What did Sup Forums think of Beautiful Dreamer?

What did Sup Forums think of Beautiful Dreamer?

I preferred the first one, purely because it felt more like just an extended episode. Both are still excellent, though.

Has the BD of the third one been subbed, yet?

Are you sure?

Same with me, Beautiful Dreamer felt like it could be condensed into a single episode if not a two-parter, but I felt the first one was on a higher level and was bigger and more bombastic than the regular series.

Amazing. I especially love the tricks they used to represent the dream world. For example when they are walking on water, Lum washing a watermelon or the whole school scene.


It was excellent.

I am. Beautiful Dreamer is a wonderful movie, but as a fan of Urusei Yatsura the first one JUST edges it out as my favourite.

Oshii's best work IMO...

I only ever read the manga and watched a couple episodes with Sup Forums, but I thought it was great. Everything that happened in the school was trippy and fun, and Mendo standing next to the water spout as it floods out and reflects the sky is one of my favorite shots ever.

Lum is so stacked.

It's great, I still listen to the soundtrack every once in a while

It was no good. It was not really a bookend and didn't add anything either. It was just a "look at all these characters, lets see how many we can stick into the movie" kind of thing. The general feeling was also very depressing, and while such a movie should have some more seriousness to it since it is a movie, the seriousness was not of the kind that was "wow shit is going down now" but rather of a "this is fucking depressing... everyone is so damn OOC!!!" kind of thing.

I still liked it, but the normal episodes were superior to the movie which is kind of depressing seeing as how since it was a movie it should have been better than a normal episode right?

All the BD's are subbed, they're up on nyaa pantsu

My favorite anime movie.

I prefer Beautiful Dreamer because it managed to have a big movie plot without wasting time with pointless movie characters. Even above the imagery and such, the fact that it managed to stand out from the tv show without resorting to OCs was what made it memorable to me.

>Mendo standing next to the water spout as it floods out and reflects the sky is one of my favorite shots ever
*tips fedora*

That image isn't from Beautiful Dreamer you stupid idiot. Way to admit you haven't seen the film.

I think it was a joke, user.

Where's the guy with all of the UY .webms?

I don't know, but here's a fresh lum .gif

That's a good one. What episode?

Don't remember the ep number, but it's the one with dracula and the bat girl