
It's optics for the people, because the people are what truly matter

>t. user who has never listened to a Rockwell speech or read a Rockwell book or listened to Rockwell debate with niggers and white faggots
stop it user no one cares how pure you think things should be
we lost a long time ago, this is war now and unless we accept that we will continue to be buried alive

actually lower than yours bucko and we get paid reasonable wages too.



I remember the first time I saw this I thought it was a Norman Rockwell painting
Well I was right about it being about a Rockwell
I'm surprised all his support was just college kids being edgy and dressing like boy scouts

Rockwell doesn't even looks white
he looks like something you'd get if Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar had sex
i.e. mutt

>t. Mongol

How can you not like the man?
