Can The Golden One save Sweden?
Can The Golden One save Sweden?
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nah. too ugly to be a leader of anything.
ugliest guy i've ever seen in my life.
that guy is fucking ugly.
No wonder the Swedettes are jumping on Ahmed´s cock
he has FAS
Swedes will save Sweden. Not one guy, but the unified action of Swedes to reclaim the Fatherland. Not that Sup Forums cares whether Sweden lives or dies. I agree with the other posters in this thread that Marcus might not be a beauty, but he could pin down and destroy every soyboy on Sup Forums with his eyes shut, so he's got that going for him
Stop saying metaphysical stop saying juicy stop flexing to the camera stop being gay and stop being swedish. The last two are basically the same
Jealous, shills or retarded?
The idea that "one man" can save whatever reich or nation has been debunked already.
More importantly, he's a cringey moron living in a fantasy world.