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>lol stereotypes lol
Even worse than straight man humor

It's not stereotypes that's cold hard truth

read your own post again

She's right tho. Britbong feed is terrible.

That breakfast looks like crap tho, cook doesnt know what he is doing. Japan is already better than everyone else, do they need to make other nations food terrible to justify their elitism?

Superior nippon breakfast fermented 1000 times

>angry brit buttmad people dont like his food
Come on, man. The only European food less appetizing than British food to most people is probably German or Slav stuff.

>ejaculate into a jar of nuts
>call it cuisine

Japanese and British cuisine are both fucking weird. Being stuck on islands does things to your palette I guess.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


>burnt eggs
>that shitty looking blood sausage
>whatever the fuck that is on the toast
she just hasn't had good english breakfast

Anime is quite clear on how disgusting natto is, user

what the fuck kind of breakfast is that meant to be anyway? its like if i drew sushi, pocky, and natto on a plate and called that japanese cuisine

Don't knock Marmite on toast until you've tried it. I thought the same until I tried it once on a trip to Britbongland. I have to order it online now since I can't eat toast without it.

Eggs and toast are not breakfast now?

it only smells bad. it tastes ok.


>inb4 toast sandwich


Too much tar. Not enough Branston Pickle.

small islands

small gene pools

Anglos are subhuman


I'm sorry that there isn't more anime with gay man humor for you.



you can't knock blood sausage when you come from a country that eats fish semen sacs

>grind the cornflakes
say what

The difference is japs have a ton of GOAT food that have inspired other cultures food, whereas brits have fish and """"""""chips"""""""" and that's it.

Are we going to shit on cereal now?

I looked through all the wikipedia food lists, and there is some ridiculous stuff there.

like uncooked fish on some rice and seaweed? Masters of the culinary them nips

>japs have a ton of GOAT food
I thought that was more a Middle Eastern thing.

Ew, why would you shit on your cereal? That sounds like a great way to get sick.

Would you like some Cholera Flakes this morning? Now with 150% of your recommended daily allowance of fecal matter!

No they don't. Traditional japanese food is basically just rice + fermented meat/vegetables of some kind. It's not tasty really, though it can be if you are in the mood for it.

>Would you like some Cholera Flakes this morning?
I prefer Caca Puffs.

>GOAT food that have inspired other cultures food,
for example?

Japan gave us fish and we improved it by cooking it

Why did they smear shit on her toast tough

>The difference is japs have a ton of GOAT food that have inspired other cultures food
they just ripped off everything every other asian country has done and made it bland.

How can you say you love her if etc.

If you can't eat her cooking?

Some of Japanese soup or seafood are good. Most of them are derive from Chinese, some are worse and some are better

Most British foods look like sad roasted organic substance. A shitty version of French Cuisine.

>Most British foods look like sad roasted organic substance
As opposed to the happy variety?

bland as fuck, eat it for the texture

Of course roasted organic substance is a delicacy


eating live seafood

UK: invades most of the world for new spices and ingredients.
Foreigners: Not impressed.

>the food of this nation isn't very good
>lets go to WcDonalds instead

>Grind the cornflakes

Monsters! Monsters all of them!

White people BTFO



>inspired other cultures food

National dish: Curry.

Truly the worst.

This can be said about almost all Jap food though. Not complaining, I love Japanese food, but it's probably some of the least offensive cuisine available.

I nearly had a stroke looking at this. That's not a thing, is it?

No thanks I'm already an anime fan. I consume more than enough shit.

>Come on, man. The only European food less appetizing than British food to most people is probably German or Slav stuff.
American detected.

German food is well-liked generally, SLav food is almost unknown, so there's no reason to hate it. British is famous for being the worst cuisine (it's still a lot better than American food outside of steak/burgers/sandwiches).

Sorry brah, anime has officially confirmed that european food is shit and America has god tier dishes like crushed cornflakes.

Thanks for playing, come again tomorrow.

>inspired other cultures food
Ramen is from chink and curry is from india.
Study more.

British food may be garbage, but HP sauce isn't bad sometimes.

Also, blood sausage is great anyway.
Marmite is another story.

Slowpoke or dumb crossboarder?

>save pic from other thread
>lmao epic banter just like my homeboard Sup Forums better make a thread
Fuck off already.

>german or slav food is bad
This is what burgerfats actually believe

>butthurt european who probably randomly insults america three times a day but can't take any in return

Japan haet UK

>being butthurt over an ape spamming BTFO EBIN FUNLAND HUEHUE BUILD A WALL AMARITE
You forgot some epic facebook frog pictures.

Eat your toast sandwich, Nigel.



That aside, Id much rather eat jizzed on beans then to be forced to eat natto again. Shit is nasty.

>Amerisharts and inbred islanders going at it over food

It's like watching two starving African children argue over who is the richest.

2 bombs weren't enough

Badly-broken, burned eggs and badly-slathered toast parked on the same plate, with only one other thing and no consideration for presentation?

Not any breakfast I'd make for myself, let alone serve to someone else.

If you walk inside with shoes on you're not white.
If you have a whole cover carpet you are definitely not white and you need to die as well.

Nice joke

It's funny because the japanese make the shittiest food in the world

The thing about stereotypes is they are true

Wasn't it our mission to talk about anime in this thread?

literally not an argument though, thats our food. only thing not there is a fuckin bacon sandwich with some HP sauce

Too many retarded crossboarders hungry for (You)s

Except the 'bad food' meme was started by the French because those French cuisine? Yeah, made when the English controlled large parts of France. It's called propaganda. Just like people think Napoleon was short. Don't be retarded.

Bone magician knows good British food.

>shepard's pie served with fish and chips, sandwiches, scones and christmas pudding although
Well apart from the christmas pudding they're all fine dishes by themselves, but why are they in one meal together?

We had a laugh.

It smells horrible, but it tastes kinda alright. The awful part are the strings, tried eating it outside on a windy day and got covered in that shit. That's why nips always hold the bowl right in front of their face.
Nip food is really heavy on umami, westerners aren't very sensitive to the taste. And they don't use spices much compared to most other Asian cuisines.

>We add malt vinegar to everything
I can understand all the others but where'd this one come from?

>Brits still can't cook

Yeah that's dumb. Also, it's a meatloaf not a christmas pud, which is definitely more of an American thing.

If the Japanese think your food tastes bad, just eat the Japanese. You'll eat better, and they can't complain anymore.

I could mentioned how much I want to adopt Chise. Would that help? Because it's a lot.

I can actually handle the texture and the initial taste, but there this rancid aftertaste that just absolutely kills me. Maybe I just had a bad batch or maybe mixing in the mustard was a mistake.

>cold climate country
>has great food
Pick one

>cold climate